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Quick Question #2: What's with Trey Burke's "mom"?


Well-Known Member
Her tweets from last night:

Howe much are we paying this dude Jazz?? OMG
9:13pm - 30 Nov 13

I swear I love this team but some of them are going to give me a freaking heart attack. Let's go Jazz....finish the game!!
9:14pm - 30 Nov 13

@dudestrojeff you're missing my real question...I wasn't talking about Trey..but thanks. I'm well aware of how it works.
9:19pm - 30 Nov 13
Her tweets from last night:

Howe much are we paying this dude Jazz?? OMG
9:13pm - 30 Nov 13

I swear I love this team but some of them are going to give me a freaking heart attack. Let's go Jazz....finish the game!!
9:14pm - 30 Nov 13

@dudestrojeff you're missing my real question...I wasn't talking about Trey..but thanks. I'm well aware of how it works.
9:19pm - 30 Nov 13

Ha, then she was questioning Hayward's or Favors' pay!
So I did some investigative work and rewatched the game on dvr. Since the recording started at exactly 7pm MST, I fast forwarded the recording to around the 2 hr 13 min mark. At roughly 9:12pm, Favors does a spin move to the middle of the lane and loses the ball (1:48 in the 4th). At roughly 9:13pm, On the next offensive Jazz possession, Trey hits the 3pointer from straightaway (1:13 in the 4th). Then there was a long Timeout.

Either she was referring to Favors turnover or her son's big three. I think see was talking about Favors...
So I did some investigative work and rewatched the game on dvr. Since the recording started at exactly 7pm MST, I fast forwarded the recording to around the 2 hr 13 min mark. At roughly 9:12pm, Favors does a spin move to the middle of the lane and loses the ball (1:48 in the 4th). At roughly 9:13pm, On the next offensive Jazz possession, Trey hits the 3pointer from straightaway (1:13 in the 4th). Then there was a long Timeout.

Either she was referring to Favors turnover or her son's big three. I think see was talking about Favors...

Well she replied and said that it wasn't about Trey, soooo was she being mean to Favors???
She must be referring to Favors. He's the only one with a big contract that was playing. I guess it could be Williams too.
Little worried about the reference to contracts. She may make re-signing him for less than the max a bit of a problem.
Little worried about the reference to contracts. She may make re-signing him for less than the max a bit of a problem.

No worries. By that time hopefully he's either "worth it" and we match. Or we can trade him for something else. As long as he gives us at least 4 productive years, I'm happy.
Sounds like most are inserting what they want/who the want to blame/dislike the most (minus the Favors comment that was done with someone trying to use logic) and I should know since when I first read it on here I assumed she was talking about the refs.
So I did some investigative work and rewatched the game on dvr. Since the recording started at exactly 7pm MST, I fast forwarded the recording to around the 2 hr 13 min mark. At roughly 9:12pm, Favors does a spin move to the middle of the lane and loses the ball (1:48 in the 4th). At roughly 9:13pm, On the next offensive Jazz possession, Trey hits the 3pointer from straightaway (1:13 in the 4th). Then there was a long Timeout.

Either she was referring to Favors turnover or her son's big three. I think see was talking about Favors...

Lol. Good work. I was thinking it could've been that crucial Favors TO or the Hayward ISO at the end of the 3rd. Makes sense that it was Favors.
Also, Trey's father posted this one a bit back too-

B.Burke ‏@Benjib10 29 Nov
If you tirn the ball over a lot take the ball out his hands