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Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books

Recently read the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. Enjoyed it immensely, best fantasy I've read in several years.
Cool, I get to bump this thread again after two years.

For those of you who liked Robin Hobb's books about Fitz and the Fool (i.e. the Farseer and Tawny Man trilogies -- Jazz Traveler won a lot of people over to them on this board, myself included), you'll be interested to know that Hobb is actually continuing the series with a new novel (a big one, listed on Amazon as 688 pages). You can see the cover and a short excerpt here:


I have mixed feelings about this. The series ended so well that part of me dreads the continuation, because I won't be able to un-read it if it doesn't live up to the originals. Still, it's an exciting announcement, because if this upcoming book is as good as the others, we're in for a treat.

The book will be released on August 12th.
Recently read the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. Enjoyed it immensely, best fantasy I've read in several years.
Read his other books. He has become my favorite author. Elantris was just as good as those books and "The Way of Kings" was a long but great start to what he says will be a huge series.
Great author IMO.
Cool, I get to bump this thread again after two years.

For those of you who liked Robin Hobb's books about Fitz and the Fool (i.e. the Farseer and Tawny Man trilogies -- Jazz Traveler won a lot of people over to them on this board, myself included), you'll be interested to know that Hobb is actually continuing the series with a new novel (a big one, listed on Amazon as 688 pages). You can see the cover and a short excerpt here:


I have mixed feelings about this. The series ended so well that part of me dreads the continuation, because I won't be able to un-read it if it doesn't live up to the originals. Still, it's an exciting announcement, because if this upcoming book is as good as the others, we're in for a treat.

The book will be released on August 12th.
Traveler also got me hooked on Robin Hobb. I am glad she has another book coming out. I'm not as high on the dragon keeper series as most of her other work but it was still good. I hope this is as good as the "Assassin" series.
The only "new for me" author I have found the last little bit is Jim Butcher. His books are okay as a change up. Pretty well written, but the stories seem way to similar from one book to the next.
The only "new for me" author I have found the last little bit is Jim Butcher. His books are okay as a change up. Pretty well written, but the stories seem way to similar from one book to the next.

Yeah, I talked about Butcher's Dresden Files in this thread (see post #99 above), and I really love them. They keep getting better until they hit a high point around book 7 or so (the first book is actually a little weak). I wasn't crazy about the most recent one -- book 14 -- but they're all entertaining.

Have you read the short stories the happen between books? Some of those are quite good as well.
Read his other books. He has become my favorite author. Elantris was just as good as those books and "The Way of Kings" was a long but great start to what he says will be a huge series.
Great author IMO.

Heh, my post was from two years ago, so I beat you to it. I've since read every last Sanderson book--including a couple that are unpublished and that you can only get by emailing him and asking for them. Elantris is actually about my least favorite of the bunch, though. Very excited about the new Stormlight Archive book that is being released tomorrow.
Heh, my post was from two years ago, so I beat you to it. I've since read every last Sanderson book--including a couple that are unpublished and that you can only get by emailing him and asking for them. Elantris is actually about my least favorite of the bunch, though. Very excited about the new Stormlight Archive book that is being released tomorrow.

I really must read Sanderson. He's been on my list of stuff to read forever, but it hasn't happened yet and probably won't for a while now that I'm starting preparation for quals and working on my dissertation proposal.
I really must read Sanderson. He's been on my list of stuff to read forever, but it hasn't happened yet and probably won't for a while now that I'm starting preparation for quals and working on my dissertation proposal.

Yes, you do. As with gregbroncs, he also has become my favorite current author. Well, might be tied with Terry Pratchett, but they write very different fantasy so it's hard to compare. One of my favorite things about Sanderson is that he makes up very interesting magical systems, no two the same. And each with its own logical applications and ramifications. Give the Mistborn trilogy a start when you get a chance.

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Heh, my post was from two years ago, so I beat you to it. I've since read every last Sanderson book--including a couple that are unpublished and that you can only get by emailing him and asking for them. Elantris is actually about my least favorite of the bunch, though. Very excited about the new Stormlight Archive book that is being released tomorrow.
I noticed after I quoted. Left it anyway. I did not know the next book was coming out. I prefer paperback books so tend to read them later on. But I'm excited that it's finally out.
Yeah, I talked about Butcher's Dresden Files in this thread (see post #99 above), and I really love them. They keep getting better until they hit a high point around book 7 or so (the first book is actually a little weak). I wasn't crazy about the most recent one -- book 14 -- but they're all entertaining.

Have you read the short stories the happen between books? Some of those are quite good as well.
No I've made it through the 1st 4 books. I tend to read a book by an author then move to something else and come back to that author later. I have his next book and am planning on reading it soon. I have a couple books in front of it though. Dresden files is where I started. Have not read anything else by him yet.
I just read (not quite finished) The Golem and the Ginni by Helene Wecker. It was for my book group. Everyone liked it fairly well. Nobody really loved it though, it seemed a little trite. For the most part it held our interest - a long book, but easy read.

We don't usually read much sci-fi or fantasy stuff.
Heh, my post was from two years ago, so I beat you to it. I've since read every last Sanderson book--including a couple that are unpublished and that you can only get by emailing him and asking for them. Elantris is actually about my least favorite of the bunch, though. Very excited about the new Stormlight Archive book that is being released tomorrow.

So you've read The Wheel of Time?

(haven't read any of this thread, sorry if you've already talked about this)
So you've read The Wheel of Time?

(haven't read any of this thread, sorry if you've already talked about this)

Actually, I just got the last wheel of time book a couple of months ago and decided to reread the whole series before I start the last book. Now on Path of Daggers.

Wheel of time is probably the only series I would mention in the same breath with Tolkien. Great stuff, even if some of the books bogged down a bit.

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Hate wheel of time. Too predictable. The characters are all stereotyped/typcasted in a unbreaking mold.

Couldn't believe that rand wouldnt kill lanfear just because she is a woman... Dude she is a forsaken trying to destroy the world.

Hated how there was so much "men are like this, thats how men are" and "women always do this and that"...... Got so annoying that i couldnt take it anymore.

Rand, mat, and perrin always saying that the other two are great with women while believing that themselves are horrible with women.

Nynaeve always tugging on her stupid hair.

Story was interesting enough that i got through 6 books and part of the 7th (i think) but man the characters were just so cookie cutter and predictable that whole time
Really good sci fi read is a series called the wayward pines series by blake crouch.
First two books were awesome...... 3rd and final book comes out in july i think
I thought that was funny every time.

I thought is was funny the first few times..... but like most of the things i mentioned, it got old after the hundreth time.

I actually thought the story was pretty cool. Liked the idea of taveren, the whole wheel/history repeating, the eternal battle with the forsaken, I liked the way that the power was used and explained, stilling, i liked the wolf aspect of perrin and the luck of mat, shai tan/dark one and his forsaken were all really interesting, i liked the seanchan alot, and the spear women and men (aiel) that were part of rands clan (reminded me of native americans)

I would just get sick of how repetitive and predictable the characters were. Nynaeve especially. Did she ever have any fun or smile or give someone their credit when they did something good? She was constantly sour/bitchy and tugging on her braid.