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Lockout is OVER!!! NBA is back according to sources

I know!! That's almost a game every night, for like 3 nights!!!!

Your sarcasm is funny but this is extremely rigorous. Hopefully the NBA will allow these types of 3x3's to be all home games. Traveling 3 days and playing 3 nights would be draining.
That's exactly what I thought when I red a bit through the new deal. Other then the new tax rules there is nothing at all that favours small market teams. How on earth did they accept to keep the MLE around?

I was willing to miss the season if it would fix this system and create parity. I'd be willing to miss multiple seasons to get that.

Jazz basketball. I'm pizzed.
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Being a Jazz fan is like playing Heroin Hero. After this p.o.s. cash grab deal the dragon will continue to elude small market teams.

Seems cj has fallen off the grid again which is an added bonus.

Nope, I see CJ getting just as many minutes as Burks. I think Hayward and Bell are going to be starters, with Burks and Miles as their backups. I think Hayward will be the minute leader, then Burks, Miles, and Bell will have about an even split. If Millsap is actually capable of playing SF, that would potentially bump out Miles, Burks, or Bell.
Nope, I see CJ getting just as many minutes as Burks. I think Hayward and Bell are going to be starters, with Burks and Miles as their backups. I think Hayward will be the minute leader, then Burks, Miles, and Bell will have about an even split. If Millsap is actually capable of playing SF, that would potentially bump out Miles, Burks, or Bell.

dont know if your sarcastic but i think he's talking about the president of the KKK. carolina jazz
My response?


I'm not excited at all. I would have rather lost the season but ended with a CBA that helped parity (and teams like the Jazz compete) than play this season and live with a ****ty CBA that only helps the fat cats get fatter.

There's a reason why the NFL is the most popular sport in this country. A huge reason IMO? Parity. The most dominate team in football (Green Bay) would be in the dumpster if the NFL had an NBA system.

Dallas would have already bought off Rogers (with Tom Brady and Drew Brees backing him up), Adrian Peterson, Ray Lewis, Dummervill, Sebastian Janakowski, Calvin Johnson @ WR (with Brandon Marshall, Larry Fitz, and Jennings), and Revis.
My response?


I'm not excited at all. I would have rather lost the season but ended with a CBA that helped parity (and teams like the Jazz compete) than play this season and live with a ****ty CBA that only helps the fat cats get fatter.

There's a reason why the NFL is the most popular sport in this country. A huge reason IMO? Parity. The most dominate team in football (Green Bay) would be in the dumpster if the NFL had an NBA system.

Dallas would have already bought off Rogers (with Tom Brady and Drew Brees backing him up), Adrian Peterson, Ray Lewis, Dummervill, Sebastian Janakowski, Calvin Johnson @ WR (with Brandon Marshall, Larry Fitz, and Jennings), and Revis.

You do realize owners passed it on majority vote right? There are only 3 or 4 big market teams, so your argument doesn't really hold any water.
You do realize owners passed it on majority vote right? There are only 3 or 4 big market teams, so your argument doesn't really hold any water.

How so? You certainly didn't poke any holes in my argument. lol nice try though!

The owners (for whatever reason) didn't force a parity issue.

The point still remains that the NBA would be far better if parity and group sharing of revenue, just like the NFL, were a part of this league.
How so? You certainly didn't poke any holes in my argument. lol nice try though!

The owners (for whatever reason) didn't force a parity issue.

The point still remains that the NBA would be far better if parity and group sharing of revenue, just like the NFL, were a part of this league.

Stop whining like a baby. It will only make it sweeter when we finally win.
How so? You certainly didn't poke any holes in my argument. lol nice try though!

The owners (for whatever reason) didn't force a parity issue.

The point still remains that the NBA would be far better if parity and group sharing of revenue, just like the NFL, were a part of this league.

If you have a major problem with the NBA, then don't watch it and start watching the NFL instead. Please don't become CJ 2.0
How so? You certainly didn't poke any holes in my argument. lol nice try though!

The owners (for whatever reason) didn't force a parity issue.

The point still remains that the NBA would be far better if parity and group sharing of revenue, just like the NFL, were a part of this league.

I'll try to poke a hole.

Revenue sharing

• 2005 CBA: Some of the undistributed funds from the luxury tax were given to teams in competitively disadvantaged markets.

• 2011 CBA: A new plan approximately triples the amount of money that is revenue-shared. Details of this plan are yet to be finalized.

• Who benefits? Small-market teams. Teams like the Lakers, with their new $3 billion local television contract, will be perennial payers into this system, and teams like Charlotte and Milwaukee will be perennial beneficiaries.
