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Racist, or just careful?

I wouldn't doubt she's been treated differently at times because of her ethnicity; but as I read through the article a distinct smell of ******** and bravado started coming out of it.

Early in my life I made the mistake of working in a business that made me have to deal with crowds at times and I found that at least 99 out of 100 times a person complaining that they were being treated like an a-hole is because they were acting like an a-hole.
I agree with Candrew on the 99 out of 100 people thing. Also all the "flew a flag outside our home for years" , "i'm a physician" and "our guest was an esteemed Oscar winning director" was probably said in a rude way in an attempt to intimidate the guard. I lean towards this woman is full of crap and just pissed she didnt get her way.
I wouldn't doubt she's been treated differently at times because of her ethnicity; but as I read through the article a distinct smell of ******** and bravado started coming out of it.

Early in my life I made the mistake of working in a business that made me have to deal with crowds at times and I found that at least 99 out of 100 times a person complaining that they were being treated like an a-hole is because they were acting like an a-hole.

Shoots and scores
It is very possible that author of this article is blowing it out of proportion. It is very possible guards were racists as well. Not really sure what threat they saw in small tiny woman, they could have escorted her to find husband if they did not want to let her go alone. In anyway situation could have been resolved without this article crying about racism.
In general I am very pessimistic about multiculturalism ever working. People are just not meant to be the same. All countries which were made from different nations/races/religions and forced to live under one flag eventually explode and separate ( see USSR, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, etc). Violence outbursts by muslim youth in France recently was just another example. Communists in Russia had this idea that eventually there will be no borders, no nationalities and no different languages - everybody will be living happily in one world and speak one language ( they probably were hoping it will be Russian, lol). It is ticking time bomb waiting to explode and will never last long.
Perhaps the author's ethnicity was a factor. In that case, there is still a difference between racism and profiling. And I am not saying one is any more generally acceptable than the other.

But I am getting tired of the racism label being slapped on any inequitable situation between two or more different races. The word has become so diluted that it carries a fraction of the gravity it used to.
Perhaps the author's ethnicity was a factor. In that case, there is still a difference between racism and profiling. And I am not saying one is any more generally acceptable than the other.

But I am getting tired of the racism label being slapped on any inequitable situation between two or more different races. The word has become so diluted that it carries a fraction of the gravity it used to.

I also am tired of the false claims of racism. It is being applied anytime someone disagrees with someone of another race now. Pathetic and it lessens the outrage for those that really have suffered from racism.
Perhaps the author's ethnicity was a factor. In that case, there is still a difference between racism and profiling. And I am not saying one is any more generally acceptable than the other.

But I am getting tired of the racism label being slapped on any inequitable situation between two or more different races. The word has become so diluted that it carries a fraction of the gravity it used to.

Feel like this has extended to gay rights issues as well, for ex. Chris Kluwe and Brendan Ayanbadejo saying they were cut due to their vocal support of gay rights as if they had no other reasons to be cut (age, bloated contract, etc.).
I really wish this thread had not met my expectations.

A) Blaming the victim, by claiming she was trying to use her influence, even thought that occurred well after she was treated differently.
B) Noting that whe might be upset at not getting her keys, while ignoring the huge numbers of women that were allowed to go down for whatever reason
C) Diverting the conversation from this particular situation to discuss whether the label "racism" is over-used, as opposed to whether it applies in this one instance
D) Mischaracterization of human history on multiculturalism
E) No one bothered to answer the actual questions I asked.

To repeat:

Do you think those guards think of themselves as racists? Does that matter to the doctor?
All countries which were made from different nations/races/religions and forced to live under one flag eventually explode and separate ( see USSR, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, etc).

Great Britain
Perhaps the author's ethnicity was a factor. In that case, there is still a difference between racism and profiling. And I am not saying one is any more generally acceptable than the other.

Thank you for acknowledging that much. Since the Boston bombers were white (as in, as white as anyone in Utah), and the doctor was compared to the Boston bombers, do you think there may have been some racism mixed into this profiling? If they were truly profiling by race based on the Boston bombing, wouldn't they have stopped white people?

But I am getting tired of the racism label being slapped on any inequitable situation between two or more different races. The word has become so diluted that it carries a fraction of the gravity it used to.

What label would you slap on this one?

Also, the label still carries a lot of gravity with a lot of people who see it on a daily basis.
I really wish this thread had not met my expectations.

A) Blaming the victim, by claiming she was trying to use her influence, even thought that occurred well after she was treated differently.
B) Noting that whe might be upset at not getting her keys, while ignoring the huge numbers of women that were allowed to go down for whatever reason
C) Diverting the conversation from this particular situation to discuss whether the label "racism" is over-used, as opposed to whether it applies in this one instance
D) Mischaracterization of human history on multiculturalism
E) No one bothered to answer the actual questions I asked.

To repeat:

Do you think those guards think of themselves as racists? Does that matter to the doctor?

A) The ALLEGED victim. All we have is an unsubstantiated story told from her point of view. She might be telling the truth, a biased version of the truth or she might be a liar.

B) Again unproven story. Perhaps every one of those women had a ticket.

C) How dare a thread move on to the general subject at hand! That has never happend. I mean threads always stay on topic right?

D) Possibly

E) Because it is a loaded question. Heaven forbid she just be an *** and was treated like one. Nope, since she didn't get her way racism must, I repeat MUST, be involved.

In short she claimed racism and you automatically jumped on this wagon without any evidence. If you are disappointed with the replies perhaps it is becasue we are disappointed with the orginal post.
Great Britain

India, Canada, China and Britain all curently have, and have had in the past, a history of unrest with a minority population.
A) The ALLEGED victim. All we have is an unsubstantiated story told from her point of view. She might be telling the truth, a biased version of the truth or she might be a liar.

Stories like this get told every day about things that happen every day. They aren't all liars. I don't assume that people relaying ordinary occurrences are liars. Do you do that to everything you hear, or just when you don't like the consequences of belief?

How do you know the three women in Cleveland didn't willing go into that house ten years ago, and are making that story up? Did you ever once doubt them?

E) Because it is a loaded question. Heaven forbid she just be an *** and was treated like one. Nope, since she didn't get her way racism must, I repeat MUST, be involved.

Loaded solely to make you think about how a person can act in a racist fashion without having a racist intent? How terrible of me to try to get someone to consider this.

If you are disappointed with the replies perhaps it is becasue we are disappointed with the orginal post.

I'm sure you are. I only wish I was disappointed in the replies.
India, Canada, China and Britain all curently have, and have had in the past, a history of unrest with a minority population.

Not to the point of coming close to explosion and separation, at least, not in the past five hundred years or so.
I really wish this thread had not met my expectations.

A) Blaming the victim, by claiming she was trying to use her influence, even thought that occurred well after she was treated differently.
B) Noting that whe might be upset at not getting her keys, while ignoring the huge numbers of women that were allowed to go down for whatever reason
C) Diverting the conversation from this particular situation to discuss whether the label "racism" is over-used, as opposed to whether it applies in this one instance
D) Mischaracterization of human history on multiculturalism
E) No one bothered to answer the actual questions I asked.

To repeat:

Do you think those guards think of themselves as racists? Does that matter to the doctor?

The king of tangents and splitting hairs doesn't like that we didn't stay on topic.
Stories like this get told every day about things that happen every day. They aren't all liars. I don't assume that people relaying ordinary occurrences are liars. Do you do that to everything you hear, or just when you don't like the consequences of belief?

How do you know the three women in Cleveland didn't willing go into that house ten years ago, and are making that story up? Did you ever once doubt them?

Loaded solely to make you think about how a person can act in a racist fashion without having a racist intent? How terrible of me to try to get someone to consider this.

I'm sure you are. I only wish I was disappointed in the replies.

Yes stories like this do get told. However, unlike you, I am not willing to level charges of racism based on a story.

As for the three women, there is physical proof of at least being held against their will. There is history and evidence to support their claim but the man will get his day in court and we will see if it is true or not. Also since you want to stay on topic so bad please do so.

Your question was worded that way to make us assume that the only way they could not let her in was racism. false premise.

You are only disappointed in the replies becasue we are not willing to jump on the wagon you so obviously have. Must suck when your usual supporters, not that there is anything wrong with that, disagree with you.

Is it possible she was a victim of racism? Of course it's possible. But I am not willing to simply level that charge based on her unsubstantiated story.
I understand that some people will diverge from a topic. It's more relevant when no one will address it.

Considering that all the first responses presented a third option that you did not provide for is quite telling.
I understand that some people will diverge from a topic. It's more relevant when no one will address it.

Maybe no one cares to answer your "questions" because everyone knows you have no genuine interest in learning anything from said questions. Your intent is to wait for someone to answer them "incorrectly" so that you can tell them that they're wrong and/or prove a point which you have already tried to make 100 times on the board.

Kudos for your persistence.