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LOL at delusional BYU fans

LOL It's unbelievable how far off the mark you are here. Want to try again?

phew, you're in your 50s or 60s. I, for one, feel better knowing that you've earned your blockheadedness. In all sincerity, I DO feel better knowing that you are fading out, and that your vision of the world -- and the USA in it -- might finally be on the wane.
phew, you're in your 50s or 60s.
Too high but you're getting warmer.

I, for one, feel better knowing that you've earned your blockheadedness.

It's called life experience. Your views will change as you mature and have specific experiences. I too was once a snot nosed kid that thought they knew everything and used condescension and rage to lash out at those that disagreed with me. You'll grow up one day.

In all sincerity, I DO feel better knowing that you are fading out, and that your vision of the world -- and the USA in it -- might finally be on the wane.

My greatest solace at the moment however is that by the time you reach the end of puberty I'll have Alzheimer's and won't give a crap that you can vote.
Too high but you're getting warmer.

It's called life experience. Your views will change as you mature and have specific experiences. I too was once a snot nosed kid that thought they knew everything and used condescension and rage to lash out at those that disagreed with me. You'll grow up one day.

My greatest solace at the moment however is that by the time you reach the end of puberty I'll have Alzheimer's and won't give a crap that you can vote.

I'm in my 30s, you old fart. But, wow, I love the paternalism. I'm guessing that comes quite naturally to you.

it's like that saying: The older I get, the smarter my parents get.

and/or: The smarter I get, the better I realize how little I know.
or "He who smelled it, dealt it"

note: I agonized over this one; it's pronounced "smelt" - yet I don't think the meaning would be quite the same.

though perhaps there is something a little fishy about this thread?
Dropped from rankings: Virginia Tech 13, Georgia Tech 17, Georgia 19, Brigham Young 24
So the two QB system is really working well in Provo.

Why the hell did Heaps only throw it 6 times? I didn't see the game. Did Heaps get injured or something? Convert Nelson to a RB. Play Heaps.

I also see that they gave up nearly 500 yards of offense. Yikes. Has Bronco ever lost two straight? He's about to. And if that offense doesn't get any better they're going to lose three straight. When is BYU ever going to get a more aggressive defensive coordinator? For the last few years I've seen BYU basically stay in the same defense time after time after time again. Utah meanwhile, changes their fronts, stunts, blitzes, basically to confuse the hell out of an offense. If BYU doesn't have the speed to just lock down on people, at least make it difficult for an offense to know what you're doing. Instead, they sit with 4 down linemen playing the backers into the flats and the corners playing extremely soft to not get beat deep. This allows offenses to just pick them apart for passes of 10-15 yards a crack. Against athletic receivers, this spells doom since after 10-15 yards that receiver reaches top speed and is off to the races.
Why the hell did Heaps only throw it 6 times? I didn't see the game. Did Heaps get injured or something? Convert Nelson to a RB. Play Heaps.

The coaches got scared basically by being down at the half to Air Force on the road and went with the guy that was semi-effective/semi-experienced. They of course have no foresight, nor respect for the Air Force coaching staff, if they didn't believe that Air Force would stack the box and dare Riley to throw the ball more than 10 yards. Seriously, if you can cover BYU's WRs for two seconds, Riley Nelson is just going to take off and run the ball. I have never hated a BYU player more, and the truth is, he doesn't even deserve my hate because he does do some positive things, but like you said, they have to find a way to make him a hybrid of sorts and not an every down quarterback. He should be playing safety instead of Thomas - now that guy really sucks.

They will get smashed again against Florida State this week if he gets all the reps.
None of us are surprised and we are all glad smell doesn't come through on the Internet.

Well, here is our final note. Marcus finished with a doozie, and here's yours. Beautiful. Amazing. This is especially awesome on the heels of Moe's "he who smelt it..." comment.

Go sip your hot cocoa, you lolcat.
Man, with CONAN around here I always smell a "LOLcat". Maybe that's what the Cougs have become. LOLcats smell like tuna.


I always smell.
None of us are surprised and we are all glad smell doesn't come through on the Internet.

Did anyone tell Beantown he's no longer the dumbest poster on the board.

I actually think it is wrong to attribute a quote to someone when you've modified it to the point that it no longer retains any of the original meaning and you do not make it clear that it was modified.
Did anyone tell Beantown he's no longer the dumbest poster on the board.

I actually think it is wrong to attribute a quote to someone when you've modified it to the point that it no longer retains any of the original meaning and you do not make it clear that it was modified.
Doesn't make it any less true though.