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alcohol strips away fats from brain cell neuronal cell walls, impairing receptor competence, no threshold linear effect directly correlating to brain functional impairment..... the wall will rebuild if given a little time, and if the wall is not lyzed, permanently killing the cell.

never argue with a drunk. If you're driving, honk AND evade!!!!!!
The History of Law

I have recently been reviewing some lectures on the history of law, beginning with the ancient civilizations down to the present.

I have ---until now--- believed that the Magna Carta was a great revolution in securing previously-unsecured human rights at least in the line of British and American developments. My wife told me I was nuts.... that human rights were original with the Law of Moses.

Turns out, we were both wrong. It appears that in great civilizations, complex legal systems guaranteeing human rights have been the genesis, the cause of societal greatness, and that as the civilization peaked and began a decline, human rights were correspondingly being degraded by corrupt governmental institutions generally.

The Magna Carta was a demand, backed by various nobles whose interests were being threatened by Royal corruption, that previous rights must be recognized by the King. The Scots, the Celts, the Angles, The Saxons, the Danes, and the Vikings all had legal systems with great individual rights, and very limited governmental perogatives. That is why they were strong peoples.

The Normans, once a Viking branch, had been corrupted by the French legal remnants with serious authoritative reductions in human rights carried down from the fall of the Roman Empire. William the Conqueror only won the battle of Hastings because the defenders didn't see him coming, and had wasted their strength fighting one another.

The American Revolution was the result of corrupt English government literally abusing the colonists and denying them the rights they expected devolving from the common law that went clear through the Magna Carta to centuries of better expectations. In a large measure, we owe our liberty to the Scots, because 9 of the 56 statesmen who produced our Constitution were students of one Princeton (then College of New Jersey) professor named Witherspoon, who knew well his origins and legal traditions, and warned against unbridled government....

James Madison was a Witherspoon student who stayed on for extra courses after his graduation.....
Stoked says I am a Scot, a literal Braveheart....

My daughters have been researching my genealogy. I am actually a descendant of "Braveheart".....

My favorite authority on military matters, a KNX weekly commentator, says it's disgustingly difficult to stomach the Hollywood version of "Braveheart". Robert the Bruce was so much more, and better, from a tactical military standpoint.

Brian Suites, with his program "A Dark Secret Place". He is so realistic in his appraisals of Mideast issues and other military strategist concerns..... KNX 640 AM. I forget whether it's Sat. or Sun night around 10PM. Doesn't matter, I can only listen when I'm driving, and he outranks Siri125 in my book, whoever it is doing the gun rights program. (David Webb/another guy)
So here's a tidbit about a genetic marker in the Bruce male line of descent, beginning with his great grandson. Sorry, it's my maternal line that goes back to Robert I O(the Bruce who studied the ways of a spider, like the Proverb says to study the ways of the Ant)

My genetic ancestry does, according to the outfit we submitted some saliva to, say I'm about 60% Scot. Well, I'd have to imagine I'm descended from the English foe the Bruce fought, as well.

Statistically, 800 years ago, I would have to have about 10 million ancestors on the island that only had 1 million people at the time, if that. Given the likelihood of some of those 1 million being many times my ancestor, it's still a statistical stretch to imagine I'm not descended from at least 100,000 different living people from the year 1316.

Oh, BTW, given the class system and all, it's pretty certain I'm descended from The Bruce in more than one way. Maybe 100 ways. You too, if you're 1/5 Scotch. (pun?/sp intended)
Babe - what's your view on the Palestine/Israel conflict?

Since all the British monarchs sorta believe the tale of Avalon and the Holy Grail, and my Royal ancestry as documented by the claimed genealogies of the royalties of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and England all go back to King Arthur, and thence to Joseph of Aramathea, the uncle of Jesus, and back to David.... hence that sacred stone in Westminster Abbey signifying the British Throne is actually the line of King David which the Bible says will last forever......

well, I think the Palestinians should do their genealogy and prove they're really the Jews they really are, who just didn't run when the Romans ran the others out. Forget about Mohammad, and come home to your roots, people.

That would solve it all.... but until Jesus comes and sets it all straight, I'm sure we'll just go on with all the useless wars we can imagine.
Since all the British monarchs sorta believe the tale of Avalon and the Holy Grail, and my Royal ancestry as documented by the claimed genealogies of the royalties of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and England all go back to King Arthur, and thence to Joseph of Aramathea, the uncle of Jesus, and back to David.... hence that sacred stone in Westminster Abbey signifying the British Throne is actually the line of King David which the Bible says will last forever......

well, I think the Palestinians should do their genealogy and prove they're really the Jews they really are, who just didn't run when the Romans ran the others out. Forget about Mohammad, and come home to your roots, people.

That would solve it all.... but until Jesus comes and sets it all straight, I'm sure we'll just go on with all the useless wars we can imagine.

Do you agree/disagree with the UN's partitioning of Israel/Palestine in 1967?

I saw a documentary a while back and thought that was so unfair on the Palestine and I believe had led to all these problems they're having now.
Do you agree/disagree with the UN's partitioning of Israel/Palestine in 1967?

I saw a documentary a while back and thought that was so unfair on the Palestine and I believe had led to all these problems they're having now.

I was in Israel for two weeks, part of a group invited by the Israeli Minister of Education. I sorta strayed from the flock a few times.

a couple of things..... the arabs living in the Israeli quarters helped the Israelis in the last two wars, volunteering to drive ambulances and supply trucks and such. They recognize they have a generally good government and would not willingly cross the border to be Palestinian. I've worked directly under both Palestinians and Jews here in the USA. I really do think the Palestinians are actually a Jewish remnant. But the cultural and religious influence of Islamic beliefs is so powerful, there will be no peace.

I agree the Palestinians should have a sovereign homeland, but the Israelis are doing so much better as a modern sort of government that does respect more basic human rights. As long as the rhetoric is about running the Israelis back into the sea, I am solid on the Israeli side.

Still, when I got out into the Palestinian areas and talked to people, my heart sorta went out to them, particularly the high school kids. The whole culture of men abusing boys sorta weirds me out, as does the blood hate that runs so strong in some. Bottom line, the Palestinians do not have the makings of a peaceful neighbor or humanitarian State, and won't have, until they shake lose of the propaganda/exploitation politically instigated by global power interests. Until then, there will be no peace, and it will take Jesus to break up that power elite.

The worst aspect of the whole situation comes from WWI where because certain banks sold out the Germans, a socialist---not just a fascist---Adolf Hitler concluded he couldn't trust having Jews in his homeland. He knew historically that Germany had been sold out, in favor of the Brits. But he was making his own deal with the Devil in inviting American industrialists like the Rockefellers and Fords, and even the British, to build production plants in Germany. Our CFR, Brit-linked, elites are the "progressives", the "socialists" that have run American into the ground in the last fifty years. The deal that was brokered by the British for the Israelis is as evil as evil ever has been. Yes, the "Jews" were given part of their homeland, but the Jewish leaders who made that deal included a number of communists who made a side-deal with the Soviet Union.

The side deal, still in force because of communist elements in Israeli government, was anti-American. Israel would openly seek American alliance, and would never conclude any peace with the Palestinians. Thus, the agreement guarantees perpetual war. The Soviets wanted this to undermine American foreign relations worldwide.

The Palestinians have also been infiltrated by Western interests seeking to foment war and unrest, and are largely being exploited for the sake of a perverse war of attrition designed to eliminate that population or reduce it to insignificance.

It is all unbelievable, but that's the way it is, and it will take, literally, a returning Jesus to make the Peace.

The Hundred Years War in Europe was significantly ended by Nicolas de Cusa, a Catholic priest who preached that the way to have peace is just to be peace. Peace for the sake of peace, let bygones be bygone. You have to love peace more than life sometimes to have peace.

It's like the way my wife and I argue. If I win, I lose. I walk away and when I come back, she's done everything the way I wanted, on her own terms, in her own way. I say thanks, wow, how smart you are. Well, honestly, more than half the time I come back and see what's she's done, and it really is her idea, and it really is better than what I thought. I say thanks, wow, how smart you are.

I sorta like to see what free self-reliant people can come up with, really.

oh, yah, I sorta rambled and redundantly analyzed the sitch, but I gotta go do some work. later.
I was in Israel for two weeks, part of a group invited by the Israeli Minister of Education. I sorta strayed from the flock a few times.

a couple of things..... the arabs living in the Israeli quarters helped the Israelis in the last two wars, volunteering to drive ambulances and supply trucks and such. They recognize they have a generally good government and would not willingly cross the border to be Palestinian. I've worked directly under both Palestinians and Jews here in the USA. I really do think the Palestinians are actually a Jewish remnant. But the cultural and religious influence of Islamic beliefs is so powerful, there will be no peace.

I agree the Palestinians should have a sovereign homeland, but the Israelis are doing so much better as a modern sort of government that does respect more basic human rights. As long as the rhetoric is about running the Israelis back into the sea, I am solid on the Israeli side.

Still, when I got out into the Palestinian areas and talked to people, my heart sorta went out to them, particularly the high school kids. The whole culture of men abusing boys sorta weirds me out, as does the blood hate that runs so strong in some. Bottom line, the Palestinians do not have the makings of a peaceful neighbor or humanitarian State, and won't have, until they shake lose of the propaganda/exploitation politically instigated by global power interests. Until then, there will be no peace, and it will take Jesus to break up that power elite.

The worst aspect of the whole situation comes from WWI where because certain banks sold out the Germans, a socialist---not just a fascist---Adolf Hitler concluded he couldn't trust having Jews in his homeland. He knew historically that Germany had been sold out, in favor of the Brits. But he was making his own deal with the Devil in inviting American industrialists like the Rockefellers and Fords, and even the British, to build production plants in Germany. Our CFR, Brit-linked, elites are the "progressives", the "socialists" that have run American into the ground in the last fifty years. The deal that was brokered by the British for the Israelis is as evil as evil ever has been. Yes, the "Jews" were given part of their homeland, but the Jewish leaders who made that deal included a number of communists who made a side-deal with the Soviet Union.

The side deal, still in force because of communist elements in Israeli government, was anti-American. Israel would openly seek American alliance, and would never conclude any peace with the Palestinians. Thus, the agreement guarantees perpetual war. The Soviets wanted this to undermine American foreign relations worldwide.

The Palestinians have also been infiltrated by Western interests seeking to foment war and unrest, and are largely being exploited for the sake of a perverse war of attrition designed to eliminate that population or reduce it to insignificance.

It is all unbelievable, but that's the way it is, and it will take, literally, a returning Jesus to make the Peace.

The Hundred Years War in Europe was significantly ended by Nicolas de Cusa, a Catholic priest who preached that the way to have peace is just to be peace. Peace for the sake of peace, let bygones be bygone. You have to love peace more than life sometimes to have peace.

It's like the way my wife and I argue. If I win, I lose. I walk away and when I come back, she's done everything the way I wanted, on her own terms, in her own way. I say thanks, wow, how smart you are. Well, honestly, more than half the time I come back and see what's she's done, and it really is her idea, and it really is better than what I thought. I say thanks, wow, how smart you are.

I sorta like to see what free self-reliant people can come up with, really.

oh, yah, I sorta rambled and redundantly analyzed the sitch, but I gotta go do some work. later.

Haha.. thanks for your input, very interesting read and gave me a new perspective on the whole situation as well. It's kinda sad to me that after all these years Hitler is still having the last laugh with this situation stemming somewhat from what he did way back then.
Haha.. thanks for your input, very interesting read and gave me a new perspective on the whole situation as well. It's kinda sad to me that after all these years Hitler is still having the last laugh with this situation stemming somewhat from what he did way back then.

There is a sort of legend in the United States, a myth about a "money river". You can work hard, and do all the right things, but you're little-known. You might be rich, but it's small potatoes, really. You might have great talent, like a star, you'd think you're really "somebody", but no one knows it......

Unless..... and until....somebody who is really somebody, shows you the mystery, and leads you to the "Money River".

I don't know what it takes to get included in the inner circle. I might have had a chance, but I didn't measure up. If you're your own man, you can't be used.

Hitler was tapped to be "somebody", and imo he wasn't a fatality of WWII. Spent his declining years in a fair mansion in the alpine forests of southern Argentina.....

At least, the King of England and some leading circles of American ivy league intellects, and American industrialists, became quite enthusiastic about him in the early 1930s. Of the Axis powers, he was the one who played his cards "right". I don't know why he would not have just been done in.

I don't think it's really "money" that qualifies or maintains "power" in our world, it's being willing to go along and get along with "The Way Things Are". Some might argue it goes with the absolute will to just dominate..... but no, there is an inside track.

I believe the real war in this world is ideas. The ideas of the American Revolution, essentially the same ideas that existed in the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Viking, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, and Normans of northern Europe, the ideas that opposed the Roman Empire.
Liberals today, and "progressives" strike me as the Romans of our time, as the Tories of our age. As the "Normans" of 1066, infected with authoritarian and establishment values, determined to exploit the lesser folks. Oh, sure, rhetoric is great cover, but the rhetoric isn't the reality.
There's a little retreat in the redwoods about eighty miles north of San Francisco, a lot of politicians go there for a couple of weeks in the summer. Reagan even went there as governor of Cali. It's a sort of camp, but with grottos set up with stages for acting out plays, "reality plays" so to speak. One of the ritual plays is the slaying of the "Care Bear". The idea is that to be a leader, if you actually care about people, your judgment becomes poor. It's like the way corporations train their middle managers not to be affected by personal involvement with their staff, not to put their people ahead of the corporation.... Our politicians who go to these camps are trained to not actually care about the people they govern. Sure, they're the ones who are the most glib talkers, and they are the most reflexive sort of liars as well. I'm sure the idea is not uniformly implemented, and some real humanity remains in some of our political and leadership classes, but that is the true intent and direction of the "conditioning" plays.
Haha.. thanks for your input, very interesting read and gave me a new perspective on the whole situation as well. It's kinda sad to me that after all these years Hitler is still having the last laugh with this situation stemming somewhat from what he did way back then.

OK, so I don't really have inside knowledge. I'm the guy who sat on the sandstone bluffs overlooking town, and thought things through while watching the other high school kids crusing the Boulevard. I don't believe in "stupid", and I look for actual reasons why things are what they are.

If the Palestinians and Israelis were just two cultural groups in the same small niche, I'd expect after a while there'd be markets where they traded stuff. There'd be interest in getting along and getting ahead. When that doesn't happen, even across the religious divide, we need reasons.

There a reason the Israelis have kibbutz "collectives". Lots of believers in Marxism. Lots of socialists. The tribesmen of Israel were strictly non-collective people oriented towards private property under the tribal territorial and priestly ministrations. No mention of a communal farm, but ideas about landowners at least leaving the gleanings for the poor.

There is a reason why the Palestinians are socialist, as well. It's western infiltration, communist cell organizations that act to coordinate schools and communities. Lots of Obamas moving in their streets.

If left to themselves, these two peoples would make peace and merge. Really.

The reason there is war is because outsiders manipulate things within the two cultures. Might be because the Israelis are advanced New Worlders and the Palestinians are propagandized shopkeepers.... but really it's the ideas being foisted on the people....by outsiders.