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Prince passed away

Remember when Carlos Boozer bought that LA mansion and then decided to rent it to Prince. The next thing you know Prince painted it purple without permission. Carlos freaked and I think he sued him. So awesome!

Advice to Carlos: If you don't want your stuff painted purple then don't rent it to Prince.

Boozer wasn't always great with common sense.
Prince killing it video...

I came here just to post this video. The backstory on the performance makes it even more stellar to watch and listen to.

Anyway, I was talking to a co-worker a few months back about Prince and how incredibly transcendent he was musically. I almost wish there was another word in the English language to describe Prince and his superpower of being able to meld in perfect form, the genres of rock, funk and r&b. Rest in peace, Prince.
As a person, perhaps he wasn't reputed to be the greatest guy, but as a musician, his impact was absolutely enormous. I got a copy of Purple Rain when I was 15 and it absolutely blew me away. One of the greatest albums of all time. I slipped the DJ at my senior prom a tenner to play the title track so I can try to get some from my date. It was 2000 and not 1984, so that tells you how cool I was.

But yeah, his songwriting, his musicianship, his penchant for the outrageous and spectacular...he was a very unique figure in pop music. I don't know how many of you were/are into Prince, but I know [MENTION=848]dalamon[/MENTION] is in love with Andre3000, and I'm not sure there would've been Andre3000 without Prince.

I'm sure a major music icon would have never existed without listening to Prince :rolleyes:
Seems as if he overdosed on Percocet a few days before he passed, when his plane had to emergency land he was administered a "save shot" by airport EMT's..

then was photographed at a Walgreens (presumably picking up more Percocets) on his final day.


Thats paraphrasing TMZ btw.. Everyones favorite news source.
are you ****ing serious right now?

I was born in the 80's. I have no clue of anything Prince, Michael Jacksoff, Billy Idol, or Paula Abdul.

About the only thing I remember from the 80's is UB40's Red Red Wine and Don't Worry Be Happy by who knows who sang it.
Remember when Carlos Boozer bought that LA mansion and then decided to rent it to Prince. The next thing you know Prince painted it purple without permission. Carlos freaked and I think he sued him. So awesome!

Advice to Carlos: If you don't want your stuff painted purple then don't rent it to Prince.

This isn't what happened. He changed a bunch of **** like you said, Boozer turned onto his street and didn't recognize his house, and then drove up and down the block a few times looking for it, finally realizing this "updated" home was his. He was furious, went to the door ready to kick the **** out of Prince, and when Prince came to the door, he handed Boozer a check for 1M telling him it should cover the costs to fix it back right. Boozer loved that, said Prince is cool as **** and seemed happy to have made a decent profit off of it.
I'm sure a major music icon would have never existed without listening to Prince :rolleyes:

Andre 3000 became "Andre 3000" 4 albums in, with his launch of Stankonia. The Prince influence there is so obviously obvious, and the Prince influence in tracks of his later albums like "She Lives in My Lap" from The Love Below is so blatantly Prince. Andre always talks about him in reverence.

I don't think his career would have had the legendary trajectory like it did without Prince. No way. He'd tell you the same thing. Would have he become a rap-star? Probably-- but he wouldnt have put out an album that went diamond and got album of the year..
Reputation hard.

Paul McCartney was asked how it feels to be the best guitarist in the world. He replied I do not know ask Prince.

I've always felt like Prince's songwriting and showmanship (and presence in general) overshadowed his prowess with a guitar. As popular and beloved as he was, his guitar playing was highly underrated.

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Reputation hard.

Paul McCartney was asked how it feels to be the best guitarist in the world. He replied I do not know ask Prince.

Except that it was Eric Clapton, who might have actually been asked that question at some point. And it probably never even happened.

Dearly beloved
We are gathered here today
To get through this thing called life

Electric word life
It means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here to tell you
There's something else
The after world

A world of never ending happiness
You can always see the sun, day or night

So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills
You know the one, Dr. Everything'll Be Alright
Instead of asking him how much of your time is left
Ask him how much of your mind, baby

'Cause in this life
Things are much harder than in the after world
In this life
You're on your own

I was born in the 80's. I have no clue of anything Prince, Michael Jacksoff, Billy Idol, or Paula Abdul.

What does this even mean? So you haven't heard any music from the previous decades that you were born? Please help me understand.

Anyway, newly uploaded Prince video of him and Mr. Maceo Parker.

Anyway, newly uploaded Prince video of him and Mr. Maceo Parker.


Kevin Smith said in an interview that he was hired to do a "documentary" for Prince which for one reason or another never worked out. One of Prince's handlers told him she personally produced about 50 Prince music videos that have never seen the light of day - apparently most of them were based on songs that were never released. And it's not because the songs are crap (although who knows, they may very well be) but rather he would often lose interest in following through with publishing/releasing music and just move on to the next project.
I was born in the 80's. I have no clue of anything Prince, Michael Jacksoff, Billy Idol, or Paula Abdul.

About the only thing I remember from the 80's is UB40's Red Red Wine and Don't Worry Be Happy by who knows who sang it.

If you ever get the chance, you should go back and listen to some music from the 80's and before. You might want to start with this little band from Liverpool. They're called "The Beatles".