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Game Thread Jun 16, 2021 08:00PM MT: Jazz vs. Clippers - Game 5

Added to Calendar: 06-16-21

We should be the ones up by 9 if we were the better team. Unless we manage to win by 9 or more points, we don't deserve to win this series.
We are winning this game. Jazz are going to turn it up and get the HYDRA going down the stretch.

Let's get it done Jazz!
This team is soft. Starts with Quin and runs to the end of the bench. I'd call them pansies but it would be an insult to flowers.
Quin getting out coached......again.

Agreed! He hasn’t made any defensive adjustments. They are still pulling Rudy out and switching to him. Rudy is badass on D. But on the perimeter he’s a liability. And no adjustments for that. Quite sad as a bright minded coach.
DM is playing at 70%. Even if we advance, he’s running on empty.

If we can’t win at home, I won’t even bother watching Friday as it will probably just make me angry.
Geez are bench is so bad. RIght now I only want back Royce, Ingles, Bogie, DM, JC and Rudy. Keep Udoka and Hughes simply because they are on rookie contracts. Everyone else can go. Not wanting Mike back simply because of his injury history. He has played great in his second season but it does no good if he cannot stay on the floor. With his money the Jazz need to bring in athletic, hard nose defenders who can score.
We play like we believe we suck. Vibe is dead. Mitchell and Gobert needs to step up here because I don't really believe in anyone else right now.