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Neto or Burke -- Who will be better? (Gun to your head)

Who will be better

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Well-Known Member
I think I'm leaning Neto.

I think Neto will be an all-star. He's very Tony Parker/Ricky Rubio ish.

Let the debate begin.
I'm a still go wit burke for now.
I'm impressed that Neto can walk right in and play with pros and with confidence. He's just playing a pick-up game though, while Burke is learning how to run the team. I like both players, but have to give the nod to Burke.

Wait til Burke has a full group of good players around him and NBA spacing to work with. He's quick enough to get by people and make plays. People say he doesn't have a 5th gear, but he plays the whole game in 4th. People are going to like his decision making and the speed with which he executes.
Why would Neto come and play summer league if he does not want to come over immediately?
What is there to gain by doing this?
NBA teams could just track a players progress overseas and determine when a player is ready.
I think I'm leaning Neto.

I think Neto will be an all-star. He's very Tony Parker/Ricky Rubio ish.

Let the debate begin.

And people are wondering why I'm in such a piss poor mood lately. Thanks to idiotic posts like this. Basically you've now decided you like Neto more based off two SL games of Burke and 16 minutes of SL of Neto.

You Know who else looked good in SL... Almond Joy.....

I swear! The overall intelligence of jazzfanzz is going down the crapper!!!:mad:
Didn't watch the game. How much quicker/explosive is Neto than Burke? I did see the highlights and left his defender in the dust with a wicked crossover.
And people are wondering why I'm in such a piss poor mood lately. Thanks to idiotic posts like this. Basically you've now decided you like Neto more based off two SL games of Burke and 16 minutes of SL of Neto.

You Know who else looked good in SL... Almond Joy.....

I swear! The overall intelligence of jazzfanzz is going down the crapper!!!:mad:

Your an idiot. You sound like a little kid throwing a tantrum.

You are rarely right about anything around here but yet you still run around calling people stupid in EVERY SINGLE THREAD.

Here's an idea, stfu and let the grown ups handle this.
Didn't watch the game. How much quicker/explosive is Neto than Burke? I did see the highlights and left his defender in the dust with a wicked crossover.

Not really quicker..... just more poised and decisive..... imo netos best attribute was his ability to dribble in, around, and through traffic. He gas some good handles
His bball IQ looked pretty good too.
I wouldn't say he looked quicker or more explosive than trey tho.... and trey moves his feet a lot better on man to man defense
I think I'm leaning Neto.

I think Neto will be an all-star. He's very Tony Parker/Ricky Rubio ish.

Let the debate begin.

Dude you know you are my boy, but I almost negged you for this. Then I realized you prolly be trollin. Burke is legit. A few stupid summer league games should not change your opinion of him.
If I had a gun to my head, I'd complain to Obama and have you thrown in jail. (jk)

Seriously, Neto was fun to watch but he didn't play much defense. And as others have mentioned the game was primarily pick-up basketball. With Burke, it seemed like the Jazz were trying to use their half-court sets and run plays. Burke will be better, but Neto will be a great change of pace for our 2nd unit.
Your an idiot. You sound like a little kid throwing a tantrum.

You are rarely right about anything around here but yet you still run around calling people stupid in EVERY SINGLE THREAD.

Here's an idea, stfu and let the grown ups handle this.

Good I struck a cord.... Truth hurts....

Now that that's over...

Please tell me how in the hell you've done a 180 on this subject over such a small sample size.

Oh, and hack, I guess I was right in your mind, that that Burke didn't deserve to be picked top 10 in the draft if you think a second round pick is better.

Bring it Hack!
Where is the option for mccollum?