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Miles quits team


Well-Known Member
from the trib:

Utah Jazz swingman CJ Miles quit the team this morning, according to head coach Tyrone Corbin.

Miles, who is in his sixth year in the league, went into Corbin's office and said he was leaving the team immediately. Corbin said he had not spoken to members of the team about Miles' decision, though he believes they already know.

"We're moving forward," Corbin said in response to how the news might affect the Jazz. "There's no one individual, including myself, who's more important than the program. The program is headed forward."

According to the Desert News, Miles had been non-committal to the idea of returning after last week's surprise ouster of former head coach Jerry Sloan. When asked if he would return with Sloan out, Miles responded, "That's my coach. That's who recruited me. That's it."

Sources speculate that Miles will transfer to the University of Texas, the same program he verbally committed to six years ago before being lured to the Jazz by general manager Kevin O'Connor's promise of a first round draft selection. The Jazz ended up drafting a hesitant Miles in the second round, after moving up to take future NBA all-star reserve guard Deron Williams.
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Utah Jazz swingman CJ Miles quit the Jazz basketball team this morning, head coach Tyrone Corbin said.

Miles, who was in his sixth year with the team, went into Corbin's office and said he was leaving the team immediately. Corbin said he had not spoken to members of the team about Miles' decision, though he believes they already know.

"We're moving forward," Corbin said in response to how the news might affect the Jazz. "There's no one individual including myself that's more important than the program. The program is headed forward."

According to the Desert News, Miles had been non-committal to the idea of returning after last week's surprise ouster of former head coach Jerry Sloan. When asked if he would return with Sloan out, Miles responded, "That's my coach. That's who recruited me. That's it."

Speculation is rampant that Miles will transfer to the University of Texas, a program he verbally committed to six years ago before being lured to the Jazz by general manager Kevin O'Connor's promise of a first round draft selection. O'Connor ended up drafting a hesitant Miles in the second round, after moving up to take future NBA all-star Deron Williams.

You need to practice writing so you actually sound like a journalist.
So he seriously didn't quit the team. I think I would beleive anything right now about this team. Sad to say.