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Locked on Jazz—Is watching film a negative?

"Sloan believes the attention span after a short period of time makes the experience worthless. Similar to his approach to practices, give sharp attention for a short time and move on."

This "short attention span" problem may not be as bad now that K-Y has left the team, eh? Usta be, once the lights went out, it wasn't long before K-Y was "distractin" every player he could.
Not the whole argument. Viny, as is usually the case, is cherry picking to suit his own preconceived notions of reality. Further, he's assuming that because a successful coach does one thing, that that's the only thing someone has to do to become a successful coach AND that no other methods could possibly be more effective.


Absolutely not Tommy. But if you've tried something over and over since the beginning of your career and you have yet to achieve your goal, then isn't changing your approach imperative. Furthermore, why is that some people's complaints of Bozzer have been that the Jazz have gone as far as they can with that guy...but the same can't be said about Sloan.

Will you agree that we both want the same thing for this team...a championship? After 20 plus years of allowing Sloan to try without so much as an interjection from the front office, couldn't we try someone else? I mean, always being the bridesmaid must suck...unless you never want to marry...right?
Not the whole argument. Viny, as is usually the case, is cherry picking to suit his own preconceived notions of reality. Further, he's assuming that because a successful coach does one thing, that that's the only thing someone has to do to become a successful coach AND that no other methods could possibly be more effective.


I think Vinyl's problem with it (I'll take it from here Rich) is not the action of doing it or not though obviously he thinks film should be viewed. It's the coaches assertion that players fragile egos can't handle the constructive criticism and I have to say, I'm in full agreement with Dick that that's an awful perspective when it comes to coaching.
I don't see anything in the original article about hurt psyches or fragile egos. All I saw was "get wrapped up with all the negatives" or just "negatives". Negatives are things you don't want to do. Don't pump fake if you have a clear path to the basket, etc. Instead, Sloan is focusing on positives, things you are supposed to do. Instead of "don't pump fake", use "go straight up". Positives would be simpler, less numerous, and easier to follow.
Or the coaches could just use even numbered negatives in looking at game film, because 2 negatives equals a positive right?
Do we have a math genius who can tell us?
You guys are overthinking it, like with most stuff.
Sloan just thinks that practicing on the court does more good than watching film.
I agree that film should be watched, but I also agree that it could be an inefficient use of time to have the whole team assembled to nitpick over every mistake every player makes. I would think that they would hire assistants to watch film and highlight things that individual players should be paying attention to. I am available, I would be great at that job.
"It is something the Lakers know all too well, especially since Coach Phil Jackson forced them to watch at practice Wednesday their less-than-enthralling victory over the struggling and depleted Minnesota Timberwolves."

"Forced" them to watch, eh? Zup wit dat? All players would more soon rather sit in a dark room, watchin film, than be out on the court actually practicin the things they wanna do more better, doncha figure?

Sure, they may come into practice with certains things on their mind they wanna work on, but as soon as the coach says: "Practice is off, we watchin filim," they all start high-fivin each other, I betcha.
But if you've tried something over and over since the beginning of your career and you have yet to achieve your goal, then isn't changing your approach imperative. Furthermore, why is that some people's complaints of Bozzer have been that the Jazz have gone as far as they can with that guy...but the same can't be said about Sloan.

Will you agree that we both want the same thing for this team...a championship? After 20 plus years of allowing Sloan to try without so much as an interjection from the front office, couldn't we try someone else? I mean, always being the bridesmaid must suck...unless you never want to marry...right?
I think the "I did my best" mindset is usually destructive, so of course I believe in using different (sometimes uncomfortable) approaches to difficult problems.

With that said, the article seems to allude to the idea that Sloan has tried using more film in the past, but ultimately decided that doing so is not the most effective way (at least in the regular season) to prepare his team. Maybe that's the case, Maybe it's not. Maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong. I'm not in a position to know the inner workings of Sloan's mind, an NBA locker room, etc.

Without so much as an interjection from the front office? Seriously? This, again, is pure conjecture. Just because Sloan has kept his job this long - being highly successful in a small-ish market - doesn't mean that the front office has approved of all his decisions or given him carte blanche to do whatever he wants.

Who do you suggest the Jazz hire? What will they bring that Sloan does not? What will the Jazz lose in Sloan?
I think the "I did my best" mindset is usually destructive, so of course I believe in using different (sometimes Who do you suggest the Jazz hire? What will they bring that Sloan does not? What will the Jazz lose in Sloan?

Who ya think you're talkin to, there, eh, Commie? Whiny-*** bitches don't even think about how to make things more better. They aint about that. If thangs got more better, what could they bitch about? It would defeat the whole purpose, elmininate their "raison d' etre," or whatever it is them lame-*** Frogs say, ya know?
Does he also give the players this?
I think the "I did my best" mindset is usually destructive, so of course I believe in using different (sometimes uncomfortable) approaches to difficult problems.

Who do you suggest the Jazz hire? What will they bring that Sloan does not? What will the Jazz lose in Sloan?

Tommy, we agree on the first...for sure. The tales of Pop's transformation once Parker and Gino got on the team are well documented. He realized that being the same guy was not going to work. But that's besides the point.

Who should we hire? I'm open. JVG? PJ? Again, I'm open. Being successful in the playoffs is great, but getting bounced ****ing sucks. What will this person bring that Sloan does not...no idea. There's no way for me to know. That said, what will be brought is change. It's inevitable. Two different coaches. What will we lose? No idea.

Again, I don't dislike Sloan. He's a capable coach. He's a good coach. He's not a great coach.
Tommy, we agree on the first...for sure. The tales of Pop's transformation once Parker and Gino got on the team are well documented. He realized that being the same guy was not going to work. But that's besides the point.

Who should we hire? I'm open. JVG? PJ? Again, I'm open. Being successful in the playoffs is great, but getting bounced ****ing sucks. What will this person bring that Sloan does not...no idea. There's no way for me to know. That said, what will be brought is change. It's inevitable. Two different coaches. What will we lose? No idea.

Again, I don't dislike Sloan. He's a capable coach. He's a good coach. He's not a great coach.

In fact, why even have a coach? We should just have the film guy run the team, with the assistants helping him. Film at time-outs, film at half-time, film after the game, film before the game, film on the plane..... oh, and we should get some of that healthy un-buttered popcorn because we wouldn't want slippery hands to ruin their preparation.
I dont dislike Sloan either, but I really like film guys.

I just know winning is not about the players because they are all the same.... it is definitely watching film, and coaches that have teams watch film win, you just cant argue against it.
"Sloan has always taken a slightly different approach. Accentuating the positive is a far better way to get players to succeed and play the game at their peak. Pounding on a player over and over in a film session is not going to promote the player into a positive performance."

That aint coachin 101, just ax S2, ya know? Ya needz to browbeats them chumps and rub they face in every little mistake. Aint that right, S2?
I never said anything about browbeating--and benching a player repeatedly in one game isn't browbeating them if they are not stepping up. Typical Hopper hyperbole.

The optimal is to sit them down and calmly tell them why they are being sat down. Example: "AJ, I'm sitting you down until the next whistle because you didn't box out. We can't afford to have our players not giving 100%." Sloan is deficient in communicating the reasons for benching players, too. Ask AK (when the microphones aren't around). Or yes, you can ask Fes. Or maybe you can ask Big Al why he wasn't benched when he was stinking it up on both ends of the floor.

But yes, it is so fundamental that we have the current NBA title-holding coach holding film this season after a victory, and we have another multi-title coach making a statement as if all teams review film. Maybe not quite as often as he assumes.