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So let me get this straight "no homo" is offensive

First paragraph is more of the same from you. It ocntributes to the problem therefore it is part of the horse. It is a cause and if you choose to deny that then that is fine. But I deny your title of victim blamer. It is rubish.

The only problem it contributes to is the problem people have with seeing the results of their actions.

Suddenly I have someone telling me I have to refer to them by a seperate title due to their skin tone? Rubish.

You had a black person complain when you called them an American? In what context, outside of this type of discussion?
Not to archie this thread, but does anyone else think perhaps One Brow has a new keyboard? Try as I might, I'm not able to find any typos in his last few posts.

Congrats, OB!

I switched from IE to Google Chrome. It's been underlining many of my mistakes, making them easier to see when I proof. There are still a few mistakes in there that I notice a couple of days later.

Anyhow, what I find offensive about the phrase "no homo" is that by using it, the speaker is making an assumption about what he thinks I am thinking, and making an assumption that I even care about his sexual orientation. It's rather insulting to the audience's intelligence when a speaker feels he must add that disclaimer to a statement.

It is used to call attention to one's own metro-sexuality, no?

No, it's used to takes phrases like "I love that guy" and emphasize that you do mean this in any sort of sexual way, in the context that having those sorts of sexual feeling would be wrong.
Umm wtf are you talking about?

Its like saying "thats what she said" only "thats what she said" is Never ever ever ever funny. Ever. "No Homo" is almost always hilarious.

posted from my htc one using tapaBONGO

that's not true :confused:
No, it's used to takes phrases like "I love that guy" and emphasize that you do mean this in any sort of sexual way, in the context that having those sorts of sexual feeling would be wrong.
I am just not sure that you are correctly interpreting the nature of the usage of the words.