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RIP Mark Eaton

That's really sad if it's true. There's so little out there now I'm hoping it's not, but I'll pin it anyway.
Incredibly sad. And so young. What hurts the most is that he and Coach Sloan won’t be there to witness the Jazz finally winning a championship.
RIP Mark!! One of the best paint defenders in NBA history. Thanks for the child hood memories. And thanks for leaving this state better then you found it.
He has blocked shot records that no one will break, not even Rudy
Rudy needs to give Mark a big salute to start tonight's game
So sad. If it’s a bike accident, what more do these big guys need? If you can’t see Eaton and Bradley on bikes, then you have no business driving. Or did he suffer a health issue while biking? Either way, so sad. RIP
Awful to hear. I've never met him but I've had family that has on a few occasions and have said he's one of the nicest guys they've ever met
Big Mark was a huge part of the Jazz teams I grew up watching. I also liked him as a TV analyst after his playing days were over. Rest in peace, Mark - we'll miss you.
So sad. If it’s a bike accident, what more do these big guys need? If you can’t see Eaton and Bradley on bikes, then you have no business driving. Or did he suffer a health issue while biking? Either way, so sad. RIP
Sounds like it was a heart attack when he was riding the bike.

This is going to bum me out a bit the whole day.
RIP and God bless his family.

I actually talked to Mark twice in my life, both were memorable as he was such a nice guy.