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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Imagine being alive in the year 2024 and still thinking that the media has a bias that benefits Biden and Democrats, not Trump and Republicans. Just incredible.
Could you imagine how an American Serviceman lighting himself on fire in protest would be covered if Trump were president? Imagine being so out of touch that you think it wouldn't be covered any differently.

"The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that when a Republican is president it’s time to yell and scream about any bad things he does, whereas when a Democrat is president it’s time for brunch." - Caitlin Johnstone
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Could you imagine how an American Serviceman lighting himself on fire in protest would be covered if Trump were president? Imagine being so out of touch that you think it wouldn't be covered any differently.

"The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that when a Republican is president it’s time to yell and scream about any bad things he does, whereas when a Democrat is president it’s time for brunch." - Caitlin Johnstone
A person with obvious mental issues lighting themselves on fire has nothing to do with the U.S. President. Biden didn't start the war in Gaza, the U.S. is not fighting in Gaza and Biden is actively trying to reign Isreal in.
A person with obvious mental issues lighting themselves on fire has nothing to do with the U.S. President. Biden didn't start the war in Gaza, the U.S. is not fighting in Gaza and Biden is actively trying to reign Isreal in.
definitely the blue cult- Biden is bypassing congress to get funds and ammo to Israel. "actively trying to reign Israel in" gtfo.

definitely the blue cult- Biden is bypassing congress to get funds and ammo to Israel. "actively trying to reign Israel in" gtfo.

Keep eating those crayons

If you can acknowledge what Biden is trying to do then I'll belive you are trying to have an honest conversation. You don't have to say it's good, the right thing, smart, or has any chance of working. You just need to provide a reasonable assessment of the actual, well documented diplomatic efforts of the Biden administration in regard to Isreal.
The difference between republicans and democrats

The level of understanding displayed is best exemplified by:
The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans cheered for the invasion of Iraq solely because it was waged by George W Bush, whereas Democrats criticized the invasion of Iraq solely because it was waged by George W Bush.
The majority of Senate Democrats supported the joint resolution.

maybe someday you'll find your way out of the cult and understand what a child that eats crayons easily understands?
We understand that both the Democrats and Republicans are war-mongers and force-projectors. The "cult" label applies to those who think repeating the obvious is enlightenment.
Keep eating those crayons

If you can acknowledge what Biden is trying to do then I'll belive you are trying to have an honest conversation. You don't have to say it's good, the right thing, smart, or has any chance of working. You just need to provide a reasonable assessment of the actual, well documented diplomatic efforts of the Biden administration in regard to Isreal.
Keep your head up your ***.

When you can manage to get your head out and acknowledge that Biden is contributing to genocide like many of the blue maga cultists then I'll believe we can have an honest conversation. I dont think bypassing congress to give Israel money and ammunition to commit genocide is going to stop genocide, I don't think it's good, I don't think it's smart, and I don't think it will work.

Back atcha. You won't win in the general election unless you support Israel.

“The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that if a Republican president were to back a genocide it would be an evil and unforgivable atrocity, whereas when a Democrat president backs a genocide it’s a minor foible that you’d better shut up about unless you want Trump to win.“ -Caitlin Johnstone
Keep eating those crayons

If you can acknowledge what Biden is trying to do then I'll belive you are trying to have an honest conversation. You don't have to say it's good, the right thing, smart, or has any chance of working. You just need to provide a reasonable assessment of the actual, well documented diplomatic efforts of the Biden administration in regard to Isreal.
He's never engaged in an honest conversation on this site. Trolls gonna troll.
Back atcha. You won't win in the general election unless you support Israel.
Humanitarians in Michigan gave 100k votes to uncommitted. That’s 13% of democrat voters and 10x Trumps margin of victory in 2016. I’m not sure the support for genocide is as popular as you think it is.

Biden could come out today and blast israel for the attacks on gaza and withdraw all funding and all future funding and say that the US denounces everything about israel and anything else that would be anti israel and our silly (mon)goose poster would just go on ranting and raving about one particular party in his typical fashion.

He doesn't care about war or peace or the victims of war. Thats all an act. Just cares about being critical of one party.

If he actually cared then he would have been critical of trumps comments encouraging russia to invade any country who is late on their bills.
Biden could come out today and blast israel for the attacks on gaza and withdraw all funding and all future funding and say that the US denounces everything about israel and anything else that would be anti israel and our silly (mon)goose poster would just go on ranting and raving about one particular party in his typical fashion.

He doesn't care about war or peace or the victims of war. Thats all an act. Just cares about being critical of one party.

If he actually cared then he would have been critical of trumps comments encouraging russia to invade any country who is late on their bills.
Also, Biden could do all that and it wouldn't change anything about what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Some people think the U.S. President can just make things happen by shear force of will. Like if the President wanted he could just wish for lower inflation and then inflation would go down. Or the President could just make a pronouncement that hostilities in Gaze must end and they would just end.

That's not how any of this works.
The better questions, of course, would be why Biden would want to do this. Israel is a strong, loyal ally and has been for decades.
I think the Biden administration and many other Americans, including myself, have been taken aback by the heavy handed response Israel is engaged in. I think it was a strategic blunder for Israel to overreact and to act indiscriminately resulting in harm to many civilians. I think Hamas WANTED an overreaction and Israel has given it to them.

Support for a response after Oct. 7th was very very strong. Support for what is going on now is very very weak.

Of course the U.S. wants to remain strongly allied with Israel. Personally I'd like to do that with an Israel that has a different leader than Netanyahu.
Of course the U.S. wants to remain strongly allied with Israel. Personally I'd like to do that with an Israel that has a different leader than Netanyahu.
Netanyahu isn't currently the leader of Israel. He still holds the title of Prime Minister, but Netanyahu hasn't been the leader of Israel since October 11th of last year. The leader of Israel since then has been the Israeli War Cabinet, a group of five politicians from the largest political groups. No single person or even single party has ruling power in Israel right now.

As far as indiscriminate killing of civilians, that too is retarded. Israel is a nuclear power. If they really wanted to do indiscriminate killing of civilians or genocide, they could easily wipe out a million Palestinians in an afternoon. Israel has boots on the ground in Gaza because they are trying to be as surgical as they possibly can be, which is practically impossible in dense urban environment where civilians refuse to get out of the way.
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Netanyahu isn't currently the leader of Israel. He still holds the title of Prime Minister, but Netanyahu hasn't been the leader of Israel since October 11th of last year. The leader of Israel since then has been the Israeli War Cabinet, a group of five politicians from the largest political groups. No single person or even single party has ruling power in Israel right now.

As far as indiscriminate killing of civilians, that too is retarded. Israel is a nuclear power. If they really wanted to do indiscriminate killing of civilians or genocide, they could easily wipe out a million Palestinians in an afternoon. Israel has boots on the ground in Gaza because they are trying to be as surgical as they possibly can be, which is practically impossible in dense urban environment where civilians refuse to get out of the way.
Damn I gave you a thumbs up for the useful info in the first sentence then you went dick mode combined with an absolute stupid comment about nukes.

What's wrong with you?