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"Retired" posters you wish would return

Jazzgal and Kiri.

This board definately needs more chicks.

I'd also like to see SJF and Pearl make a comeback.

Kicky hasn't been around much, either.

Now that I think about it, though, I should probably get a life and stop posting so much, like all these people probably have.
Man, that guy was solid gold.
Jazzgal and Kiri.

This board definately needs more chicks.

I'd also like to see SJF and Pearl make a comeback.

Kicky hasn't been around much, either.

I'm fortunate enough to chat w/ JazzGal on a semi-regular basis, and I also wish she'd come back. Catz is another chick that needs to come back. Conrad also -- I bet she'd bring Tink back from his alts.

Critter Cam
Did dalamon find a time machine?

Just spent 45 minutes reading though those archives and what a *beep* hole that was. Nothing but page after page after page of moderator worship. Bleh.

I want my rep to dalamon rescinded.

I did get this though:


...on the same page GVC posted his real name. He was even dumber then than now. Is that possible?
Another update: I've cracked the archive code and can pull up every thread from the old board. I'll email any thread you wish for $100. Thank you.

No lie it's all there:

"So, I've debated on whether or not I wanted to tell this story, but then I remembered Larry's Elbows thread, and thought, why not.

Urban Dictionary defines the following:


A cross between farting and dropping a load in your pants. Typically of a runny consistency. There are 5 categories of Sharts. Also known as a Foop.

Cat 1) Wet Sensation
Cat 2) Wet Underwear
Cat 3) Soak thru to inside of pants
Cat 4) Soak thru pants (Visible to general public)
Cat 5) Runs down to socks. (Oh my god, run for your life)

Anything of Category 4 or higher require showers. The lesser categories can be dealt with using alternative cleansing methods.

There I was, quietly and softly enjoying the last 5 minutes of a splendid Sunday afternoon nap. I was in a shirt and some ball shorts, warm and snug under the covers. I just happen to be laying on my wife's side of the bed, because my little girl was sleeping on my side next to me. It was perfect. This is when things started to get, shall we say, interesting... My wife comes in and is like, "Time to get your lazy butt out of bed, fatty." And I was like, "Just 5 more minutes... please...?" And she was like, "No." She then turned on the light and ripped the sheets off me -- how rude, I thought. So, I did what any good husband would do -- I pushed out a cute little fart and told her that she was rude, and that's what I thought of her rudeness. She was like, "You're such a pig, but I love your sexy self anyhow." And I was like, "Oh ya? Pig this...!" I then proceeded to push out a monster fart, you know, putting my back into it for the full effect... then it happened.

You know that one weird Mormon song, "If you could high to kolob in a twinkling of an eye", or whatever, well, that's about how fast it happened. In a twinkling, I had hot steamy man-poop shooting out of me in all directions. Now I'm a fat/slow guy and not the fastest creature on the planet, but when you feel the initial wetness and hear the unmistakable sound of liquid sewage being thrust from your crevasse, you tend to move like your nuts are on fire. In the split second it took me to get up and standing, runny butt-chocolate had 'seeped' up the top of my shorts, out the middle of my shorts, and all over my wife's side of the bed. Waddling to the bathroom, I could hear off in the distance the sound of my wife laughing hysterically, all the while asking, "Did you really just crap yourself -- ALL OVER MY SIDE of the bed?"

There are some finer details that I have left out, for the sake of our younger readers, but it got a tad bit worse during the "Clean-up Phase". Anyhow, that was the first time in 15 years or so that I've dropped a deuce in my pants, and the first time it has happened when I haven't been sick as a dog or eaten something rotten. I'm glad you're all here to listen to me. I hope you all have a Happy New Year.

Another update: I've cracked the archive code and can pull up every thread from the old board. I'll email any thread you wish for $100. Thank you.

No lie it's all there:

"So, I've debated on whether or not I wanted to tell this story, but then I remembered Larry's Elbows thread, and thought, why not.

Urban Dictionary defines the following:


A cross between farting and dropping a load in your pants. Typically of a runny consistency. There are 5 categories of Sharts. Also known as a Foop.

Cat 1) Wet Sensation
Cat 2) Wet Underwear
Cat 3) Soak thru to inside of pants
Cat 4) Soak thru pants (Visible to general public)
Cat 5) Runs down to socks. (Oh my god, run for your life)

Anything of Category 4 or higher require showers. The lesser categories can be dealt with using alternative cleansing methods.

There I was, quietly and softly enjoying the last 5 minutes of a splendid Sunday afternoon nap. I was in a shirt and some ball shorts, warm and snug under the covers. I just happen to be laying on my wife's side of the bed, because my little girl was sleeping on my side next to me. It was perfect. This is when things started to get, shall we say, interesting... My wife comes in and is like, "Time to get your lazy butt out of bed, fatty." And I was like, "Just 5 more minutes... please...?" And she was like, "No." She then turned on the light and ripped the sheets off me -- how rude, I thought. So, I did what any good husband would do -- I pushed out a cute little fart and told her that she was rude, and that's what I thought of her rudeness. She was like, "You're such a pig, but I love your sexy self anyhow." And I was like, "Oh ya? Pig this...!" I then proceeded to push out a monster fart, you know, putting my back into it for the full effect... then it happened.

You know that one weird Mormon song, "If you could high to kolob in a twinkling of an eye", or whatever, well, that's about how fast it happened. In a twinkling, I had hot steamy man-poop shooting out of me in all directions. Now I'm a fat/slow guy and not the fastest creature on the planet, but when you feel the initial wetness and hear the unmistakable sound of liquid sewage being thrust from your crevasse, you tend to move like your nuts are on fire. In the split second it took me to get up and standing, runny butt-chocolate had 'seeped' up the top of my shorts, out the middle of my shorts, and all over my wife's side of the bed. Waddling to the bathroom, I could hear off in the distance the sound of my wife laughing hysterically, all the while asking, "Did you really just crap yourself -- ALL OVER MY SIDE of the bed?"

There are some finer details that I have left out, for the sake of our younger readers, but it got a tad bit worse during the "Clean-up Phase". Anyhow, that was the first time in 15 years or so that I've dropped a deuce in my pants, and the first time it has happened when I haven't been sick as a dog or eaten something rotten. I'm glad you're all here to listen to me. I hope you all have a Happy New Year.


I will never be able to forget this post!
To hell with that, I'm thanking you now!

Franklin get in here and give this man a bj!

This is like stoked/chitownlundegaard all over again

But seriously franklin: I'm waiting.
This is like stoked/chitownlundegaard all over again

But seriously franklin: I'm waiting.

Haha, awesome Dala. Stay posting. Education - good job - good pay - hot wife - nice things is over rated. Stay on Jazzfanz.
But seriously franklin: I'm waiting.

I already gave you the highest form of praise possible--pos rep.

I spoke too soon on "it's all there". I got about 7 pages into the General Forum and it cut out. There some on the 2003 end as well, and other searches for additional years.

What are you getting other than that one-hit link, dalamon? Can you wade through the forums?
What the hell are you talking about?

dalamon found an archive of the old site which crashed sometime before May 2010. Until today, all data was lost and many members have expressed a desire to have some good old times threads back.
dalamon found an archive of the old site which crashed sometime before May 2010. Until today, all data was lost and many members have expressed a desire to have some good old times threads back.

How do I browse the forum? I tried to search other parts and it wouldn't let me.
dalamon found an archive of the old site which crashed sometime before May 2010. Until today, all data was lost and many members have expressed a desire to have some good old times threads back.

Oh ok.
How do I browse the forum? I tried to search other parts and it wouldn't let me.

You give me $100 and I do it for you. And trust me, it would be worth it. There's a picture of Kicky circa 2005 humping Ariel at Disneyland and later on he begs dtol like a sad little boy for a date with dtol's cousin.
You give me $100 and I do it for you. And trust me, it would be worth it. There's a picture of Kicky circa 2005 humping Ariel at Disneyland and later on he begs dtol like a sad little boy for a date with dtol's cousin.

Damn I remember Damien too. I always liked that guy, he was good people.