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Not to break up the Dal-Frank circle jerk, but it might be worthwhile to consider that the Jazz were 4th in fastbreak points per game and 3rd in offensive rebounds last season. That's not to say Al wasn't an offensive difference maker (you know, since he was). The problem with Al, as I see it, is that he's really only effective with the ball in his hands in the halfcourt. He doesn't see the court particularly well, is among the slowest players in the league to react to the game, take action and run the floor (he may just be the slowest player in transition), does little off the ball (weak screens, slow to get into position/out of the way, etc.) and, largely as a result, is ill suited for a complementary role. You either build around Al or he gets in the way. Can a team built around Al (at least 3 dudes who can get out in transition, at least 3 who can hit 3s consistently, and an elite weakside defender in the starting lineup IMO...sorta what the Jazz are building, coincidentally) contend? I don't think so. Further, I ****ing hate the brand of basketball Al forces his teams to play. Not the least bit entertaining. As a Jazz fan, it offends me.

Before I get to the bolded point, I must say that I miss the more aesthetically-pleasing Jazz offense of old very much. Eons ahead of last season's offense in terms of entertainment.

However: with a proper training camp, perhaps we can make our offense a lot more dynamic than last season. By this, I mean we can focus on implementing different screens, cuts, pick and rolls, and specifically arranging Hi-Lo plays (a la 2010 Jazz with Dwill, Sap and Al when Sloan was still here) for our 4s and 5s.

As far as your bolded point is concerned, why exactly do you think that that sort of offense will never contend, specifically? I know I know, nobody since Olajuwon has really pulled off anything similar. But I would say that giving things a whirl this season would provide an interesting experiment. Theoretically, if we have a similar offense to last season (might take a hit on the fastbreak-pointage with Harris's departure) + 3 point shooters, we might be one of the better offensive teams.
However: with a proper training camp, perhaps we can make our offense a lot more dynamic than last season. By this, I mean we can focus on implementing different screens, cuts, pick and rolls, and specifically arranging Hi-Lo plays (a la 2010 Jazz with Dwill, Sap and Al when Sloan was still here) for our 4s and 5s.
Watch some Jazz-era Carlos Boozer video, and try to envision Al reacting as quickly to the game, and setting and using screens as well as Boozer did. If Al is on the team, getting big minutes, we're stuck with the "dump it in and stand around" offense.
Hell, watch the Jazz win at Staples last year. Yes, the main reason the Jazz won that one is that Kobe **** the bed, but the team offensive execution was quicker, more precise. If the FO is satisfied with mediocrity, I at least want an entertaining product.
However: with a proper training camp, perhaps we can make our offense a lot more dynamic than last season. By this, I mean we can focus on implementing different screens, cuts, pick and rolls, and specifically arranging Hi-Lo plays (a la 2010 Jazz with Dwill, Sap and Al when Sloan was still here) for our 4s and 5s.
Training camp AND personnel. PG is different; we have Marvin instead of Howard at SF. Hopefully Hayward is able to come off screens and hit a jumper.