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Rudy's offense


Well-Known Member
He was exposed in the first quarter last night, bad. I have faith in him improving and even possibly being a dominant sob some day with a nasty I'll killy you mean streak in him, but can't figure out what exactly he needs to do to get there. He definitely needs to improve his arm and shoulder strength to finish through contact, but also his mechanics flat out look like ****. It's his elbow positioning or something, I don't know.
Honestly not to concerned about his offense. I think the only thing he needs to add the summer is handling. Dude needs to hire Jose Conseco to throw balls at him all summer long!!!
His offense only tends to struggle I think when he's asked to do too much. When he's the 4th option, like he should be, on the floor he's just fine. In just looking at the ideal starting line-up Hayward, Favors, Hood, and hopefully Exum once he learns to use his abilities will be go to options before Rudy.
Is like to believe he's got all the tools to bring a little bit offensively. I'd like to see him shoot that J from the top of the key. Not because I want to see him shooting it, per se, but because I want to either open up the lane or collect a couple easy baskets (assuming he can connect a bit). I'd actually like to see him shoot a couple by the end of the year. And if Exum could get into the lane I would imagine some alley oops would be a decent and hard to defend move between Exum's speed and Gobert's length.
I'm also not concerned. His offense is already better than a lot of people ever expected. He will probably never be an offensive force, but with the improvement we've already seen with him, I believe he will continue improving. We certainly do need to bolster our offense, but I'm more concerned with improving it elsewhere. Hopefully we can bring over Tomic and add another shooter/scorer in the draft or through trade. Add in Burks and potential improvement from Exum and Hood, and I think Utah could shock the league next year.
I'm a little worried about his offense but think what he provides now is enough because of his defense. I would think/hope his offense improves and that he gets a jumper out to about 9-10 feet. Just to keep defender's honest. If he had that and worked on a one dribble take the ball up either way off of that he would be good enough on offense. Obviously anything more than that is just icing on the cake.
He needs at least 1 go-to move. I'm thinking the sky hook, and with his height it'll almost be unblock-able.
He needs at least 1 go-to move. I'm thinking the sky hook, and with his height it'll almost be unblock-able.

Get that pansy ***, goggle wearing long socks and short shorts stuff out of here. Sky hook. . . His go-to move needs to be jamming it down with brutality ripping the damn rim off of the backboard and handing it to the ref while the security dude signals for someone to sweep up the glass and put in a new backboard. Well, that and an offset free throw line jumper. . .
Get that pansy ***, goggle wearing long socks and short shorts stuff out of here. Sky hook. . . His go-to move needs to be jamming it down with brutality ripping the damn rim off of the backboard and handing it to the ref while the security dude signals for someone to sweep up the glass and put in a new backboard. Well, that and an offset free throw line jumper. . .

Yeah but he already has that rim-rocking move. May be the sky hook can be his counter move.
He is literally:

1)70%FT and
2) SIMPLE hook-shot with maayybbee one counter move

away from being a top 5 center in the league for the next 10 years, barring injury. I'm really, really not worried about him. I would NOT be shocked if he developed an automatic 10ft jump-shot.
Have him spend the whole summer working with Hakeem Olajuwon. No doubt in my mind that he comes back next year with better moves and a helluva lot more confidence in his offensive game.
Have him spend the whole summer working with Hakeem Olajuwon. No doubt in my mind that he comes back next year with better moves and a helluva lot more confidence in his offensive game.

Rudy improving his offensive game (handle, post moves, confidence) would catapult him into contention for the #1 center spot in the league.

I'd like him to perfect one move and one counter, like Kevin McHale. McHale had like 2 moves, but he just put mo fros in the spin cycle for years and years.

Remember all the hype when Kobe and LeBron went and worked out with Olajuwon? And then their footwork wasn't that much better? And Dwight Howard did too. And Dwight Howard somehow got worse. Dwight Howard is more suited to impregnating females (which he is pretty pretty pretty good at) and destroying teams (which he is elite at) than scoring in the post (which he sucks at).

As sexy as it sounds for Gobert to work with Hakeem the Dream, what if Hakeem isn't a good teacher?

Also Karl Malone. Great interview, prototypical modern power forward, spectacular Hardee's pitchman, marginal pro wrestler, adequate 18-wheeler trucker, top-notch dozer driver. Maybe not a great teacher.

Rather stick Rudy with a great teacher/coach (which we probably have on staff *cough* Alex Jensen *cough*) than send him to some hall of famer who doesn't know how to break down what they do by instinct.
He is literally:

1)70%FT and
2) SIMPLE hook-shot with maayybbee one counter move

away from being a top 5 center in the league for the next 10 years, barring injury. I'm really, really not worried about him. I would NOT be shocked if he developed an automatic 10ft jump-shot.

He'll be much better offensively learning how to score on the move than in a post situation.


Don't know what the 'not worried' response from several posters is about. I want Gobert to improve. Has nothing to do with Utah's Little State syndrome.
He'll be much better offensively learning how to score on the move

I think this is inevitable, quite frankly. Already a huge improvement from year 1 to year 2. Plus, we already have Favs working the rolls too, so Rudy would add a wrinkle if he could post. Not necessary, though. Tyson Chandler 2.0 seems to be where he's headed-- but with better passing

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I'm also not concerned. His offense is already better than a lot of people ever expected. He will probably never be an offensive force, but with the improvement we've already seen with him, I believe he will continue improving. We certainly do need to bolster our offense, but I'm more concerned with improving it elsewhere. Hopefully we can bring over Tomic and add another shooter/scorer in the draft or through trade. Add in Burks and potential improvement from Exum and Hood, and I think Utah could shock the league next year.

I think many of the Jazz's offensive issue will be solved in house with the improvement of Hood and Exum. Also the return of Burks.

Having said that I still want DL to add one more shooter at the wing or PG spots along with Tomic as back up C
I think the Gobert Surprise continues. He's talented, he's mean, he has drive (like Kanter but with a little more than a paleomammalian brain).

Yup. If you told me he's gonna develop a 20 footer, I probably wouldn't be floored. Sky is the limit for Rudy

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I am not sure if the main problem with him is arm-strength or simple catch-technique. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't catch the ball right... like... he keeps his palms too close to eachother and doesn't secure the ball in his hands on the catch. It's really weird how it pops like a cork out of his hands at every slight contact. For me this needs to be priority this summer, he needs to work on his hands, needs to be able to catch passes in traffic and finish in traffic and through contact. This might sound like blasphemy for some, but I wish Rudy had a certain former player's hands. Sometimes he looks like he's surprised by passes, too. Probably a bit more concentration in offense would be helpful.

Once he has the required ball-security with his hands, a go-to move and a counter would be nice too. I've actually really liked the spin move he does. But he needs a bit of space to bounce the ball once before the spin.
Don't know what the 'not worried' response from several posters is about.

Utah has proven they can win with Rudy exactly as he is, even with tons of room to improve our offense elsewhere. Even if Rudy doesn't improve offensively at all, if Utah can increase production from the SG/PG and bench, we are going to win a lot of games. I just don't see Rudy's offense as a big concern. Much more worried about the offense coming from the PG spot. It would be nice if Rudy could average 20 points a game, but even if he's around 10-12 PPG, I think Utah will be a force with increased productivity elsewhere.