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"Retired" posters you wish would return

Here's a freebie, Cy.

Now I know another one of your duplicates. :)

Here's a freebie, Cy.

Now I know another one of your duplicates. :)


This dude does resemble me a bit, but so do all 6'-ish Caucasian brunette males. Also, depending on when this was found on the old forum, I would have been 19 or younger and had hair past my shoulders.

Numberica can voucher on this if you don't believe.
You give me $100 and I do it for you. And trust me, it would be worth it. There's a picture of Kicky circa 2005 humping Ariel at Disneyland and later on he begs dtol like a sad little boy for a date with dtol's cousin.

I figured it out. I only charge $50 for lessons.
Unless if Cy starting plucking his eyebrows, those aren't the same people.

But seriously, I recognize the old picture but can't remember the username. Who is it?
I already gave you the highest form of praise possible--pos rep.

I spoke too soon on "it's all there". I got about 7 pages into the General Forum and it cut out. There some on the 2003 end as well, and other searches for additional years.

What are you getting other than that one-hit link, dalamon? Can you wade through the forums?

I used to have this BOSS archive-website that had more of old-Jazzfanz, but Ive lost the link and I can't find it anymore.

This is the main page: https://wayback.archive.org/web/*/https://www.jazzfanz.com/boards/* It just has a bunch of snapshots, Im not entirely sure how to wade through some of the older forums themselves, unfortunately.
Where has Archie Moses been?

Is he still on his way to the poker tournament? We're worried about you Archibald.
So the mods help run off people then want them back?

Haha, silly mods. You are in charge.

Bottom line is, for whatever reasons, Jason wants a forum his kids can read without using what they find here as a pretext for open rebellion against years of attempted good rearing. Probably is something like a rider clause on the contract he made with his wife when he started this forum.

A lot of shootem' up cowboys blow through this town and try to rough up the marshalls. Might be a fun game, at first thought. Not generally a good idea.

If you want to change the world, or find a pasture all your own, just dig in those spurs and keep on ridin'.