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Keyonte George: Predict his season

All of those make perfect sense. That was back when it was still unclear if we were gonna tank or not. You really think Keyonte would be starting if we'd turned the season around and looked like a playoff team? HELL no.

Anyway, that's ancient history and we're obviously tanking, with a fire sale of players coming up.

Key may yet become a good player (and I hope he will) but right now he's one of the worst on the roster. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. And it's OK. I don't really get the mindset where there's a strong need to treat a rookie as a savior.
And even more so, this.
Some claim to see a playmaker in Keyonte. I don't. I think he's exactly in the same vein as Clarkson, THT and Sexton.

It's not enough to try a flashy pass now and then (all those guys can do it too). To be a playmaker is to see the game of basketball in a certain way. You treat the team as your tool.

Nothing I've ever seen from Keyonte leads me to believe he has a future as a starting PG in this league. He's a small shooting guard who's not that great at shooting.

Remind you of anyone in particular?
All of those make perfect sense. That was back when it was still unclear if we were gonna tank or not. You really think Keyonte would be starting if we'd turned the season around and looked like a playoff team? HELL no.

Anyway, that's ancient history and we're obviously tanking, with a fire sale of players coming up.

Key may yet become a good player (and I hope he will) but right now he's one of the worst on the roster. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. And it's OK. I don't really get the mindset where there's a strong need to treat a rookie as a savior.
Not every aspect of Keyonte's effect on the floor can be boiled down by stats. Our spacing is different when he's out there. We rely less on hero-ball. He brings a certain je ne sais quoi. We need to assess him right now based on his positives not his negatives. He is soooo green still. Nearly every game he does something that shows his potential. His 10 FT last game is a great example of how he can change.

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All of those make perfect sense. That was back when it was still unclear if we were gonna tank or not. You really think Keyonte would be starting if we'd turned the season around and looked like a playoff team? HELL no.

Anyway, that's ancient history and we're obviously tanking, with a fire sale of players coming up.

Key may yet become a good player (and I hope he will) but right now he's one of the worst on the roster. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. And it's OK. I don't really get the mindset where there's a strong need to treat a rookie as a savior.
You are wrong about so many things again. The list keeps growing.

First off, those projections were made before season began. From the first game owards his role and production were bigger than you projected.

Secondly and thirdly, we are not tanking and there is no imminent fire sale. Just fans panicking a bit.

And last of all, Keyonte is not treated as savior or a star-level prospect. As a potentially good starter quality player? For sure. If you cant see that, you are as blind as your takes suggest.
All of those make perfect sense. That was back when it was still unclear if we were gonna tank or not. You really think Keyonte would be starting if we'd turned the season around and looked like a playoff team? HELL no.
That's not entirely the same as saying he will absolutely not start unless injuries force Hardy's hand.
My prediction for his season is I'm excited to see what Key does every game, but hoping his shooting numbers go up at least a little.
All of those make perfect sense. That was back when it was still unclear if we were gonna tank or not. You really think Keyonte would be starting if we'd turned the season around and looked like a playoff team? HELL no.

Anyway, that's ancient history and we're obviously tanking, with a fire sale of players coming up.

Key may yet become a good player (and I hope he will) but right now he's one of the worst on the roster. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. And it's OK. I don't really get the mindset where there's a strong need to treat a rookie as a savior.
Got it. So your take was absolutely correct just so long as we replace the real world with an exact replica where everything is the same except THT is Earvin Magic Johnson.

That makes total sense. I thought we were having a discussion in the slice of the multiverse that coincides with our reality, where our 20 year old rook is the best lead guard on the roster and doubles up the second place rookie assist leader in a stacked draft.

But hey Magical thinking is fine too.
So I looked up at espn splits

FG / 3pt %

Home 40.6% / 33.3%
Road 28.7% / 28.6%
20 games 35.7%/31.1%

Home 48.6% / 34.5%
Road 47.3% / 41.4%
15 games 48.4/ 38.3%

Home 43.3% / 39.7%
Road 38.3% / 20%
17 games 41.4/ 31.6%

Home 44.5%/39%
Road 51.4%/42.2%
20 games 47.8%/40.5%

Home 42.9%/33.3%
Road 32.6%/ 27.8%
20 games 37.7/30.8%

Home 47.2% /34.1
Road 42.7% / 33.3
20 games 45.2/33.8%

Home 36.2% / 28.6%
Road 48.4/ 45.2%
19 games 43.1/37.7%

All guards shoot terrible from 3
Our starting guards jc+ key shoot 31% from 3
Jc has the worst 3pt % on the road
Key is worst on the road followed by tht
Lauri is on a 3pt slump esp at home
Collins is the most consistent
Overall we are just not a very good team. Was quite expected even i still think DA and Hardy were convince we could sneak into Play-in. Le'ts see which players still there at the deadline.