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Patrick Beilein joining Quin Snyder's Utah Jazz staff

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I went to middle n high school with the kid to be exact. He may have not coached him I'll have to ask. but I remember Pat Beilein when they had Pittsnogle n Gansey. Coaches kid, and John is a damn good coach. Having his son as a coach don't hurt.
Yeah he coached a kid I grew up with through middle n high school. One year at Wesleyan.

The highest level of comp I think they played though was Marshall. Didn't play many top schools if any.

Just asked him.
Yeah he coached a kid I grew up with through middle n high school. One year at Wesleyan.

The highest level of comp I think they played though was Marshall. Didn't play many top schools if any.

Just asked him.

Find out how big his ego is...for uh...personal reasons.
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I'm excited but then I think how Robinson and Rice were mediocre three point shooters. I don't know. Def excited but not jumping up and down.
I'm excited but then I think how Robinson and Rice were mediocre three point shooters. I don't know. Def excited but not jumping up and down.
Smh dude... Not everybody can just be taught how to jump shoot. Glen Rice couldn't teach his son to shoot and he was wet with the J in the NBA. Beilein ain't God. He can't make everyone a good shooter.
Smh dude... Not everybody can just be taught how to jump shoot. Glen Rice couldn't teach his son to shoot and he was wet with the J in the NBA. Beilein ain't God. He can't make everyone a good shooter.
This. All he can do is teach body position and mechanics. Some guys just don't have a shooters eye no matter how pretty their jump shot is.
It appears that we all love this move (like it anyway) and we should. First, it is another piece of evidence that the Millers are committed to the DL plan.(Not The other way around,). Second , is that this is a vital element of the plan. In a DL interview during summer league, DL noted that you draft those you think you can develop. It is not a coincidence that the Spurs have a good draft history. It is not because the draft''the good ones". It is because they drafted good talent and developed them well.

I'm a huge Sloan fan but,one area that he was weak on was developing individual player skills. I think he left that upto themselves and Stockton and Malone exemplified the self motivated work ethic.. (Modern day example is Pmilsap ) We just never had Scrubs or role players become the shooters that the spurs have had (comparing the Sloan -20 - years and the Pop -20 - years.) What Sloan excelled at , and Pop has openly copied is Creating a System and perfecting it and the role players fit into the system. It was for this reason so many Jazz players "excelled" in SLC and then were lesser players with other teams.

So the idea of perfecting the system AND perfecting the player is what the Spurs have perfected. And so it appears the Jazz are all -in to this idea.. Now we will find out if Jazz can execute on the plan.
It appears that we all love this move (like it anyway) and we should. First, it is another piece of evidence that the Millers are committed to the DL plan.(Not The other way around,). Second , is that this is a vital element of the plan. In a DL interview during summer league, DL noted that you draft those you think you can develop. It is not a coincidence that the Spurs have a good draft history. It is not because the draft''the good ones". It is because they drafted good talent and developed them well.

I'm a huge Sloan fan but,one area that he was weak on was developing individual player skills. I think he left that upto themselves and Stockton and Malone exemplified the self motivated work ethic.. (Modern day example is Pmilsap ) We just never had Scrubs or role players become the shooters that the spurs have had (comparing the Sloan -20 - years and the Pop -20 - years.) What Sloan excelled at , and Pop has openly copied is Creating a System and perfecting it and the role players fit into the system. It was for this reason so many Jazz players "excelled" in SLC and then were lesser players with other teams.

So the idea of perfecting the system AND perfecting the player is what the Spurs have perfected. And so it appears the Jazz are all -in to this idea.. Now we will find out if Jazz can execute on the plan.

This is true. Apart from Tim Duncan, I don't think they've ever had any other lottery picks.
Like others have said, you are trying to copy the Spurs model, it starts with the coaches, then evaluating and developing the talent they get in the draft. You can't expect overnight success, however you should expect sustained improvement as the season moves on and in future seasons.

A few years of development will see a very good team hopefully.