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NBA Playoffs thread.


For as much credit as Saint Ainge gets for putting the Big 3 together. He should receive just as much blame as sending Nate Robinson and Perkins to the Thunder. That trade foolishly put the championship aspirations of that Celtic team on the 100 year old legs of Jermaine O'Neal and Shaq.

Not only did that trade destroy their depth, but it ruined chemistry and their "thug" mentality.

Hell, even Nate Robinson probably would have contributed more to the Celtics this year than Jeff Green and Kristic did. Sad!

Why can't the Jazz make a deal with an idiot like that? Wouldn't it be nice to trade stuff we don't want for good starters that meet our needs?

I brought up these issues in another thread, asking why the Celtics let those 2 players get away. I'd like to know what Ainge was thinking. Maybe it was because ainge thought Perkins was a thug, I don't know. Maybe he saw something in Green or whatever they got back, thinking he might be better at helping to defend against the Bulls or Miami? I don't know. Maybe he thought Oniel and Oneil would be healthier.

In fairness, it would have been hard to predict that Wade would intentionally tackle Rondo and dislocate his elbow in the playoffs.
I think half of Ainge's logic - that Perkins, with a knee that wasn't 100%, was worth trading for the chance to get younger and add some length on the wing they felt would help against Miami - was fairly sound. His biggest mistake was assuming Shaq would remain healthy for the playoffs and in underestimating the effect Perkins had on team chemistry and the funk the trade would put the team into.

I understand why OKC did it, but a 4-year $35 million extension would've been alot for Boston (they offered 4-$22mil) to give to Perk - but yeah, I think it's fair to say that trade may have cost Boston their last good run at a championship.
I don't think Perk would have mattered. Boston can't score. The mistake was thinking Green could. They just dealt Perkins for the wrong player.
I agree.

Their offensive game isn't based on running good sets, screens, or ball movement. It's based on 2 guys that cannot be defended. They go one on one until the defense screws up.

...they can't be defended because the refs let them palm the ball, travel...and give them two foul shots anytime someone so much as blows on them!
Anybody can be defended if the refs call the games fair.

True dat! Even with super quick/fast guys, you use to be able to give them a couple of feet so you could stay in front of them and force them to take jumpshots. However, NOW even with a two or three foot cushion they can still get past you because they can literally pick up the ball (palming) and run with it!
and yet players draw charges all the time by jumping in front of players that have a clear path to the basket.

the interpretation of the rules has become nonsensical.
This has been a great series between the Thunder and the Griz. Back and forth games. Game 7 here we come.

this guy is full of crap, basically he says that DRose has to become more Lebron-like

he has a point, sort of, but his solution isn't going to fix anything, because it's not something that needs fixing. Reminds me of a bumper sticker "if it aint broke, fix it until it is"

...ready or not, Rose is the front man for a high-profile team in a major market.

He's not good at it.

Maybe Rose will become more engaging, or at least audible, when he gets more comfortable in his own skin. He's got a lot of growing to do as a man, a lot of life experiences in front of him. With that comes perspective and confidence.

I'm going to trust the Bulls will encourage continued media training for Rose. They can't be happy that their first superstar since what's-his-name is as interesting off the court as listening to paint dry....

this guy is full of crap, basically he says that DRose has to become more Lebron-like

he has a point, sort of, but his solution isn't going to fix anything, because it's not something that needs fixing. Reminds me of a bumper sticker "if it aint broke, fix it until it is"

The game needs a lot more players to shut up and play, but the NBA needs more "entrepreneurs". And yeah, that guy is a retard.
One of the best things about LA losing is that we don't have to deal with all the Kobe, Phil, Gasol, Fisher, and Artest drama.

I hate how the NBA is always trying to make up stories and exaggerate life experiences to try and sell their players. Right now, the NBA is trying its hardest to promote Rose. Which is why you gotta love teams like the mavs and Grizz.
I think Rose needs to really make an effort to get Boozer involved early in each game. I think if Boozer and Rose are on each game, then Miami has no chance to stop them. Miami's front court is the kind Boozer has big games against.
If I was Doc Rivers I would have tried to give Troy Murphy some more burn during the regular season. The dude use to be a knock down 3 point shooter and excellent rebounder, seems like he could have contributed more than Big Baby Davis did.
Chicago desperately needs to find ways to make Rose a PG first and scorer second. If he tries to shoot 30+ shots against Miami, then Chicago is going to be swept. If he lets the game come to him and gets the ball to Boozer and creates for others, then Chicago might have a chance in this.
Have we just witnessed the End of an Era? The Collins Brothers Era. Is it over now? Looks like Jarron the Useless is done. Is Jason the Equally Useless also done? The NBA will never be the same. Thank God. Still hate thinking of the waste of time he was for the Jazz.
Have we just witnessed the End of an Era? The Collins Brothers Era. Is it over now? Looks like Jarron the Useless is done. Is Jason the Equally Useless also done? The NBA will never be the same. Thank God. Still hate thinking of the waste of time he was for the Jazz.

Hubie Brown disagrees with you.
Jeff Van Gundy mentioned during Memphis game that to draw a charge the defender should need to be in position when the shooter goes into his shooting motion. Refs get this wrong much too often.