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Game Thread Jun 16, 2021 08:00PM MT: Jazz vs. Clippers - Game 5

Added to Calendar: 06-16-21

We are missing Conley handles. Beverly is stripping every Jazz player over and over. When he doesn't get the steal he breaks the rythym of the offense and we end up taking a bad shot.
We made 17 three at halftime. :eek: I think our season average for one game is 16.4 which is the best in NBA history.
Don’t like this. We’re shooting lights out and can’t shake them. This should be a blowout. Too many turnovers and stupid plays. Refs helping them too.
I agree but the Clippers are shooting it well too. The lead would be bigger if they shot what they normally shoot. Turnovers is the problem. We had 7 more turnovers than them and the Clippers usually scored when we made one.
@The Thriller take that negative ******** somewhere else. If you’re watching this game and your first thought is this feels like a loss log out of your account.

We had 11 turnovers. Cut those down and rebound and we win by double digits.
If Niang comes out in the second half Quin should receive a written notice from HR. I don’t know how you do it but he can’t see the floor. His defense has struggled almost as much as his offense.

Also... Favs needs to see 2-3 minutes at most... he’s so ineffective.
Sometimes Royce forgets he can be a offensive player too. That was a total defensive collapse from Clippers and we got nothing out of it.
How many players would the Clippers have to be missing for the Jazz to hold them to under 60 points in a freaking half?