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32%, 16% and 70% for the clippers.
If Suns win, they’d have done so shooting 36% and 20% from three.

Embarrassing yet would get the job done.
Van gundy is an idiot. When the clippers were down 3 with the ball and like 13 seconds left he is talking about how he wouldn't foul and would just play straight up defense.
I love Monty doing this. I wish Snyder did this. Sure it extends the game longer. But it prevents the other team from tying it
If Suns win, they’d have done so shooting 36% and 20% from three.

Embarrassing yet would get the job done.
Still better from the field, better from 3 and better from the line than the clippers lol
Btw when batum poked the ball out of bounds from payne, im pretty certain it was off payne. 100% certain in fact.
Suns have been pretty lucky this post season. They have been the healthiest team in the west and played against missing all stars in every series. PG missing 2 game winning free throws. Refs not reviewing the ball going out on cam payne. etc etc
CP3 6-22
PG13 5-20
Booker 8-22
Reggie Jackson 8-24
Buncha garbage