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Jussie Smollet


Well-Known Member
Wasn't sure where to put this, so I'm making a thread to say this:

Throw the damn book at him. Whatever penalty, legal and social, that his "attackers" would've gotten, he should get and more.
Wasn't sure where to put this, so I'm making a thread to say this:

Throw the damn book at him. Whatever penalty, legal and social, that his "attackers" would've gotten, he should get and more.

I do think there should be fines and imprisonment (case by case)

But I won’t get behind the and more.

As for him. Another lesson to not jump on the outrage train before the facts are known.
What are we upset about specifically? Filing a false police report? Impugning MAGA, because he said his assailants yelled that? Falsely reporting a racial hate crime in a nation divided on racial lines? A Hollywood celeb pulling a publicity stunt to what, enhance his visibility, save his job, a member of the Hollywood class deliberately stealing our attention? Creating and fostering fake news? Does it compare to Russian election-interfering fake news in our social media feeds, in terms of the degree of outrage we feel over this event? Doesn't bother us in the least, because it's one guy, and who cares?
What are we upset about specifically? Filing a false police report? Impugning MAGA, because he said his assailants yelled that? Falsely reporting a racial hate crime in a nation divided on racial lines? A Hollywood celeb pulling a publicity stunt to what, enhance his visibility, save his job, a member of the Hollywood class deliberately stealing our attention? Creating and fostering fake news? Does it compare to Russian election-interfering fake news in our social media feeds, in terms of the degree of outrage we feel over this event? Doesn't bother us in the least, because it's one guy, and who cares?
I care. It received national attention from every major network as a racially motivated attack, particularly from a specific base. It was a lie. A blatant and calculated lie. This is the action of a pathetic person plotting and using race in a horribly negative way to further their personal agenda. Truth aside, it will set society back for years because some will still believe it is true. Shame on you for minimizing it.
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What are we upset about specifically? Filing a false police report? Impugning MAGA, because he said his assailants yelled that? Falsely reporting a racial hate crime in a nation divided on racial lines? A Hollywood celeb pulling a publicity stunt to what, enhance his visibility, save his job, a member of the Hollywood class deliberately stealing our attention? Creating and fostering fake news? Does it compare to Russian election-interfering fake news in our social media feeds, in terms of the degree of outrage we feel over this event? Doesn't bother us in the least, because it's one guy, and who cares?


Im annoyed by this for several reasons. No particular order, generally

1. The damage this does to people coming forward to report the crimes committed against them. What are people learning from the reaction to this?

- media coverage and the political games

- reaction to these new reports by MAGA

- original reporting to this politically and the social media rush to convict

- the false notion that only one thing can concern and occupy our thoughts/time. I can be involved and concerned about the election investigation and this. Emotion isn’t a finite thing

- the further hyping by media and those inlositions of power of said racial and gender divides

I listed it #1 and then generally on purpose
This frustrates and annoys me for the reasons mentioned. Basically this jerkoff knowingly, publicly exacerbated issues for his own personal gain.

Not much different than scumbag Michael Bennett lying about his Las Vegas incident though that wasn’t for personal gain more than trying to create a W v B issue that wasn’t there.

It’s ******** and is the last thing this country needs with ******* in office.
What are we upset about specifically? Filing a false police report? Impugning MAGA, because he said his assailants yelled that? Falsely reporting a racial hate crime in a nation divided on racial lines? A Hollywood celeb pulling a publicity stunt to what, enhance his visibility, save his job, a member of the Hollywood class deliberately stealing our attention? Creating and fostering fake news? Does it compare to Russian election-interfering fake news in our social media feeds, in terms of the degree of outrage we feel over this event? Doesn't bother us in the least, because it's one guy, and who cares?

Least surprising post here.
I care. It received national attention from every major network as a racially motivated attack, particularly from a specific base. It was a lie. A blatant and calculated lie. This is the action of a pathetic person plotting and using race in a horribly negative way to further their personal agenda. Truth aside, it will set society back for years because some will still believe it is true. Shame on you for minimizing it.

I don't think I minimized it. I simply wanted to hear what reasons people here, as a microcosm of our society at large, would use to interpret it, what reasons it outraged them, etc. I don't think it will set society back, particularly because the police are and will continue to investigate it, and I'm reasonably confident the truth will fully emerge.

As far as what I believe, well I did not really say, but you were willing to assume what my response was, perhaps because I ended with "who cares?". But that was just one option, and all options mentioned came off the top. I don't think it's right for him to play on our racial divide in this fashion at all. So, in that respect, I agree with you.

It triggered your response, and that of others, so there's nothing wrong with that. I figured it would, and so it did. Don't assume I minimized it, that was simply one option. But some might minimize it.
Least surprising post here.

You're making assumptions, too. I'm sure, although it's an assumption on my part, I guess, that you would in fact agree with some of the response options I mentioned. And they're likely more that I did not think of. You know, all I did was mention some of the reasons people might be upset with this incident. I suspect each option mentioned would resonate with some. Would not Trump and MAGA supporters, for instance, be angry that his report gave the distinct impression of MAGA supporters attacking a black man?

Personally, I doubted the incident right from the get go. I asked myself, why did this guy leave a noose around his head, and why would he still be wearing that noose when the police responded? Why not just retain the noose as evidence? Seemed extremely odd to leave it around his neck. Who does that?? I would want the damn thing off of me!

I've jumped the gun on recent incidents. This one seemed odd to me. All those cameras, and none recorded the attack. Noose left around his neck. At any rate, just trying to get folks to open up more and express their opinions.
Well, I must concede my asking if the hypothetical outrage at the fake news aspect here can compare to outrage over fakery by the Russians in the 2016 election should have been left out of the "options" for responses. That can be perceived as a suggestion hypocracy could be involved in some responses, and reflects a bias on my account, if that's how I actually responded to the event. And Russian interference is truly irrelevant to the incident. My personal response is I was suspicious from the start and I did indeed wonder if it were staged. But, adding the Russian bit could easily lead people to say they were not surprised by my comments.
I think the most upsetting thing is that anyone looking at this dispassionately, from the get go, could tell it was obviously a fake. If you thought it happened, just like he said, you were a moron. This was woke progressive fan fiction, and it was obvious from the start. Anyone calling out the obvious inconsistences was labeled a racist or homophobe.

And yet, look at the news organizations and politicians that ran with it. A week after biffing on the Covington kid thing. Look at the national coverage compared to the local coverage. The local news actually did their job.

Also, it is highly likely that he was the one who sent threatening letters through the mail to his coworkers. That is a federal crime, and should not be forgotten in all of this.
I think deliberately playing on racial issues in America, and deliberately leading people to think MAGA supporters attacked a black man, and doing so for personal gain, (and I'm not sure what gain beyond putting his name in the news, personally I never heard of the guy), is reprehensible. It's the act of someone who simply does not care if his hoax raises the temperature of the issues dividing us. Extraordinarily selfish.

If I said I believe we have a president who plays on our racial divide, well, I think I'd be right, but that comes in the territory of "but what about?" genre of responses, and I believe those kind of comparisons might be part of a broader conversation over the motivations of our responses, but just judging this singular incident, it's a lousy thing to do, and I imagine, if our assumptions of what actually happened are right, namely a staged event, then it will likely follow this guy for the rest of his life. There's no excuse, period.
I think deliberately playing on racial issues in America, and deliberately leading people to think MAGA supporters attacked a black man, and doing so for personal gain, (and I'm not sure what gain beyond putting his name in the news, personally I never heard of the guy), is reprehensible. It's the act of someone who simply does not care if his hoax raises the temperature of the issues dividing us. Extraordinarily selfish.

If I said I believe we have a president who plays on our racial divide, well, I think I'd be right, but that comes in the territory of "but what about?" genre of responses, and I believe those kind of comparisons might be part of a broader conversation over the motivations of our responses, but just judging this singular incident, it's a lousy thing to do, and I imagine, if our assumptions of what actually happened are right, namely a staged event, then it will likely follow this guy for the rest of his life. There's no excuse, period.

Sending threats via the mail system is a federal felony that generates prison time. I don't see any mitigating circumstances that a judge or jury would intercede on Smollet's behalf. Dude is going to do more than just the inevitable "rehab."
be glad you don't live in Chicago - it's been BIG NEWS non-stop here since he first reported it

I have a friend who's been an extra and done some stunt work on this show - - but he had very little interaction with the actors during his limited time with the show and isn't sure what to think of any of it

Smollet is sure sticking to his story though, but the police have been somewhat skeptical from pretty early on

also, since I'm "local" I have NO IDEA what the national news has had to say about this at all - - but now this story has been somewhat superseded by the shooting at the Aurora office park - - truly a tragedy
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What are we upset about specifically? Filing a false police report? Impugning MAGA, because he said his assailants yelled that? Falsely reporting a racial hate crime in a nation divided on racial lines? A Hollywood celeb pulling a publicity stunt to what, enhance his visibility, save his job, a member of the Hollywood class deliberately stealing our attention? Creating and fostering fake news? Does it compare to Russian election-interfering fake news in our social media feeds, in terms of the degree of outrage we feel over this event? Doesn't bother us in the least, because it's one guy, and who cares?

The reason people should be mad about it is because its just another example of the leftist main stream media pushing the same BS narrative.

Also, I am so tired of hearing that their isnt an agenda from the media and how they arent left leaning. Its ****ing lies and disingenuous. There are thousands of stories that the "news" could be covering across the country. Heck, even right there in Chicago there are people who are real victims of real crimes every day who dont get any attention. Instead the fake *** news garbage media CHOOSES to run with this stuff. How in the hell can you not see it? Its just the same stupid **** over and over. They CHOOSE what to cover. The CHOSE the Covington HS story. They CHOSE this Jussie Smollett story. They are CHOOSING to run with the Russia Conspiracy garbage 24/7. Again, thousands of possible stories. Instead we get this divisive fake news nonsense shoved down our throats 24/7.

And you defend it. 24/7. I hate to say it. But you are brainwashed. There couldnt be anything more obvious. You literally parrot the exact narrative coming from the tube. Its as if you have never heard of propaganda before. You and all the other zombies out there.
Even if this stupid *** story was real, does it deserve the attention it got? A lot worse happens to people every day. One incident doesn't represent the country as a whole. But when the manipulative media sells it to us as if its a bigger problem, then the country starts to believe it is.

What the media feeds us, isnt an accurate representation or accurate sample of what the country is really like. They have the power to paint the picture of us however they want if you let them and support them when they do it.

This country is nowhere near as divisive and racist as they would have you believe. If you buy it, then you are just a tool, a pawn, and a moron. When you deny this you are only doubling down on your stupidity, and compounding the problems we face.

And if you think that a little story like this doesn't make a difference then you are naive. All these little stories add up.
The reason people should be mad about it is because its just another example of the leftist main stream media pushing the same BS narrative.

Also, I am so tired of hearing that their isnt an agenda from the media and how they arent left leaning. Its ****ing lies and disingenuous. There are thousands of stories that the "news" could be covering across the country. Heck, even right there in Chicago there are people who are real victims of real crimes every day who dont get any attention. Instead the fake *** news garbage media CHOOSES to run with this stuff. How in the hell can you not see it? Its just the same stupid **** over and over. They CHOOSE what to cover. The CHOSE the Covington HS story. They CHOSE this Jussie Smollett story. They are CHOOSING to run with the Russia Conspiracy garbage 24/7. Again, thousands of possible stories. Instead we get this divisive fake news nonsense shoved down our throats 24/7.

And you defend it. 24/7. I hate to say it. But you are brainwashed. There couldnt be anything more obvious. You literally parrot the exact narrative coming from the tube. Its as if you have never heard of propaganda before. You and all the other zombies out there.
The Joker speaking to Harvey Dent in the hospital has already explained this. Black people being murdered at alarming rates on a daily basis is apparently all part of a plan. White teen smirks at Native American elder and everyone loses their minds.