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So I just googled something related to my "peppermint soap" and hit a gold mine.

https://www.germaniumsesquioxide.com/#Analytical Testing for Germanium Sesquioxide

yep. I worked for Wes Parish in 1986, and was an analytical chemist involved in their batch or two of Ge-132 at that time. This company, now run obviously by a son, is still in the racket.

look at the material offered, and note the use federal actions, principally against foreign producers, to bolster their own sales. The compound has been generally dismissed as quackery. In 1986 and up to 1989 I researched the medical literature on this. Most of the research done was offshore, a lot in Japan. I see the current researchers cited in positive results is from that quack school where Dal studies.

Any chance I could get Dal to just saunter over to that guy's lab and pretend to be seriously interested in the reseach, even ask some questions about toxicity levels or interferon activation?

What I have learned after a page and a half...
Sasquatch is German.
Evidence is everywhere we look. And we can easily find anything we wish to. For or against.
The best part of all of this "research", I feel, is that the searcher ends up finding themselves in a tangled weave of critical data so complex that they become closer to God.. in whatever way is meaningful to them.

So the pursuit is a good one.
ouch. males get fat and their balls shrink, and get low T. Sit around, maybe don't even watch sports. . .

females develop their boobs sooner, go wacko on mood swings. Get breast cancer. I don't see much to recommend in all that.

Sounds like you've discovered the "cause" of the transgender movement.
I've just moved beyond critical science. Not because I've had some moment of "arrival" or some earned street smarts, but because I've realized that I can't prove certain things during my lifetime. For those things, I let them go, not out of laziness or too-goodedness, but out of love for life... whatever it may bring.

I don't need to part of any deep-thinking fraternity. Though it's fun from time to time..

You know what I mean.
So, with Soros, do you believe he's just a left wing nut job or far more serious threat to a greater agenda? Just curious... not at all important to me
Well, here it is.

I am an addict. My wife said so. Said I couldn't just quit posting cold turkey. I was supposed to do all December mute/JF-less to prove I am not an addict.
Well, here it is.

I am an addict. My wife said so. Said I couldn't just quit posting cold turkey. I was supposed to do all December mute/JF-less to prove I am not an addict.

Well, not that I have my box of Queen Anne chocolates and mint chocolates and Ghiradelli chocolates and Snickers and several other "Vitamin C" sources I didn't even pause to consider the labels under my belt, I'm feeling warm and friendly. Sorta like, why don't you have some chocolate too "friendly". Ah, and hot chocolate, two glasses, and chocolate egg nog. . . ..

I sorta need to provide a cover story here. . . .
I haven't done my time in the Pagoda yet.

Orange here is Prison garb, and Bubba looks like Budha, but farts are Incense. . . . .

I'm settling for my cave. People come up here about five days a year. Pine logs on the fire. Orange sunrise. Pine nuts, venison, cottontail, and hauling water up 500 feet vertical above the creek. Gonnna live to be 110.
I haven't done my time in the Pagoda yet.

Orange here is Prison garb, and Bubba looks like Budha, but farts are Incense. . . . .

I'm settling for my cave. People come up here about five days a year. Pine logs on the fire. Orange sunrise. Pine nuts, venison, cottontail, and hauling water up 500 feet vertical above the creek. Gonnna live to be 110.

Sounds good man, but can you keep hauling water up 500 feet when you're 110????
Sounds good man, but can you keep hauling water up 500 feet when you're 110????

The Old Man In The Cave is just one of my personas. . . .

It's the mountain I make my believers climb. That's why I urge you to have a diamond handy, and a ring that can be resized to mount it on. I'm depending on you to immediately propose marriage to the next HaUli lass that smiles faintly at you from across the roses. So Your kids and grandkids will haul the waster.
The Old Man In The Cave is just one of my personas. . . .

It's the mountain I make my believers climb. That's why I urge you to have a diamond handy, and a ring that can be resized to mount it on. I'm depending on you to immediately propose marriage to the next HaUli lass that smiles faintly at you from across the roses. So Your kids and grandkids will haul the waster.

But aren't you relying a little too much on your ability to persuade 'other people' to do that work for you? What's in it for them? Kids nowadays all they want to do is play on their iphones and ipads.
But aren't you relying a little too much on your ability to persuade 'other people' to do that work for you? What's in it for them? Kids nowadays all they want to do is play on their iphones and ipads.

all lies. Nobody will ever find happiness in electronics or other applicances of self-absorbtion. Alex Jones is right, the Evil Empire is not Russia or China anymore, And without Hillary or Obama maybe it isn't the US either, it is the idea of self-sufficiency where ever it rises. Arrogance personified.

People will always need people more than anything else, and they will always turn to the idea of goodness in human wisdom. Grandpa and Grandma will always be the real solid gold standard of humanity.

Good government will always be found in electing Grandpa to fix the stupid young turk bureaucrats.
Have you seen this? Liberal futuristic living scenarios are my favorite subset in the horror genre:


Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city - or should I say, "our city". I don't own anything. I don't own a car. I don't own a house. I don't own any appliances or any clothes.

It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service. We have access to transportation, accommodation, food and all the things we need in our daily lives. One by one all these things became free, so it ended up not making sense for us to own much.

In our city we don't pay any rent, because someone else is using our free space whenever we do not need it. My living room is used for business meetings when I am not there.

"They live different kinds of lives outside of the city"

My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city. Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages.
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Have you seen this? Liberal futuristic living scenarios are my favorite subset in the horror genre:


No. . . . new to me, but not "news".

Eugene Zamatyin wrote a fascinating story back in the 1920s. He was a Russian, well, maybe a Ukranian, with a brain trying to survive Stalin. I think he wrote the book "We", where "we" became the branded property of Statists who were told stories about how we all should be.


A lot of people believe what they are told.


I should note that I believe Colton, Jason, and 8 of ten JazzFanz "mods" are dutiful dreamers whose minds have essentially become the mindset of the police in "We", along with Game, Siro, Dal, and Red. There is, theoretically speaking, some thing "We" should be.

But, hey, I'm just always going to be the rebel somewhere on tha revolutionary number line.

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