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Meet The Newest Jazz Fan (Yeah, I Know, the Title Is Cliched As Hell)


Modstapo Lite
Staff member
Normally I'm not a fan of these posts, but considering I've actually met/know some of you personally I thought I'd share with you all the glory of my first, and probably last, born son, Thomas.


He obviously inherited his father's awesome looks, or something.

As a plus nobody in my family but me gives a damn about basketball, so I can totally indoctrinate him in the Jazz. Can't wait!
Normally I'm not a fan of these posts, but considering I've actually met/know some of you personally I thought I'd share with you all the glory of my first, and probably last, born son, Thomas.


He obviously inherited his father's awesome looks, or something.

As a plus nobody in my family but me gives a damn about basketball, so I can totally indoctrinate him in the Jazz. Can't wait!

congrats!! time to brainwash him :D

Sent from the JazzFanz app
Good job man
Congrats brocious and thanks for sharing
Congrats, Nate!

But seriously, you're supposed to be black. What's happening here?
Congrats Nate, welcome to the parenthood. It ain't getting any easier brother!
awww.... what a cutie! kudos!!!

and Congratulations :)

(I'm planning to rep but my computer has been freezing lately when I give rep... so we'll see)

(rep successful, woo hoo)
Congrats. Your life is now completely over (I mean that in a good way).