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Looking for genuine discourse re: Donald Sterling/NBA

ok so black people/african americans or whatever the hell they wanna be called.
who have "fought" for equality, freedom and all other human rights.

thinks it is okay to take some of those human rights away.


Just stop
I am pretty pissed of about this.

this might push me over the edge to never ever spend a single dollar on the nba.

first for wasted years of crobain. now a leaugue that does not support freedom of speech in someones OWN PRIVATE HOME!

meaybe i'll cool down and come back.

but i feel like i am done with the NBA

Dutch, it's not that free speech is not supported. Sure, his privacy was violated but once it was made public, the emperor was naked, and you had to deal with it. They had no choice. And if you look at the public record that was little known but has since come out, this guy is the ultimate sleezeball -- talks about getting BJs in his limousine while his chauffeur is driving, and this mind you is when he's married, and he also has made other obscene comments in public. Of course we didn't know about this before, but now as I said the emperor is naked and he is getting off very easy -- going to make a cool billion. What he really deserves is what the insubordinate slaves got -- 50-100 lashes and the removal of one of his ears. But the guy is 80 years old; he's had his. What is left though is living out a life in disgrace, probably the biggest punishment.
Dutch be crackin me up doe
Dutch, it's not that free speech is not supported. Sure, his privacy was violated but once it was made public, the emperor was naked, and you had to deal with it. They had no choice. And if you look at the public record that was little known but has since come out, this guy is the ultimate sleezeball -- talks about getting BJs in his limousine while his chauffeur is driving, and this mind you is when he's married, and he also has made other obscene comments in public. Of course we didn't know about this before, but now as I said the emperor is naked and he is getting off very easy -- going to make a cool billion. What he really deserves is what the insubordinate slaves got -- 50-100 lashes and the removal of one of his ears. But the guy is 80 years old; he's had his. What is left though is living out a life in disgrace, probably the biggest punishment.

so wait wait wait some homosexual can marry another homosexual and do all kind of deviant stuff to eachother.
but a man cant get bkjs in a limo(i assumed in private aka tinted windows etc).


you are a biggot sir. for suggesting getting bjs is sleezeballish.

ban him for live mods
fine him some money
Dutch, it's not that free speech is not supported. Sure, his privacy was violated but once it was made public, the emperor was naked, and you had to deal with it. They had no choice. And if you look at the public record that was little known but has since come out, this guy is the ultimate sleezeball -- talks about getting BJs in his limousine while his chauffeur is driving, and this mind you is when he's married, and he also has made other obscene comments in public. Of course we didn't know about this before, but now as I said the emperor is naked and he is getting off very easy -- going to make a cool billion. What he really deserves is what the insubordinate slaves got -- 50-100 lashes and the removal of one of his ears. But the guy is 80 years old; he's had his. What is left though is living out a life in disgrace, probably the biggest punishment.

No it is not. Shunning him and banning him is the right move.

He is going to live his life out in luxury. Surronded by expensive things, 5 star food and beautiful women. He's rich...
This is all obeezys fault..... am i right dutch?
This is all obeezys fault..... am i right dutch?

I hear that everyday lol. No joke.

Guy had his check suspended and came in yelling "Obama stopped my check!". Looked up his info and saw the problem and told him 'Yup his fault. He didn't call us to tell us you had moved." Idiots...
Oh poor, Sterling. Boo hoo. Give me a break, Nick.

I am undoubtedly without Racism and I think most people here on this board are as well. That said, I think we're all a little bigoted or prejudiced. That's human nature. What divides us at that point is whether we are able to rationalize our own thoughts into confirming the error of our thinking.

Also, **** Sterling and **** Bundy.

As I suspected. Your post is soaked in non-black privilege. Hard to take you seriously.

For that matter, where does Silver get off being "outraged"? As if he's in any position to understand.
You didn't even read what I wrote, did you? smh

So much for conversation.

I read what you wrote..... i just dont think that some bimbo could get another nba owner on tape sayin racist stuff like that. If they can then the owner would have to be really stupid after seeing this fiasco
As I suspected. Your post is soaked in non-black privilege. Hard to take you seriously.

For that matter, where does Silver get off being "outraged"? As if he's in any position to understand.

About time one brow chimed in
Still can't see how Sterling gets forced to sell the team even if 3/4's of owners vote him out. This is going to go to court and be a lengthy process. Clippers may end up sucking because of it, but people will forget about this story and back to status quo until another extraordinarily rich ******* in a leadership role gets exposed.
rapists are thought to target, sometimes, on extreme hate. Men who set up co-habitation routines with their sexual partners, not so much.

Viewing a person as less human/les fully human/etc. than you, because of their skin color, does not imply you hate them. There is a long tradition among male, white people invested in racist thoughts who nonetheless have trysts with black people. What they don't do is marry them or acknowledge any children.
ok so black people/african americans or whatever the hell they wanna be called.
who have "fought" for equality, freedom and all other human rights.

thinks it is okay to take some of those human rights away.


If I spouted off a racist diatribe which was made public I'd probably be fired from my job as well, even if I had spoken the words in private. I imagine a lot of people in here could say the same.

I wouldn't, however, go to jail or have any consequences from the government--which is really what the freedom of speech right is about.
Did anyone see that Larry Johnson tweeted that blacks should just have their own league? Imagine if Hayward tweeted there should be an all-white league. Love the hypocrisy.

You men, because black owners would have so much of an advantage it would be unfair to the white owners?

“Black people your Focusing on the wrong thing. We should be focusing on having our own, Own team own League! To For Self!!”

I don't see anything in there about an all-black league.