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John McCain is Dead

I love how Trump’s name wasn’t ever mentioned but Trumpers are freaking out all over social media attacking the speakers yesterday of being political.

If you’re getting triggered because the virtues of America and the sacrifices made by McCain are mentioned, it says a lot more about you and der fuhrer, than anything else.

Of course, deplorables won’t self-examine. They’re always the victim in this culture war for white evangelical supremacy.
I love how Trump’s name wasn’t ever mentioned but Trumpers are freaking out all over social media attacking the speakers yesterday of being political.

If you’re getting triggered because the virtues of America and the sacrifices made by McCain are mentioned, it says a lot more about you and der fuhrer, than anything else.

Of course, deplorables won’t self-examine. They’re always the victim in this culture war for white evangelical supremacy.
it is funny how the eft proved the only good republican is a dead republican.

he was called a RACIST! and now his rotting corps was paraded to show that the left and right are not divided. was fun while it lasted.
it is funny how the eft proved the only good republican is a dead republican.

he was called a RACIST! and now his rotting corps was paraded to show that the left and right are not divided. was fun while it lasted.
Who ever called him a racist? Who?

Shut the **** up you stupid *** little bitch. Just shut your lying dumb mouth.
Maybe it us glyphosate or some other chemical but something is making us dumberer. It's like the whole leaded gasoline thing me thinks. We seem to be getting more and more less smarties by the minute. Our brains are not as thinky as they used to derp bahh fer plum doop
Still waiting for any actual link to MS Media or any other indication that the majority of Democratic voters thought McCain was racist. I certainly don't remember that. I certainly didn't think that when I enthusiastically voted fro McCain over Obama.

Don't try to deflect back to Romney. There was a lot of talk by people who in general consider the LDS church to be a racist organization and therefore consider its followers to be racists. I think Romney being Mormon is the basis of any Romney is a racist opinion, as I'm not aware of anything from his past being brought up that leads people to that conclusion.

Grown-up talk, Dutch. Use your words.

John McCain Battled Racism Against His Daughter Over the Years
As a man in the public eye, John McCain’s family was scrutinized and he had several bouts with racism over his adopted daughter, which he battled. During his campaign for the Republican Presidential nomination, issues about Bridget were brought up in South Carolina, according to Dad Mag. John McCain revealed that, “There were some pretty vile and hurtful things said during the South Carolina primary. It’s a really nasty side of politics. We tried to ignore it and I think we shielded her from it. It’s just unfortunate that that sort of thing still exists As you know she’s Bengali, and very dark skinned. A lot of phone calls were made by people who said we should be very ashamed about her, about the color of her skin.”

According to The Nation, George W. Bush strategist, Karl Rove, actually asked voters, “Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain … if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?”

Senator John McCain told Dad Mag, “Thousands and thousands of calls from people to voters saying “You know the McCains have a black baby” I believe that there is a special place in hell for people like those … Getting angry doesn’t serve any useful purpose. But the calls increased my zeal for winning.”

Still waiting for any actual link to MS Media or any other indication that the majority of Democratic voters thought McCain was racist. I certainly don't remember that. I certainly didn't think that when I enthusiastically voted fro McCain over Obama.

Don't try to deflect back to Romney. There was a lot of talk by people who in general consider the LDS church to be a racist organization and therefore consider its followers to be racists. I think Romney being Mormon is the basis of any Romney is a racist opinion, as I'm not aware of anything from his past being brought up that leads people to that conclusion.

Grown-up talk, Dutch. Use your words.

Closest thing I remember is when McCain rebuffed that woman over Obama being an “Arab”.
Closest thing I remember is when McCain rebuffed that woman over Obama being an “Arab”.
Right? I've never heard McCain generally described as a racist.

The narrative, obviously, is that liberals call all Republicans racists. That's simply not true. Decent people everywhere call Trump a racist because of the racist things he's done and said.
McCain was criticized periodically throughout his career for using a racist term for his Vietnamese captors although I don’t remember it being an issue during his 2008 campaign for president. I think he was given a pass for the most part because his general character was inclusive and the use of the racist term was isolated and forgivable due to his understandable bitterness over being tortured.

youtube wasnt as big back then. but make no mistake McCain was called racist on the daily. just go to young turks youtube channel. and type in mccain and racist and search. and you will find multiple daily videos of McCain being called racist. wi know young turds are far left, why do i mention them. because they where ahead of the curb and uploaded videos back then. cnn msnbc etc where not that big on the youtubes uploading.

PLEASE BE ****ING honest you ****ING LIARS! stop revising history!

ooh wait you cant. next you'll tell me the nationalist socialist party who called them self socialist and who implemented left wing and socialist laws regulations and policies are a far right thing. ooh wait. marxist always rewriting hisotry. carry on. mccain was the best ever man.

as i mentioned before. the only good republican is a dead republican according to the left. well good to know the day i die the commies on this board will honor me
I long for the day where those who push hate based on political affiliation are treated the same as those that practice any other type of ignorant group based hate.

We have two perfect examples right here on this board.
There were a lot of questionable tactics by McCain supporters back in 2008. The Southern Strategy has been used to great effect in helping elect Republican presidential candidates ever since Nixon operatives first conceived and implemented it fifty years ago. Now Republican candidates are boxed in and the only way they can still be elected president is to maintain the Party’s stranglehold on the Confederate States. That political reality doesn’t mean McCain was personally a racist or that Obama, Biden, or any other leading Democrat back in the 2008 campaign thought about McCain in such a crudely reductive manner.
I long for the day where those who push hate based on political affiliation are treated the same as those that practice any other type of ignorant group based hate.

We have two perfect examples right here on this board.

dont you worry my boy. half my live i have been a LEGAL imigrant in a country. and i look like an arab. post 911 i have experienced enough racial profiling. and as a jew i also felt anti semeitsm. but i dont care. people are free to hate. as long as they dont tocuh me.

you know that if i show this forum to some of my old family members who where alive during the holocaust and than show them your tag of modstappo and tell them that you are like a speech police. they will literally cry at how offensive it is. i bet you none of my post made someone cry because it is offensive. but that single world in your profile modstappo. will make holo
I long for the day where those who push hate based on political affiliation are treated the same as those that practice any other type of ignorant group based hate.

We have two perfect examples right here on this board.
dont you worry my boy. half my live i have been a LEGAL imigrant in a country. and i look like an arab. post 911 i have experienced enough racial profiling. and as a jew i also felt anti semeitsm. but i dont care. people are free to hate. as long as they dont tocuh me.

you know that if i show this forum to some of my old family members who where alive during the holocaust and than show them your tag of modstappo and tell them that you are like a speech police. they will literally cry at how offensive it is. i bet you none of my post made someone cry because it is offensive. but that single world in your profile modstappo. will make holo

I’m glad I offend you and your bigoted ways and opinions.

Please don’t speak to me again.