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Max Out Matthews?

I wonder how many players are going to look to sign 2 years deal this FA. It would make perfect sense for Matthews to sign a big 2 year deal then get a nice 4 year deal when the cap booms.

I think plenty of guys will try to go the LeBron route and sign 2-year contracts with the 2nd year being a player option.
Do we have a chance at Butler or Leonard? Maybe even Green? The thought of paying Matthews the max churns my stomach. He's a good player and a nice person, but can a team that pays him the max ever become a contender? The move screams MEDIOCRITY.
Even green and to a lesser extent leonard (I have no idea his true value due to him being in a perfect situation) don't seem like players that would push us over the top.
I think Hayward is better than all of those guys except butler (I would max him) and there is a chance that gobert and favors will be better than them too. Hell, even Burks might be better than Wes, kahwai, and draymond in a year or two.
Isn't the max higher for Matthews? I thought he could get the true max since he has been in the league longer. If it was hayward type money I think he is definitely worth that, because he shoots like 8 threes a game and makes more than 40% of them. That is extremely valuable. Especially when you have bigs like hayward and Gobert who need space.

The other thing though is that our free agency should depend on our draft. If we get a nice wing in the draft, then that changes things a bit.

Exum needs to be a star though, or we won't have too fun of a time not making it past the second round of the playoffs.
Isn't the max higher for Matthews? I thought he could get the true max since he has been in the league longer. If it was hayward type money I think he is definitely worth that, because he shoots like 8 threes a game and makes more than 40% of them. That is extremely valuable. Especially when you have bigs like hayward and Gobert who need space.

The other thing though is that our free agency should depend on our draft. If we get a nice wing in the draft, then that changes things a bit.

Exum needs to be a star though, or we won't have too fun of a time not making it past the second round of the playoffs.

I think the highest max is available to players who have been in the league 7 years, and Matthews is in his 6th year now. If I'm right on the 7 year thing that would be even more of an incentive for Matthews to sign a short contract this summer.
We would also be paying 11m for his back up...

I can't say I would be a fan of paying him 15m per at all. If we can get him for Burks money, then great.
You are completely missing the point......

1.) Who else can we sign this year?
2) Who else can we sign next year?
3) The 3rd year the cap will be huge and Matthews max (or near max) will no longer be a max contract and won't be that big of % of the cap
I agree. We'll have to overpay to attract a free agent. Even IF Portland counters with the same contract, we wind up doing to them what they did to us with Millsap: namely, they have to overpay to keep someone. Matthew is averaging 16 pts. on 45/40%. He's 28, so still young enough to have quite a few good years left (certainly for the length of a 4yr deal) and would be a tough veteran leader.

Portland acquired Afflalo so maybe they'd be a little more hesitant to counter with a max offer for Matthews. It's worth DL at least picking up the phone. Call him at 12:00.01 and offer him $14M. Tell him he'd start. Give him 24 hours to think about it, but emphasize that the team needs to go to Plan B if he decides to stay in Portland. Matthews had nothing but great things to say about Utah and was almost apologetic in his press conference when he left. I know there are ZERO hard feeelings; he understood it was an unprecedented offer and the Jazz just couldn't go into the luxury tax to match.

A lot does depend on the draft, though. If the Jazz draft a big, they'll go after a wing. If they draft someone like Hezonja, then there's no reason to target a wing in free agency.
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Good post.
I guess I could be ok with it ONLY because of what's happening with the cap in the next few years

As a general idea I think it's always bad to max role players
Role players are guys like Bruce Bowen. Matthews is NOT a role player. He's a top starter on a strong playoff team who averages 34 mins/per. He's also a two-way player who would instantly make the Jazz a much better offensive team with his 3PT range and a better defensive team on the perimeter. I don't care that we already have Burks: make him a 6th man or trade him if he whines. Matthews, Burks, Hayward is a GREAT wing rotation, with a little bit of Hood or Ingles thrown in to spell them (or even Millsap). In fact, Matthews complements Hayward a lot better than Burks; he's a perimeter player. Burks can head up the second unit and drive all he wants. Alec also has some decent ball-handling skills so when Hayward comes out, he's there to help Dante.

Priority #1 is to offer three firsts to move up for Russell. If that can't be done, then we go after guys like Matthews, DMC, Middleton, etc.
Role players are guys like Bruce Bowen. Matthews is NOT a role player. He's a top starter on a strong playoff team who averages 34 mins/per. He's also a two-way player who would instantly make the Jazz a much better offensive team with his 3PT range and a better defensive team on the perimeter. I don't care that we already have Burks: make him a 6th man or trade him if he whines. Matthews, Burks, Hayward is a GREAT wing rotation, with a little bit of Hood or Ingles thrown in to spell them (or even Millsap). In fact, Matthews complements Hayward a lot better than Burks; he's a perimeter player. Burks can head up the second unit and drive all he wants. Alec also has some decent ball-handling skills so when Hayward comes out, he's there to help Dante.

Priority #1 is to offer three firsts to move up for Russell. If that can't be done, then we go after guys like Matthews, DMC, Middleton, etc.
I think Matthews is a role player. A very good one but still a role player.
How many all star appearances has Matthews made?

Lamarcus aldridge is a max type player..... damian lillard is a max type player.
Matthews is only the third best player on a team that has no chance at a championship.

That doesn't scream superstar to me
I doubt we spend anywhere close to max money on a SG. DL is very comfortable with AB and Hood to go with GH. And Wes is not a max player. Look for a stretch 4 or else a run at a real big name. He might even work on bringing Korver and Sap back to play for Quinn
I doubt we spend anywhere close to max money on a SG. DL is very comfortable with AB and Hood to go with GH. And Wes is not a max player. Look for a stretch 4 or else a run at a real big name. He might even work on bringing Korver and Sap back to play for Quinn

Stretch 4? That guy still has to play behind Favors/Gobert.

The wing is the position we need to upgrade. Burks can be a 6th man.
Stretch 4? That guy still has to play behind Favors/Gobert.

The wing is the position we need to upgrade. Burks can be a 6th man.

Agree... we need a lower level stretch 4. The Garrett dude may be good enough... hell Booker might be good enough.

We could potentially have an issue on the wing if Hood develops and we draft a wing... then i don't think we sign another guy.
I just think we go all in for Russell. We offer Hood, our first rounder, the GSW 1st, the OKC 1st, Burke, and whatever else we have lying around if we don't get a top 3 pick. I would include Burks in that kind of package as well. We would consolidate assets and get Russ... then we could sign an established guy... say Danny Green and we wouldn't have a log jam.
I guess how i feel about "maxing" wes matthews is like this: I cant see the future so i dont know what kind of money we will have to spend in 3 years or so..... but i think that there is a good chance that matthews is the 4th best player on our team in 2 years (and a smaller chance that he is our 5th best player or even 6th best player if burks and exum both get alot better) and i would be pissed if we had to lose one of favors, gobert, hayward, exum (or a alec burks that makes a similar leap to what we saw from gordon) because we couldnt afford them due to matthews contract.

now if we worked it just perfectly with the length of his deal that it would never affect keeping those guys then im all for it. its not my money right? Just doesnt seem smart to pay the 4th best player on your team max money. (even dumber if he is the fifth or sixth best player on the team)
I just think we go all in for Russell. We offer Hood, our first rounder, the GSW 1st, the OKC 1st, Burke, and whatever else we have lying around if we don't get a top 3 pick. I would include Burks in that kind of package as well. We would consolidate assets and get Russ... then we could sign an established guy... say Danny Green and we wouldn't have a log jam.

I agree........ even on the inclusion of burks :(

Gotta keep trying to get that elusive superstar. (hopefully we already have it on our team right now, but i dont think we do)
I just think we go all in for Russell. We offer Hood, our first rounder, the GSW 1st, the OKC 1st, Burke, and whatever else we have lying around if we don't get a top 3 pick. I would include Burks in that kind of package as well. We would consolidate assets and get Russ... then we could sign an established guy... say Danny Green and we wouldn't have a log jam.

We do not need to include Burke, Hood and Burks. Maybe it is just me but it kind of sounds like you will give them all to get a top 3.

Jazz have all their own first rounders, the GS 2017 1st, OKC future 1st, multiple 2nd rounders, Millsap, Booker and 3-4 foreign player rights.

Personally I'd offer up to two of Burke, Burks and Hood. I'd rather keep Hood and Burks at this point if they can.

But I agree that they Jazz need to make a legit run at trading for a top 2 pick to land Russell if they don't get lucky.
I guess how i feel about "maxing" wes matthews is like this: I cant see the future so i dont know what kind of money we will have to spend in 3 years or so..... but i think that there is a good chance that matthews is the 4th best player on our team in 2 years (and a smaller chance that he is our 5th best player or even 6th best player if burks and exum both get alot better) and i would be pissed if we had to lose one of favors, gobert, hayward, exum (or a alec burks that makes a similar leap to what we saw from gordon) because we couldnt afford them due to matthews contract.

now if we worked it just perfectly with the length of his deal that it would never affect keeping those guys then im all for it. its not my money right? Just doesnt seem smart to pay the 4th best player on your team max money. (even dumber if he is the fifth or sixth best player on the team)
Favors, Gobert and Hayward will all come up for new contracts. As has been mentioned, $14-$15M won't be max money after 2016. You can conceivably pay Hayward and Gobert $20M each, Favors $18, Matthews $14 and Burks $10M and still be WELL BELOW the luxury tax line of $100M+ adding in other veterans and draft picks to fill out the roster. Exum comes up for a raise just as contracts are set to expire. If he busts out and earns the max, then Jazz deal the contract of Burks or Matthews if they're set to exceed the luxury tax limit. If we were contending at that point, I have a feeling Greg would be willing to exceed it for a year if contracts overlap.

We're also assuming Hayward stays. I hope he does. But we need to give him a reason. Read his blog; he spoke very highly of Gobert. So I'm optimistic. But he also talked about the correlation of being on a winning team and receiving all-star consideration. I think the clock is ticking. Winning needs to start happening next year and the year after.