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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

RFK Jr. has been fighting against vaccination and other causes. He's not in politics. I guess he's using this as a platform.
Oh, so he's trying to translate his political name into more guest spots on Fox News and book sales since everyone is realizing what a whackaloon he is. That tracks.

I thought he had already been a senator or somesuch, but maybe that was one of the siblings or cousins.

I have said for years that if Teddy Kennedy was a better driver, he would have been president, but I realized it's not going off the bridge that was the real problem, it was getting out and then just leaving. So if he was a better swimmer and had gone back down and tried to get her out, or, even if he had just sat down and cried. Instead he went home and tried to ignore it.

***EDIT*** I just went and looked it up, he said he tried to go rescue her, diving back under 6 or 7 times. But there was no proof, like an obviously shattered window or something.
Well that does it! Hunter Biden should be impeached. We just can't have someone like that in a high public office...
Doesn’t that defeat one of the talking pts cult 45 has made for a few years now? It certainly doesn’t seem like Republicans are being persecuted while Democrats/Hunter aren’t. Right? Hunter is being held accountable. Why shouldn’t Don the Con?
Just another example of The department of justice being weaponized against republicans again right?
Yes. Evidence recently surfaced of a $5 million bribery scheme involving Hunter and Joe Biden. This charging at the same time for tax crimes and gun crimes, two categories of crimes handled by different law enforcement agencies that usually have nothing to do with each other, five years after committing crimes that are typically charged within weeks is purely political cover. There are no consequences to Hunter for this charging of old crimes, and it gives the Democrats a talking point cover. The timing is politically motivated to help Democrats in the next election. This was a call made by the DNC. Even though it has the appearance of holding someone on the political left to account (by not actually issuing any punishment) it is the weaponization of the DOJ against Republicans.
Right. Which is also why Garland waited over a year before Trump could finally be investigated for his role in 1/6.
Correct. It would not have played to the greatest advantage for the DNC to have the most damaging evidence in the public space years before the election. The DNC knows when they want the damaging material to hit, and how long investigations of this sort typically take, so they worked backwards from there to set a start date for the investigation. Worry not, the Trump destroying material will flood the airwaves sometime after he wins the nomination but before the general election. The FBI and DOJ are nothing more than the DNC's goon squad.
Yes. Evidence recently surfaced of a $5 million bribery scheme involving Hunter and Joe Biden.
About time. Where is the evidence?

Unless you mean the "whistleblower" that never appeared and no one met, in which case you have an odd definition of "to surface".

This charging at the same time for tax crimes and gun crimes, two categories of crimes handled by different law enforcement agencies that usually have nothing to do with each other, five years after committing crimes that are typically charged within weeks is purely political cover. There are no consequences to Hunter for this charging of old crimes, and it gives the Democrats a talking point cover. The timing is politically motivated to help Democrats in the next election. This was a call made by the DNC. Even though it has the appearance of holding someone on the political left to account (by not actually issuing any punishment) it is the weaponization of the DOJ against Republicans.
Same old song. Biden is not charged, it's politically motivated in favor of Democrats. Biden is charged two weeks later, it's politically motivated in favor of Democrats.

To be clear, as ludicrous as this sounds, are you saying that if Biden was not being charged right now, that would be harmful to the Democrats? Because I have a feeling you would be singing the same song you sung two weeks ago. I'm underwhelmed with your "heads I win, tails you lose" games-playing.

Correct. It would not have played to the greatest advantage for the DNC to have the most damaging evidence in the public space years before the election. The DNC knows when they want the damaging material to hit, and how long investigations of this sort typically take, so they worked backwards from there to set a start date for the investigation. Worry not, the Trump destroying material will flood the airwaves sometime after he wins the nomination but before the general election. The FBI and DOJ are nothing more than the DNC's goon squad.
The trial is in two months. I expect you will now proclaim how this is a political maneuver favoring Democrats.
Yes. Evidence recently surfaced of a $5 million bribery scheme involving Hunter and Joe Biden. This charging at the same time for tax crimes and gun crimes, two categories of crimes handled by different law enforcement agencies that usually have nothing to do with each other, five years after committing crimes that are typically charged within weeks is purely political cover. There are no consequences to Hunter for this charging of old crimes, and it gives the Democrats a talking point cover. The timing is politically motivated to help Democrats in the next election. This was a call made by the DNC. Even though it has the appearance of holding someone on the political left to account (by not actually issuing any punishment) it is the weaponization of the DOJ against Republicans.
Notable democrat gets charged with crime
Al: That proves that the DOJ has been weaponized against republicans.

You are a silly fella
Correct. It would not have played to the greatest advantage for the DNC to have the most damaging evidence in the public space years before the election. The DNC knows when they want the damaging material to hit, and how long investigations of this sort typically take, so they worked backwards from there to set a start date for the investigation. Worry not, the Trump destroying material will flood the airwaves sometime after he wins the nomination but before the general election. The FBI and DOJ are nothing more than the DNC's goon squad.
Yep. This is why the judge set a trial date for much sooner than typical. She could have had it much closer to the election but due to her being weaponized by the democrats she put it further away from the election where it could have maximum effect against trump. Another example. Just spin anything and everything to make conservatives look like victims all for trump!