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Smartphones to replace computers soon


Well-Known Member
So we had this discussion on the old board. You clowns that said I was wrong know who you are...

Anyway, check this phone out:

I told you it was coming. This is the first of many smartphones that will be as powerful (or more powerful) than you need for general computing. And all of the "2 inch screen, tiny keyboard" arguments are obsolete.

As if phones like that aren't enough, check this out:

So there will be phones running full blown Windows 8. That is basically Microsoft's way of saying computers as we know them will soon be dead to the average person.

Next up; the imminent comedy when all the iPhone fanboys that supposedly didn't care about 4G finally get a 4G iPhone and think it's the greatest thing ever.
I see The Thriller is just as interesting as ever. What a douche.

This coming from a guy who opened up his thread with:

Smartphones to replace computers soon

So we had this discussion on the old board. You clowns that said I was wrong know who you are...

I have no problem if you actually want to have a discussion. But it's the way you come across all the time that irritates everyone. You "clearly" have this inferiority complex that is in constant need of feeding.
I have my eyes on the Motorola Droid Bionic myself. From what I can tell it has a lot in common with the phone you posted, but has 512 MB of RAM instead of 1 GB. Don't understand why Motorola wouldn't just put 1 GB in the Bionic too. It's looking like it will be released just in time for my 2 year upgrade discount with Verizon. I'm really hoping Verizon has 4G in SLC by then. I read something today that had SLC, Ogden, and Provo on the list of cities to receive 4G in 2011, but with no specific dates.
This coming from a guy who opened up his thread with:

I have no problem if you actually want to have a discussion. But it's the way you come across all the time that irritates everyone. You "clearly" have this inferiority complex that is in constant need of feeding.
And you're clearly a douche. If I'm so irritating then stay out of threads I create. Nobody put a gun to your head and asked you to read my post.

And the line you quoted from my first post was spot on. We had a pretty good discussion on the old board about this. You probably wouldn't know about it because topics like this are clearly over your head. Now back to your regular scheduled trolling, douche bag.
I have my eyes on the Motorola Droid Bionic myself. From what I can tell it has a lot in common with the phone you posted, but has 512 MB of RAM instead of 1 GB. Don't understand why Motorola wouldn't just put 1 GB in the Bionic too. It's looking like it will be released just in time for my 2 year upgrade discount with Verizon. I'm really hoping Verizon has 4G in SLC by then. I read something today that had SLC, Ogden, and Provo on the list of cities to receive 4G in 2011, but with no specific dates.

The Bionic has the 8 mp camera too. It's pretty awesome, no doubt.

And these phones are nothing compared to what we'll be seeing in a couple years when they're running full blown Windows, Mac, and more advanced Android.
This Droid Bionic will be a significant upgrade over my current Motorola Droid1. My Droid is starting to feel quite outdated with all the new phones that have been coming out. I've been itching for an upgrade, but wanted to wait to see what would come with Verizon's 4G network. Looking like I made a good choice in waiting. Another thing I really love about the Droid Bionic is the HDMI output. You can connect it to an HDTV and it will mirror everything in 1080p. The 8 MP camera is also capable of recording video at 720p HD. It's looking like a very exciting phone. Just wonder how much it will cost. Wouldn't be surprised to have to drop around $300 (after discounts) on it.
When the machines take over the world Salty will be in line volunteering to become a battery to power them up because it will be cutting edge.
When the machines take over the world Salty will be in line volunteering to become a battery to power them up because it will be cutting edge.

Nope, I'll be the one programming them. You'll be the one in a horse and buggy with a torch living in a cave like Bin Laden.
This Droid Bionic will be a significant upgrade over my current Motorola Droid1. My Droid is starting to feel quite outdated with all the new phones that have been coming out. I've been itching for an upgrade, but wanted to wait to see what would come with Verizon's 4G network. Looking like I made a good choice in waiting. Another thing I really love about the Droid Bionic is the HDMI output. You can connect it to an HDTV and it will mirror everything in 1080p. The 8 MP camera is also capable of recording video at 720p HD. It's looking like a very exciting phone. Just wonder how much it will cost. Wouldn't be surprised to have to drop around $300 (after discounts) on it.

Yeah that Droid Bionic is pretty awesome. If Verizon 4G hits SLC anytime soon I'll probably have to consider it.

T-Mobile also announced they are doubling the speed of their "4G" network. And during their press conference where they announced it, one of the reporters asked if their current network is 4G and they are doubling the speed, what will they call the new network?

Even though it isn't really 4G it will still be 42 megs though, with expected real world speeds of 25 megs. That will be pretty amazing.

Verizon LTE is getting around 18-20 megs up and down in real world usage so far. But that is with basically nobody on the network and only with data cards on a computer (no phones yet). So those numbers will probably come down when these phones start to hit the streets. Should still be ridiculously fast though.
Is there anything out yet that is better than the Evo?
Not yet. But the phone in the first post in this thread owns the Evo in every imaginable way. So does the Bionic that Katie was talking about. Heck, there have probably been 10 phones or so announced at CES that own the Evo in every imaginable way. They should all be on store shelves sometime during the first half of this year.
Yeah that Droid Bionic is pretty awesome. If Verizon 4G hits SLC anytime soon I'll probably have to consider it.

T-Mobile also announced they are doubling the speed of their "4G" network. And during their press conference where they announced it, one of the reporters asked if their current network is 4G and they are doubling the speed, what will they call the new network?

Even though it isn't really 4G it will still be 42 megs though, with expected real world speeds of 25 megs. That will be pretty amazing.

Verizon LTE is getting around 18-20 megs up and down in real world usage so far. But that is with basically nobody on the network and only with data cards on a computer (no phones yet). So those numbers will probably come down when these phones start to hit the streets. Should still be ridiculously fast though.

Considering that it's a wireless network, those speeds are crazy. That's faster than the current DSL speeds I get with Qwest. All I have seen about Verizon 4G in SLC so far is that it is coming in 2011. I really hope it will be before the Droid Bionic comes out. The Bionic is scheduled for early 2nd quarter.
Considering that it's a wireless network, those speeds are crazy. That's faster than the current DSL speeds I get with Qwest. All I have seen about Verizon 4G in SLC so far is that it is coming in 2011. I really hope it will be before the Droid Bionic comes out. The Bionic is scheduled for early 2nd quarter.
That's ridiculously fast. Much faster than my Evo gets on Sprint's 4G. The problem with Verizon's data is the cap. Well it's not a real cap, just an extra charge ($10 per gig) for going over the limit.

None the less, when SLC gets LTE Verizon will be looking pretty good to me. They still have several more LTE phones they will be announcing this year too. I think they said they will have 10 before the year ends. One of them will be the iPhone, probably 1 or 2 will be Windows, maybe a Blackberry, and the rest Android.
That's ridiculously fast. Much faster than my Evo gets on Sprint's 4G. The problem with Verizon's data is the cap. Well it's not a real cap, just an extra charge ($10 per gig) for going over the limit.

None the less, when SLC gets LTE Verizon will be looking pretty good to me. They still have several more LTE phones they will be announcing this year too. I think they said they will have 10 before the year ends. One of them will be the iPhone, probably 1 or 2 will be Windows, maybe a Blackberry, and the rest Android.

I'm pretty firmly in the Android camp at this point. I came from the BlackBerry Storm. RIM has done nothing to move the BlackBerry forward with the rest of the smartphone world, and is on the brink of being totally obsolete. It would be hard to get me away from Android at this point. Nobody can beat Google's integration of their own services. I love what I'm seeing in the possibilities of Android's future as well. Google has a lot of great things to add. It's looking like Honeycomb is going to be a killer update for Android.