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Rudy Gobert 5 years, $205M

Do you have a paper chain made for when he bolts? I could probably buy a bunch of chocolate advent calendars to equal 3.5 years for you.

Do you think falling head over heals for Donovan so much more than anyone else here (to the point of repetitively telling us how much we need to appreciate him and buy his products so he feels wanted) has in any way impacted your vehemence after you seem to feel rejected and abandoned for a perceived lack of reciprocity?
I mean his brand did need to do good to have any chance whatsoever of keeping him here. The issue is. He doesn’t want to be here. He wanted his money, got it, and got a trade kicker to choose his destination. The issue is you gave up a star like you’ve never had a year earlier than you had to and see all that in motion long before it needed to. One more year of Hayward would have been great. One more year of Donovan will be no different. Like I always questioned him some, but at this point it’s fairly obvious he was a show with his bubbly nonsense. And the reasoning/excuses of social media comments is actually laughable. It’s a pathetic excuse to act like an entitled child and show you don’t really like being here like you pretended for show for 3 years. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t do great or nice things. But he doesn’t like this fanbase, doesn’t have a commitment to it or this franchise and he doesn’t deserve the love he gets cause you’re right it’s not sincerely reciprocal. He doesn’t like you idk why some of you are so defensive for him lol.
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I mean his brand did need to do good to have any chance whatsoever of keeping him here. The issue is. He doesn’t want to be here. He wanted his money, got it, and got a trade kicker to choose his destination. The issue is you gave up a star like you’ve never had a year earlier than you had to and see all that in motion long before it needed to. One more year of Hayward would have been great. One more year of Donovan will be no different. Like I always questioned him some, but at this point it’s fairly obvious he was a show with his bubbly nonsense. And the reasoning/excuses of social media comments is actually laughable. It’s a pathetic excuse to act like an entitled child and show you don’t really like being here like you pretended for show for 3 years. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t do great or nice things. But he doesn’t like this fanbase, doesn’t have a commitment to it or this franchise and he doesn’t deserve the love he gets cause you’re right it’s not sincerely reciprocal. He doesn’t like you idk why some of you are so defensive for him lol.
I’m not even certain you’re responding to me or to just an amalgam of ideas that have distilled into a response to a tangentially related question.
I’m not even certain you’re responding to me or to just an amalgam of ideas that have distilled into a response to a tangentially related question.
Eh both, me you @infection we’re all the same. He doesn’t like you any more than he likes me. It’s pretty obvious at this point he sees the fanbase as a monolith who are in his social media mentions when he posts something political or social. That’s his reality and that’s what’s he’s gonna use as his pathetic excuse to “hate” the fanbase and his situation. Like I said. Some look for reasons to stay. Others like Donovan look for and grasp for every possible reason to leave and dislike being here. He can **** off at this point with the ungrateful ******* he’s been with just how supported and loved he’s been treated since being here. Rudy is the one who should hate being here. He’s been beyond unappreciated by the fanbase while Donovan and Hayward got showered in love when he was actually the real one. So after 3 years of being treated like a ****ing king Donovan can use social media comments as his excuse, and Rudy will just keep showing his commitment while he has no bridge, billboard, or store with his name on it in this city. Yes Donovan‘s excuse to act like a ****ing bitch is pathetic. Dude has had his *** kissed so much we should all be able to smell his **** by now, but social media comments right “Spida” that’s reality lmao.
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Eh both, me you @infection we’re all the same. He doesn’t like you any more than he likes me. It’s pretty obvious at this point he sees the fanbase as a monolith who are in his social media mentions when he posts something political or social. That’s his reality and that’s what’s he’s gonna use as his pathetic excuse to “hate” the fanbase and his situation. Like I said. Some look for reasons to stay. Others like Donovan look for and grasp for every possible reason to leave and dislike being here. He can **** off at this point with the ungrateful ******* he’s been with just how supported and loved he’s been treated since being here. Rudy is the one who should hate being here. He’s been beyond unappreciated by the fanbase while Donovan and Hayward got showered in love when he was actually the real one. So after 3 years of being treated like a ****ing king Donovan can use social media comments as his excuse, and Rudy will just keep showing his commitment while he has no bridge, billboard, or store with his name on it in this city. Yes Donovan‘s excuse to act like a ****ing bitch is pathetic. Dude has had his *** kissed so much we should all be able to smell his **** by now, but social media comments right “Spida” that’s reality lmao.
Again, it doesn't sound like you're responding to me and I don't even know how to respond to the above because the vast majority of the assumptions aren't positions I hold. It seems more as if you're responding to a past version of yourself who was still enamored with Donovan, and projecting those feelings onto the rest of us.
Again, it doesn't sound like you're responding to me and I don't even know how to respond to the above because the vast majority of the assumptions aren't positions I hold. It seems more as if you're responding to a past version of yourself who was still enamored with Donovan, and projecting those feelings onto the rest of us.
No... what you’re seeing is a troll in full froth.
No... what you’re seeing is a troll in full froth.
He may be trolling in his approach but I don’t believe getting us irate is the target. I believe he is completely genuine and he is crusading against his former self who he seems to see in the rest of us.
Again, it doesn't sound like you're responding to me and I don't even know how to respond to the above because the vast majority of the assumptions aren't positions I hold. It seems more as if you're responding to a past version of yourself who was still enamored with Donovan, and projecting those feelings onto the rest of us.
Lol okay
He may be trolling in his approach but I don’t believe getting us irate is the target. I believe he is completely genuine and he is crusading against his former self who he seems to see in the rest of us.
Some real golem smeagol ****.
He may be trolling in his approach but I don’t believe getting us irate is the target. I believe he is completely genuine and he is crusading against his former self who he seems to see in the rest of us.
Nah. I’m crusading against the blind love the fanbase gives Donovan and he doesn’t deserve it.....cause he 100% doesn’t feel the same about the fanbase. I see it plenty. I’m not speaking to you directly more just broadly. Donovan has a bridge and store with his name on it that he doesn’t deserve lol. He’s an ungrateful bitch looking for every reason to excuse himself from this community. In regards to this thread. Rudy deserves more *** kissing, and DM deserves little to none. Unfortunately it’s been the opposite always.
I’m not trolling, hit “mute” and **** off. Donovan’s an ungrateful bitch at heart and I’m just someone willing to say it.

Damn bruh, is he going to need a restraining order?

You really fell for that rah-rah ****.
With as active as Donovan is on social media, and as smart as he is with that kind of stuff, not saying anything is kinda saying everything in my opinion with how outward he has been for years. His demeanor has changed over the past year, and what was there just isn’t anymore in my honest opinion. I would jump in a pool too with that contract he got. At the same time I just never saw anything that jumped out to me as an I’m happy to be here kind of thing. He’s happy about the money for sure but the Donovan that was there isn’t anymore in regards to this organization, city, and fanbase. He’s here for a bit though, and they have a chance to be good for the next little bit for sure. It’s just the Jazz gave Donovan the best contract they could possibly give him, and it didn’t even feel like he acknowledged the support from the franchise or fanbase even a little bit.

I agree the whole racism thing has gotten to him and seemed to distance him from Utah.

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I have to say to all the Rudy lovers that I don't understand why you are trashing Don. For one, it appeared to me that the team sided with him not Rudy, which was why pundits thought Rudy might be traded. What Rudy did, was irresponsible and he has apologized because he agreed. If DM really wanted to leave, he wouldn't have signed that contract, for five years. Five years! If he really wants to leave, he wouldn't have signed a five-year contract during his prime years. Let's be real, folks. Your anger towards DM is irrational and some of you are reading into things for which I don't see any evidence. It's like the people who agree with Trump that there was election fraud.
I’m just so happy for Gobert, he and his family, and future Gobertites will be set for eternity. He earned it. I would’ve held out for the full super max deal. Why idiot turd LoPo thinks he’s not loyal for signing for more than anyone else can pay him is asinine!! He earned the ****ing right to do so. So glad he’s a jazz man.

Go jazz!!
My opinion of Don changed when he was a dick to Rudy over covid. That was ****ed up.
Like I said Donovan’s an ungrateful sensitive bitch who has looked for every excuse to plan his exit. “Let me cry about Rudy” “let me get completely bent out of shape over social media comments”. What next drama queen?
Well one was Durant and we have an aging Mike Conley so there’s that.
They did a sign and trade with durant for a trade exception.

Conley as an expiring is worth at least a tradeable asset or two. Every year there are at least 3 teams looking to move on from a player or combo of players in exchange for an expiring contract.. 2021 that should be heightened if anything.
I agree the whole racism thing has gotten to him and seemed to distance him from Utah.

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Oh it 100% did. He bought it, hook, line, and sinker. He doesn’t like Utah anymore and you can tell. He doesn’t like the fanbase anymore. He lumped everyone in, including you, me, and every person who blindly supported his ungrateful *** for 3 years over some social media comments that were no different from any other player or teams comment section that posted about it. They were all bad. But he decided that perception was reality regardless of how well he had been personally treated and had his *** kissed. He fully believes Utah, Utahns, and the Jazz fan base is racist, bad people. He doesn’t see any of you more individually than he does those POS in a comment section. Dude wants nothing to do with this community anymore because he thinks that’s reality and not the *** kissing he’s actually been given or his daily interactions. He thinks the social media comments were “eye opening” and not his daily interactions with people. Get a grip people. PS I 100% agree that some of the people in his comments were POS, but there isn’t a comment section without them. That’s why I can’t stand he uses it as his excuse, it’s gross. He absolutely thinks every one of you is just as horrible as those POS in his comment section. It doesn’t matter most Jazz fans buy his ****, and blindly support him. Nope. He doesn’t like any of you because he got some mean comments. Welcome to real life Donovan. There’s horrible and mean people out there. (Theres also people who won’t agree with you on every single thing).
I have to say to all the Rudy lovers that I don't understand why you are trashing Don. For one, it appeared to me that the team sided with him not Rudy, which was why pundits thought Rudy might be traded. What Rudy did, was irresponsible and he has apologized because he agreed. If DM really wanted to leave, he wouldn't have signed that contract, for five years. Five years! If he really wants to leave, he wouldn't have signed a five-year contract during his prime years. Let's be real, folks. Your anger towards DM is irrational and some of you are reading into things for which I don't see any evidence. It's like the people who agree with Trump that there was election fraud.
Yeah just plain wrong. That player option (which no player has ever got on their rookie extension) has everything to do with getting Donovan’s prime out of Utah. It sets the timetable back on when trade rumors/demands start, etc. Now Donovan likely exits Utah during most his prime, vs playing most here. If it was a full 5 year max, run out the clock on it and go it o the final season. Now you’ll go into the 24 summer asking him to sign a super max with ONE year instead of 2 left on the contract before the PO. You will have to trade him at that point, oh and not just trade him, but trade him to a destination of his choice or pay him 15% of his salary as a fee. I wouldn’t call myself a Rudy lover lol. Rudy has his flaws, but Rudy’s a real and I respect it. Donovan is every bit as good as Trump at selling you what you want vs what’s reality. Donovan doesn’t think you’re any less of a racist POS @Eenie-Meenie as he does the real POS in his comment sections. Promise. Dude loathes his own fanbase, and also treated the teammate most responsible for his career winning success like dirt. He’s an ungrateful bitch in every way. He tossed the community and fanbase aside just as fast as he did Rudy the second he got in his feelings about it.