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"Picture Of The Day" Thread


Well-Known Member
While I was surfing the web, I saw some nice pictures which I posted below, then the thread idea came to mind. We could post here nice pictures/images we stumble upon the internet.

I'm starting with this olympic shot.

For higher resolution: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/418715_395661500493281_1621252223_n.jpg

Another nice/interesting picture.

For higher resolution: https://www.luxology.com/gallery/image/view.aspx?id=17459


For higher resolution: https://cfile6.uf.tistory.com/image/1709E1485002E2710764E8


For higher resolution:https://cfile2.uf.tistory.com/image/117102485002E27229A511

This one makes my adrenaline goes up. I have a little bit acrophobia.

The guy in the picture is Alex Honnold, you can see his ridiculous hobby here.

That's it from me for now. I kindly request you to post only the pictures that you think are beautiful, unique, expressive etc. Just please don't turn this thread into some women/girls/boobs or bizarre things thread. Be elegant.

I'd also wanted to make a "Video of the day" thread, but there were already similar threads for it, so I just skipped that.

Note: I would spread lots of rep points for nice pictures. Just saying.
So, jackhole's who keep posting political pictures, I'm just warming my negs up -- knock it off.

This is my friend who is one of the most insane fisherman I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. I believe he's caught just about every species in the state on a fly, which is really saying something. He's a guide on the Green River and is a hell of a good dude. He has a buddy that takes photos like this all the time -- they make even the ugliest things (carp) beautiful.



His killer dog:


Rogue Gold Fish o' Fury:


Looks like a cool dude. A friend of mine has a 'private' stretch of the snake river that he claims is the best of the best (I wouldn't know). I do know he has had guest like Bobby Knight (yuck), Baldwin bros (yuck), etc, up there in the past year or so..