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He sounds like a dope despite his apparent business success. Who is Mormon(and otherwise Christian for that matter) and dates somebody for 4 1/2 years? The no sex thing is one of the reasons Mormons/Commited Christians are notorious for pulling a quick trigger on marriage. The girl probably started drinking because she knew her idiot boyfriend that she plowed so much time into didn't have the nuts to put a ring on her at year 1, 2, 3, or 4 so she figured something must be wrong with her.

And as for the sex thing, you can't be a Christian and have pre-martial sex. It's as simple as that. It's not an intellectual concept, it's a spiritual concept. It's about having Christ within or not within you. That's what a Christian is - somebody that is consumed by the spirit of Christ. You sin, the spirit goes away. That's how it works. Those idiots that party like crazy and put their Facebook belief status as being a Christian aren't Christians. It's an impossibility. And it's also the reason why I think Mormonism actually develops real Christians better than many other Christian belief systems, despite not being one anymore myself.

Now this is intriguing. I have a friend who considers himself a very devout Christian despite having sex regularly with his girlfriend. He talked about how he gets Atonement through the death of Jesus Christ as his saviour, and his sins are pardoned because of this. As a Muslim, I am not familiar with how this argument can be picked apart; can someone else do it for me? Or is he correct? That'd be pretty awesome if he is, seeing as you can technically do anything and still be forgiven.

Now this is intriguing. I have a friend who considers himself a very devout Christian despite having sex regularly with his girlfriend. He talked about how he gets Atonement through the death of Jesus Christ as his saviour, and his sins are pardoned because of this. As a Muslim, I am not familiar with how this argument can be picked apart; can someone else do it for me? Or is he correct? That'd be pretty awesome if he is, seeing as you can technically do anything and still be forgiven.

I'll do it tomorrow. Long answer, sadly.

Now this is intriguing. I have a friend who considers himself a very devout Christian despite having sex regularly with his girlfriend. He talked about how he gets Atonement through the death of Jesus Christ as his saviour, and his sins are pardoned because of this. As a Muslim, I am not familiar with how this argument can be picked apart; can someone else do it for me? Or is he correct? That'd be pretty awesome if he is, seeing as you can technically do anything and still be forgiven.
I believe that part of repenting and being forgiven is forsaking the sin and not returning to it (or at least trying your damndest to avoid it). If it is a sin to have sex outside of marriage and he continues to do that, is he really repenting? Or is he of the belief that because he has "accepted Christ as his Savior" that he is automatically saved? That argument never really made much sense to me.

On a side note: I just noticed I am now in your sig. I am SOOOO honored.
Oh sure, it can say whatever it wants. I've never said it couldn't. That said, humans are hard wired for sex, it is a fundamental part of who we are as a species and a vital/important part of our life experience, as is the need for many, many people for sexual intimacy. I'm saying that I don't think it's reasonable to ask/expect people to deny this aspect of their nature and deny themselves this vital life experience for an entire life. We'll disagree on this, but agree that the LDS Church, or any Church, can advance any policy in this regard it chooses.

Giving humans a strong sex drive & telling them not to proves God has a sense of humor.

You're pushing the animal instincts line, & that's fine. If you're pushing the instinct/evo line then you'd end up on the side of churches viewpoint on siring young. Explain it as God's command or reproductive advantage & you're probably coming away with the same conclusion. Unless I'm misunderstanding you as promoting 14 year old boys trying to bang as many little chickenheads as possible as a good thing???
Giving humans a strong sex drive & telling them not to proves God has a sense of humor.

You're pushing the animal instincts line, & that's fine. If you're pushing the instinct/evo line then you'd end up on the side of churches viewpoint on siring young. Explain it as God's command or reproductive advantage & you're probably coming away with the same conclusion. Unless I'm misunderstanding you as promoting 14 year old boys trying to bang as many little chickenheads as possible as a good thing???
jimmy eat jazz is 14. So I guess that makes sense.
you guys all sound like kids to me.

growing up means achieving some advancing level of self-management and good sense. When you get to be my age, every time you see a hot looking woman you remember what happens when the divorce courts have made mincemeat of you.

Probably good sense has nothing to do with being Mormon or Christian, but I see proof in the New Testament that Jesus, at a very young relative age, already understood what I'm saying.

The fact that young males and females have no sense in regard to relationships, and will only learn it from experience just tells me how smart God is. First, we are made with enough hormones to ensure some probability propagation of the species. If he made us "smart" to begin with, there would be no propagation. Second, to seize the whole credibility mountain, he has told us what would be good sense. . . . so nobody can blame him. . . . . and it puts us on better footing to eventually make some kind of repentant amends to our foolishness. . . . .

And the fact that He is going to love us when we come to Him means not only is He wise, and has a sense of humor, but He is also compassionate.
you guys all sound like kids to me.

growing up means achieving some advancing level of self-management and good sense. When you get to be my age, every time you see a hot looking woman you remember what happens when the divorce courts have made mincemeat of you.

Awesome. I like you, dude.
He sounds like a dope despite his apparent business success. Who is Mormon(and otherwise Christian for that matter) and dates somebody for 4 1/2 years? The no sex thing is one of the reasons Mormons/Commited Christians are notorious for pulling a quick trigger on marriage. The girl probably started drinking because she knew her idiot boyfriend that she plowed so much time into didn't have the nuts to put a ring on her at year 1, 2, 3, or 4 so she figured something must be wrong with her.


That said, I wouldn't touch the rest of your post with a barge pole.
Denying people masterbation is ridiculous. Almost all men have done it mormon or not.
I used to hear my friends talk about how they lied during their temple recommend, preisthood interviews with the bishop.
Also, on theie mission I've been told most do it.

You aren't going to stop a teenage boy throbbing desires no matter how bad you want to. Just suppress them as much as possible,
and keep it under the covers so to speak. :eek:
Humans are also hardwired to be religious but I don't see you doing that. I guess rationality has regressed for certain people.

Better said they are hard wired to be spiritual. Organized religion did not emerge as we know it today for probably thousands of years once societies had become large enough and complex enough (e.g., produce surplus of food); before then, it was of a very different nature. Millions of spiritual people today find God through means that don't involve organized religion. Many organized, religious, more eschew the rigid type of doctrine espoused by traditional Christianity that has as a common characteristics rather draconian rules governing sexual behaviors and relations. A large number of 'spiritual, or, if you will, 'religious' people do not adhere to the traditional organized religions' strict doctrines regarding human sexuality. Any notion that religion, belief in God, necessarily implies the kind of religious sexual mores espoused by Mormonism, Evangelicals, Muslims, etc. is just wrong.

There are exceptions. Some people don't fee any need for sex, some don't feel any need for religious or spirituality, though I'm guessing there's far more of the latter than the former. Much of Western Europe, for example, has moved beyond its need for organized religion to tell them how to live their lives, although many of them do remain spiritual, but at any rate, I don't believe that they're having sex at a lower rate than before.

Personally, I don't feel the need for religion or spirituality, so in that, perhaps I'm an anomaly. But I continue to enjoy sex-- a lot. What I'm not is someone who allows others power over me to dictate to me how I should think and behave in either the religious/spiritual realm or the sexual realm.

This said, I am not advocating an 'anything goes.' I still do believe that there are appropriate an inappropriate expressions of sexuality. Some determined by social custom, courtesy, time and place considerations, feelings of others, trust and trust betrayal, etc. I am agree with many of them, and I'm happy to conform to them, not because I think some almighty Deity commands me to and will thrust me to hell if I disobey, but because I agree with them, or I prefer to get along with other society members, obey the law, and protect the feelings of those I love. This is a somewhat more nuanced view than an average 14 year old would take, I think (addressing other posts below).

But as a general rule, what two or more consenting adults agree on, and there are no legitimate third party costs, who am I to tell them they can't?
Every Mormon dude is yanking the tank.

Also, when it comes to more single members I think it's because peoples standards are so crazy high. Plus they are competitive.

The men want the skinny blond, and the girls want the rich guy with lots of hair.

Problem is.....

Most single Utah men are poor and balding, and the hot chicks are already married.
you guys all sound like kids to me.

growing up means achieving some advancing level of self-management and good sense. When you get to be my age, every time you see a hot looking woman you remember what happens when the divorce courts have made mincemeat of you.

Or you simply don't marry them.

Sex is much less interesting (/TEMPTING) to me now that I (thoroughly) know what it is and it is not forbidden fruit. It simply is. Whatever. Cool.
Every Mormon dude is yanking the tank.

Not every. I've known some who I believe do not do it regulary. Their guilt is too high, and the strength is too great.
However, I believe there are very few guys who have never done it. Woman on the other hand....