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Las Vegas: Worst Mass Shooting in US History


You have almost a year of waiting from clearance from the ATF (that entails a full federal background check that they take quite seriously), and that's just for a license. Then you're spending a minimum of 5 figures for a rifle. I think including this, they've been used in a mass shooting 3 times.

Unless you go to gun show or other places that have loop holes. Or you convert it to an automatic yourself. Plus there is a very alive and well black market where they can be purchased for much cheaper. I can see them for sale right now on the Dark Web.
Just ask [MENTION=4984]Bulletproof[/MENTION], he's actually served. Try talking to a vet once in a while.
Yeah, I only grew up in a community where a large % of the workforce came from the air force base. I've never talked to vets before in my life or have had family members in the service. Its so rare to know a vet, right.

That was sarcasm BTW.

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Lmao. Do those guys own the tanks, ships, and fighter jets?

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So you think a US president would order the bombing of Austin, TX? Even if he did do you really think the military would/could do so without fracturing?

This is all a pointless hypothetical anyway. Short of a currently impossible constitutional amendment you can't even ban guns in a city let alone the entire country.
Maybe there are better articles describing the shooter by now, I don't know. This Washington Post piece told me more then I knew up to this point. Says he was worth about 2 million, and pretty much spent long lengths of time living in casino hotels gambling.


ORLANDO — He liked to bet big, wagering tens of thousands of dollars in a sitting. He owned homes in four states but preferred staying in casino hotels, sometimes for weeks at a time, as he worked the gambling machines.....

.....After the shooting, officers found Stephen Paddock dead with 23 guns on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, where he had arrived Thursday....

...Eric Paddock said he knew of five guns his brother kept in his safe but was shocked that a rapid-fire weapon was used in Sunday’s shooting. He said Stephen Paddock didn’t hunt and barely shot his guns, once taking Eric’s children on a skeet-shooting trip paid for by the casinos.

Police said they found 19 firearms at Stephen Paddock’s home in Mesquite, Nev.

....He was worth more than $2 million, relatives said. Before retiring, he made a small fortune from real estate deals and a business that he and Eric Paddock sold off. He traveled a lot and had millions of free airline miles.

“It’s like a job for him. It’s a job where you make money,” said Eric Paddock, adding that his brother could lose $1 million and still have enough to live on. “He was at the hotel for four months one time. It was like a second home.”

“He’s known. He’s a top player. He’s the small end of the big fish.”
Maybe there are better articles describing the shooter by now, I don't know. This Washington Post piece told me more then I knew up to this point. Says he was worth about 2 million, and pretty much spent long lengths of time living in casino hotels gambling.


ORLANDO — He liked to bet big, wagering tens of thousands of dollars in a sitting. He owned homes in four states but preferred staying in casino hotels, sometimes for weeks at a time, as he worked the gambling machines.....

.....After the shooting, officers found Stephen Paddock dead with 23 guns on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, where he had arrived Thursday....

...Eric Paddock said he knew of five guns his brother kept in his safe but was shocked that a rapid-fire weapon was used in Sunday’s shooting. He said Stephen Paddock didn’t hunt and barely shot his guns, once taking Eric’s children on a skeet-shooting trip paid for by the casinos.

Police said they found 19 firearms at Stephen Paddock’s home in Mesquite, Nev.

....He was worth more than $2 million, relatives said. Before retiring, he made a small fortune from real estate deals and a business that he and Eric Paddock sold off. He traveled a lot and had millions of free airline miles.

“It’s like a job for him. It’s a job where you make money,” said Eric Paddock, adding that his brother could lose $1 million and still have enough to live on. “He was at the hotel for four months one time. It was like a second home.”

“He’s known. He’s a top player. He’s the small end of the big fish.”

ban casinos, hotel, and people owning more that 1.999.999 million dollars.

thats how it works right.

or we could just ban murder. make murder illegal.
Except, I didn't report it as facts and went out of my way to say so - to create discussion. If you wanna get all butt-hurt cause I shared things I read about the shooting (literally said I just read this, guys, not sure if true gonna check more sources) to create discussion then go for it. I'm not trying to pass it off as real news and the fact you're so bothered by what I posted says all I need to know. You can't read worth ****, dude.
P.S. I'm not a reporter or journalist. This is a discussion forum.

I'm reading online this guy was a left-wing, Trump hating member of the antifa and that they targeted the country concert cause only white, Trumpards would be there.

... but people online are pretty convinced.

I've also seen both twitter and facebook post the truth far before large media outlets too.

Yeah, like I said, just repeating stupid **** from random dumbasses. Thanks for the dumbass report, Arch. I don't know what we'd do in these forums without the thoughts of random dumbasses. Somebody call all the news stations and tell them they aren't needed anymore. Arch has got us covered by readin' stuff on twitter.

Anyway, like I said, people complain about fake news, but then have no problem repeating **** that has absolutely no credibility.

Just like the conservative jackass that claimed there were multiple shooters and that it was a Muslim terrorist attack. That kind of misinformation does nothing but cause harm because of so many people repeating it without being troubled to make sure it's true.

Next time check your sources before spreading fake news.
Yeah, like I said, just repeating stupid **** from random dumbasses. Thanks for the dumbass report, Arch. I don't know what we'd do in these forums without the thoughts of random dumbasses. Somebody call all the news stations and tell them they aren't needed anymore. Arch has got us covered by readin' stuff on twitter.

Anyway, like I said, people complain about fake news, but then have no problem repeating **** that has absolutely no credibility.

Just like the conservative jackass that claimed there were multiple shooters and that it was a Muslim terrorist attack. That kind of misinformation does nothing but cause harm because of so many people repeating it without being troubled to make sure it's true.

Next time check your sources before spreading fake news.

Nice selective quoting, dip ****. Smh.

You should learn the difference of when real fake news is reported and someone typing on a discussion forum what he's reading on twitter and facebook while clearly explaining "not sure if true, going to check sources, etc."
I negged you because you can't read and got upset like I reported this as real news. You negged me because you can't read and can't tell the difference from what I posted and fake news.
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Facebook and twitter, mainly. I'll keep the sources to myself as of now cause, like I said, I don't know what I've read is true. It seems legit though. I'm sure you could find it be googling keywords.

I might add, I'm not saying this is true, but reading stuff online that's trying to spin it this way with some things to validate it. Going to read more into now and check the sources.
Like candrew said, him being 64 doesn't make it believable he was a member of the antifa, but people online are pretty convinced.
The stuff I said was all over online and the top of google searches. Good thing I didn't say, hey guys this is absolutely true, eh?
It sure as hell isnt getting any better.

The division and attacking of other people feels like it's at an all time high. You're either a liberal commie/hippie/moron or a deplorable racist. There's no in-between.

This is something that I see a lot when talking to Americans or reading content. Exaggeration, polarizing statements and "either you're with me or against me" are positions that come up a lot.

It's incredibly sad that your first thought upon seeing this was Dutch.

Get control of yourself. You're just as bad as he is.

In your last response you moan about a narrow spectrum of responses, but yet you condemn OP for probably truthfully sharing what first came to his mind when he read the news.
For example, my first thought was: Next days Trump's and NRA's twitter accounts are probably worth a read. Reading about weapon related incidents in the US so is familiar, it doesn't really shock me anymore. Also just because my first association regarding the news was rather cynical, it doesn't mean I do not have any compassion for the families and friends of those shot, just like I can feel compassion for those affected by a hurricane or an earthquake.

I feel the most logical step to opening a dialogue and creating a less polarizing landscape would be altering the election. If there are more than just two relevant parties and they can find a way into the senate without having the majority in a state, I believe that would enhance the quality of discussions within the country.

If only somebody in the crowd had a gun...

You don't take a sharpshooting rifle and shells to a concert?
Wealthy, white, old male with a gun fetish? Definitely fits that left wing liberal profile. When I picture antifa, I picture duck dynasty, Ted Nugent, and Honey BooBoo... /s
Unless you go to gun show or other places that have loop holes. Or you convert it to an automatic yourself. Plus there is a very alive and well black market where they can be purchased for much cheaper. I can see them for sale right now on the Dark Web.


You aren't buying a fully auto rifle at a gun show without a proper license.

You aren't buying a fully auto rifle at a gun show without a proper license.


Why you justifying a wonky *** myth from a known troll with a response? IGNORE.

There is no gun show loophole. There is NOTHING in the Federal laws allowing sales from FFL dealers to go around any law Cabella's does not have to follow.

Stop responding to trolls.
The Irony
The stuff I said was all over online and the top of google searches. Good thing I didn't say, hey guys this is absolutely true, eh?

FWIW, it was not on "my" internet. It was not the top of "my" google search.

Google creates a profile of you and feeds you the things it thinks you want to hear.
Unless you go to gun show or other places that have loop holes. Or you convert it to an automatic yourself. Plus there is a very alive and well black market where they can be purchased for much cheaper. I can see them for sale right now on the Dark Web.

"Gun show loophole" is a misnomer.

The "loophole" is that private party to private party sales do not require a background check. That's the loophole.

Any licensed gun dealer has to run background checks on all gun sales. At a gun show or anywhere else.