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Tell us who got banned?

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TheSilencer1313 now has 3 active infractions and is serving a temporary suspension of posting privileges.
Ty the Turd (serpico/Wes) formed two new alts within the last 24-48 hours. Per Jason's post in the other thread, he has been banned. We'll see if Jason lets him back.
Flip, uh, Something was banned for being the alt of one of the most hated posters here.
JJ Rage and larryselbows have been banned for alt accounts.

For the record, our policy is immediate ban of all accounts when we find an alt. Reinstatement is determined on a case-by-case basis by me.
Cyrone is out two weeks for his fourth infraction. Suspending/banning guys like HH is easy, a pleasure even, but in this case it wasn't enjoyable at all, especially for something that was so trivial (yet something he's been infracted for a few times).
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size] banned for obvious reasons.

Corrected: Was a one-time exception for a prior account deactivated long ago.
UGLI - a day because he's obnoxious (and a genius). Was that wrong of me?

Update: Unbanned. A total of 10 minutes.
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