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next head coach of the Utah Jazz _____________?

Not really, being a college coach is way easier than being a pro coach.

It would be interesting to know what guys that have done both think about that. I think the recruiting aspect of college ball alone might be such a pain in the *** to a lot of guys that they would say the NBA is easier. But then again, a lot of NBA guys that think that way probably haven't even given college ball a shot.

I would definitely be excited for Hoiberg.
if minny gets hoiberg I'll be pissed. if minny gets hoiberg and Utah stays with Ty I will go postal.

I like coaches that have great basketball minds and Ty's mind is mush. Alex Jensen would be another choice. his time with majerus is invaluable. majerus was another great mind. doc rivers has a great basketball mind but he is not available.

next thing is a coach that can get more out of average players. Sloan was great about getting a lot out of players that were just so so. hoiberg has done great with average players at ISU. Alex did well in the dleague.
Fred Hoiberg is the baddest in the game. But he was also born and raised in Ames. His wife was born and raised in Ames. They're raising four kids in Ames. Both sets of grandparents live in Ames.

He ain't going anywhere. It's more likely they elect him Mayor.
To boil it down to two scenarios, do you think Utah will go proven vet coach, or new up and comer?

Up and comer is cheaper..... and more happy to take whatever is available.

Proven coach will look for the best situation (though the jazz are in a good situation imo, they are still located in utah) and be more expensive
Up and comer is cheaper..... and more happy to take whatever is available.

Proven coach will look for the best situation (though the jazz are in a good situation imo, they are still located in utah) and be more expensive

Don't think coaches care about location that much tbh.

Only huge turnoff about Utah right is that they are in the West and coaching a playoff team in the West is a huge task right now, not matter how talented your team is.

SLC Dunk threw this name out there:

I think the main thing we know about Dennis Lindsey's plan right now is that he wants to build a defensive focused team like Chicago.

Enter Mike Longabardi.

Who is Mike Longabardi you ask? Well he has been in the news lately as an assistant on Jeff Hornacek's Suns staff. In fact Longabardi has been given full credit for that team's defensive turnaround...

This one's intriguing because of the DL connection through the Rockets, and he was a part of the Thib's/Celtics defensive system.