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Mavs vs. Heat Finals Thread

I wish Dirk to get his ring, but I dont know how much of a chance he has against the refs. Lebron and Wade get so many calls.


...the Mav's got hosed big time in that 2006 Finals. Everytime anyone even so much as breathed on Wade he ended up on the line for 2 foul shots. If that doesn't happen this year.....the Mav's are going to kick there collective butts clear back to South Beach!
How many foul shots did Wade get in that 6 game series anyway? Had to be close to 100. I think he broke a record!!!
No one can beat the Heat when the refs call the games like this.

Even if Peja, Terry, and JJ show up next game, they'll still lose if the refs don't call it both ways.
Doesn't look good for the Mavs. I thought they'd have more of an advantage at the center position and with their bench.
...pretty pathetic game, especially for the Mav's. Poor shooting more than lock down defense, if you ask me. Ref's called it fair. No complaints there. Mav's played more nervous than the Heat. Hey, what can I say.....the Mav's lost and need to play better on Thursday to steal home court advantage. Oh, by the way, the little squirt guard for the Mav's gave them nothing off the bench.
Yea,. I'd say Miami got a bit of an edge from the refs, although I've certainly seen much worse. Still, considering that the Mavs were up late in the game, a few different calls could easily have altered the outcome.

The Heat looked more aggressive and athletic, but some of the Mavs players might also show more of those qualities if the could play that way without getting called for fouls. Chandler especially seems hampered, getting no love at all from the refs. Then there was Dirks strip called a foul, and others. There were a few calls favoring the Mavs too, but not as many.

So much for my dream of an underdog overcoming the refs to win it all in the NBA. The team that can get away with playing most aggressively always wins.
Just like in the Bulls Heat series.
People seem to think the Bulls got blown out, but a just few different calls and the outcomes could have been very different.
More star players should do what Lebron, Wade and Bosh did. Sacrifice their ego's and some $ to ultimately win an NBA championship. At least it sure looks like the Heat will win a championship in the first year. That team will only get better next year.

The next team up should involve Dwight, Deron and some one else
DIIIIIIIIIIIIIRKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 omg