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John McCain is Dead


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(CNN)Whenever America was in a fight during his long lifetime, John McCain was in the thick of it.

McCain, who has died at the age of 81, was a naval bomber pilot, prisoner of war, conservative maverick, giant of the Senate, twice-defeated presidential candidate and an abrasive American hero with a twinkle in his eye.
The Arizonan warrior politician, who survived plane crashes, several bouts of skin cancer and brushes with political oblivion, often seemed to be perpetually waging a race against time and his own mortality while striving to ensure that his five-and-a-half years as a Vietnam prisoner of war did not stand as the defining experience of his life.
He spent his last few months out of the public eye in his adopted home state of Arizona, reflecting on the meaning of his life and accepting visits from a stream of friends and old political combatants.
In a memoir published in May, McCain wrote that he hated to leave the world, but had no complaints.

Fair Winds and Following Seas Shipmate!
Didn’t always agree with his politics but I definitely respected his incredible service and career. He was a great American. We lost an American hero today. Thoughts and prayers for his family.
If both sides conducted themselves with the honesty and integrity that John McCain did, and both put the nation first above their own party, as he did, we'd all be a hell of a lot better off.
Met him once in DC. He was surprisingly short and had a lot of charisma.

RIP Maverick.
Didn’t always agree with his politics but I definitely respected his incredible service and career. He was a great American. We lost an American hero today. Thoughts and prayers for his family.

Thoughts and prayers to all of us. If somebody doesn't step into those shoes we are all in trouble.

It feels like time has finally caught up to honorable men. Something to be remembered
Thoughts and prayers to all of us. If somebody doesn't step into those shoes we are all in trouble.

It feels like time has finally caught up to honorable men. Something to be remembered

Arizona might be the most regressive state in the entire nation. It has the racism of the south without the urban African American population to offset the racists. Take into consideration the fidelity to radical republican candidates and polices of Mormonism, and you have a complete and utter ***********.

Roy Moore would’ve won easily in Arizona. He only lost in Alabama because the urban African American vote offset the depressed Caucasian vote. That can’t happen in Arizona because there really isn’t a noteworthy minority vote. Since white Mormons strongly identify as republican and reliability vote in the worst and most radical republicans in politics, I expect both senators in Arizona to be replaced by the Trumpiest out there.

It would be nice if members of my religion could do something other than vote in fellow members who just plain suck at being humans. Howard Stephenson, Greg Hughes, Mike Lee, Orrin Hatch, Curtis Stewart, Rob Bishop, Jason Chaffetz, Raul Labrador, and Dean Heller. Just complete pieces of crap.

Just look at the future replacement of Jeff Flake. You’ll have to FF to 1:31. Ward is set to replace Flake in November unless Arizona votes a democrat... lol

Arizona might be the most regressive state in the entire nation. It has the racism of the south without the urban African American population to offset the racists. Take into consideration the fidelity to radical republican candidates and polices of Mormonism, and you have a complete and utter ***********.

Roy Moore would’ve won easily in Arizona. He only lost in Alabama because the urban African American vote offset the depressed Caucasian vote. That can’t happen in Arizona because there really isn’t a noteworthy minority vote. Since white Mormons strongly identify as republican and reliability vote in the worst and most radical republicans in politics, I expect both senators in Arizona to be replaced by the Trumpiest out there.

It would be nice if members of my religion could do something other than vote in fellow members who just plain suck at being humans. Howard Stephenson, Greg Hughes, Mike Lee, Orrin Hatch, Curtis Stewart, Rob Bishop, Jason Chaffetz, Raul Labrador, and Dean Heller. Just complete pieces of crap.

Just look at the future replacement of Jeff Flake. You’ll have to FF to 1:31. Ward is set to replace Flake in November unless Arizona votes a democrat... lol

Yeah I didn't mean his seat. I meant his role in American politics.
Didn’t always agree with his politics but I definitely respected his incredible service and career. He was a great American. We lost an American hero today. Thoughts and prayers for his family.

I honestly cant tell if you are serious. Dont you mock the "thoughts and prayers" saying?

Odd that you would then you use it if you are serious.
I honestly cant tell if you are serious. Dont you mock the "thoughts and prayers" saying?

Odd that you would then you use it if you are serious.

I mock thoughts and prayers when it relates to gun violence as that’s what gutless repubs offer when children are massacred. As if thoughts and prayers are adequate substitutes to gun regulations, a proven fix. I do it to show the ridiculousness of their political position. It’s a cycle for them. Massacre happens, thoughts and prayers are offered, they reject calls for gun control saying that “now isn’t the time to talk about it”, and the issue eventually falls out of the headlines only to revived in three weeks after yet another school, church, or theater is shot up.

I don’t mock John McCain’s death with thoughts and prayers. What’s to be gained by that? Especially when you consider whose team he played for these past two years. He definitely didn’t serve Trump and the Russians.

My sincerity should’ve been obvious with my post when I admitted that, “I didn’t always agree with him but always respected him.”
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I mock thoughts and prayers when it relates to gun violence as that’s what gutless repubs offer when children are massacred. As if thoughts and prayers are adequate substitutes to gun regulations, a proven fix. I do it to show the ridiculousness of their political position. It’s a cycle for them. Massacre happens, thoughts and prayers are offered, they reject calls for gun control saying that “now isn’t the time to talk about it”, and the issue eventually falls out of the headlines only to revived in three weeks after yet another school, church, or theater is shot up.

I don’t mock John McCain’s death with thoughts and prayers. What’s to be gained by that? Especially when you consider whose team he played for these past two years. He definitely didn’t serve Trump and the Russians.

It should’ve been obvious with my post when I admitted that, “I didn’t always agree with him but always respected him.”

Im going to decline your offer to debate gun control. Now isnt the time to talk about it.
Im going to decline your offer to debate gun control. Now isnt the time to talk about it.

Huh? Where in my post did I offer to debate gun control? You should probably try reading my post again. Or are you merely trying to troll in a thread about the unfortunate death of one of the most recognized and respected senators in the history of the country?
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McCain was trash
Compared to what makes up the GOP these days he was pretty great. That says more about what a dumpster fire the Republican party is than anything though.

Honestly, outside of saving Obamacare last year I can't think of anything he did as a politician I agreed with. Still though, if the Republican party was made up solely of McCains we'd be better off as a country. For that alone he'll be missed. Not as a politician who accomplished great things, but as an adversary you could respect, someone who at least in his own mind had the best interests of his country at heart.
I saw on Twitter someone said something along the lines that their sadness from his passing has less to do with what he did, and more to do with what we are left with now that he's gone. He may truly have been the last nationally prominent Republican worthy of respect.
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Whoever you are talking to must be on my ignore list

Yeah, I will probably put he/she on mine as well. Much easier to block the idiotic trolls than to sift through reading their garbage and be provoked when they quote you making wild accusations. Some people are just desperate for attention, I guess.
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