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Karl malone now has twitter

I give him 25 texts, tweets, messages or what ever it is called before there is a controversy of some kind.
Wow, this actually seems real to. His daughter confirmed on her twitter. (Unless whoever did this made it that elaborate).
I'll probably get in trouble for this, but I couldn't resist posting this tweet from him. I'm going to enjoy following him. The censored part is referring to a boobie.

Its colder than a witches *** in Nebraska out there this mornin
Seems a little too preoccupied with twitter language and followers and such to be real. If it is just his daughter tweeting then she better be careful not to use out all his good one-liners in the first batch of tweets or he might not seem real or entertaining after awhile.

Actually, it makes perfect sense. His daughter has probably been bugging him to tweet for awhile and he probably told her to get X amount of followers and then he would start.
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