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Official 5th Pick Poll (Who Ya Got)

Who Should the Jazz Select With the 5th Pick

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Modstapo Lite
Staff member
Thought I'd clutter up the place more with another thread about the 5th pick in the draft, if the Jazz even stay there (which they damn well better unless they can move up IMO). This is not including Parker/Wiggins/Embid/Exum, all of who are considered (so far) to be gone when the Jazz pick, though in reality one slipping wouldn't shock me (unless that one is Wiggins).

Simple question, who do you hope the Jazz draft. Making this public so everyone else can see (except I forgot to do that the first time, sigh). Comment here on why if you wish, though that seems to have been taken care of with all the threads promoting who wants to draft who.

I'll go over mine again. I'm for Smart. I think he has a competitive streak the Jazz desperately, desperately need (if any can rub off on a Favors for example that would be a huge bonus), plus I believe he can be an elite big type PG that passes well and can drive to the hoop that the league is trending towards. His shooting is a concern, and I won't say he's a perfect player by any means.

And since I'm an unknowledgable **** who has made blunders in the past on who I would have drafted, I'm open to any of Gordon, Randle, and Vonlah (in that order of preference) as well. Nobody seems really clear cut in terms of standing out here.
Posted this in another thread but here goes....

I think Vonleh and Randle are the best players at the #5 pick.


Vonleh possess a lot of the physical attributes as well as shooting touch that is very similar to Chris Bosh. They even seem to have the same laid back temperament. By all accounts he is going to be a decent player, if not a very good player.

Randle on the other hand is big and strong and is going to fight for you on the floor every-single-night. He was the leader of that UK team that went to the Finals game no question about it. His leadership alone will likely lift the level of play of your team as a whole. On top of that he'll give you 19pt, 8reb every game once he starts to get going.


The clincher for me though is I really question Vonleh's drive, I just don't want another Bosh clone. Bosh is a talented player, but he would never have won all those titles if it wasn't for DWade and LeBron. He is at best the 3rd option on that team. He doesn't lead. He's very passive. I don't see the "hunger" in his eyes.

This young Jazz team is ready to burst - and we need someone like Randle to really crank it up and play CRAZY play MAD and be that emotional / inspirational leader that will make a team come ALIVE. Randle is #Hungry he hates losing. He will bring out the best out of everyone on the team.

Randle is a warrior and when going to war - we need a MAN!!!!!
I still want gordon if exum parker embiid wiggins are gone.

But honestly im excited to get gordon, randle, saric, vonleh, or smart pretty equally.

Gun to my head i rank them


But i truly like them all.

My reason for having gordon slightly ahead has nothing to do with his athleticism or measurables (ok maybe a little)
Its mostly cause when i watched him play he was always making the right and smart play..... he was always in the right place on both ends of the floor..... he was always first on all the hustle type plays (offensive rebounds, tipping passes, diving for loose balls, running the floor)..... he has alot of passion..... huge motor..... good attitude..... seems to love playing defense

His free throw percentage sucks but his form is really good. I would not be surprised if one day he gets up to 70 percent from the line
I really agree that Utah need some fire, some passion and anger brought to the team. Everybody seems so laid back on the roster as is. Smart stands out in this aspect, the talent is there, but so is the fire. I personally like the fact that he got caught up in a few incidents during last season, shows his fire, I love players like that. Randle is another one who probably fits here too, I haven't seen as much edge to him but I've heard he's a man out there. I saw a few games and like his physicalness.

I never watched a full game of Vonleh, only relied on highlights and draft chatter. Can't comment too much on him but from what I've heard he is raw but will turn into a very good player.

My pick if we stay at #5, Smart (although his flopping annoyed me in some games, he better quit that). Otherwise Randle. I'm still annoyed that our hopes of landing Jabari are almost gone.

Edit: completely forgot about Aaron Gordon, if he has some hunger and fire in him, I would be happy with the choice. Really like tough defenders/rebounders, not sure how good he can be though
I literally don't know right now, Gordon, Vonleh, Randle, Smart, Saric, they are so close together... I can't really put one a head of the other...
I literally don't know right now, Gordon, Vonleh, Randle, Smart, Saric, they are so close together... I can't really put one a head of the other...

This is where the coin flip/draw out of a hat comes into play
I really agree that Utah need some fire, some passion and anger brought to the team. Everybody seems so laid back on the roster as is. Smart stands out in this aspect, the talent is there, but so is the fire. I personally like the fact that he got caught up in a few incidents during last season, shows his fire, I love players like that. Randle is another one who probably fits here too, I haven't seen as much edge to him but I've heard he's a man out there. I saw a few games and like his physicalness.

I never watched a full game of Vonleh, only relied on highlights and draft chatter. Can't comment too much on him but from what I've heard he is raw but will turn into a very good player.

My pick if we stay at #5, Smart (although his flopping annoyed me in some games, he better quit that). Otherwise Randle. I'm still annoyed that our hopes of landing Jabari are almost gone.

Edit: completely forgot about Aaron Gordon, if he has some hunger and fire in him, I would be happy with the choice. Really like tough defenders/rebounders, not sure how good he can be though
Good post. Yes, the Jazz need more guys on the team with an "edge". Too many soft, nice guys that back down from a fight. If you were walking down a dark alley on the bad side of town, would you feel safe with Gordon Hayward by your side or Julius Randle?
Good post. Yes, the Jazz need more guys on the team with an "edge". Too many soft, nice guys that back down from a fight. If you were walking down a dark alley on the bad side of town, would you feel safe with Gordon Hayward by your side or Julius Randle?


Favors need to play next to Randle for a season to just have that "fire" lit inside of him. He is a MAN, but too often he plays like a BOY.
Right now my choice would be Vonleh. It could change tomorrow. Would like to see and hear how the perform in workouts before making a final pick

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Gordon obviously. Would be ok with Vonleh. Don't know enough about Smart or Randle but would not be upset about either. Would really hate us drafting Exum if some team in front of us will be smart enough to avoid him.