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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

And they pretty much said the only thing they could say….And, further, since there are several investigations of Hunter going back to 2018, and still without the evidence they need to establish actual wrongdoing by Joe Biden, after 5 years of looking for that evidence, chances are about 99%+ that, when all is said and done, with this embarrassing clown show, this will remain the only thing they will ever be able to say. No evidence in 5 years of looking for the evidence. And this hearing will not produce that which does not exist. But Trump helped Republicans develop this approach: just dive right into an alternative universe and pretend it’s reality.

Lol from the guys(you, fish, thriller, log)who pushed the Trump colluded with Russia hoax for 6 straight years. Despite literally NO EVIDENCE whatsoever that it happened. This is from the Durham report not my opinion.

Since Thriller and Log cannot answer for obvious reasons maybe you will answer. You won't but here. Prove me wrong. Tell me what the Bidens did to earn this money.

"Where did the 20 million from the shell companies come from? I bet you won't answer. We also literally have video evidence of Joe Biden firing the prosecutor looking into Hunter. Before you push the conspiracy that he was fired for corruption answer these questions please A) what did Hunter do to get that job? It's been explained in the emails that your side completely ignore all while there's no evidence ut let's hear you explain it please B) Obama officials and European officials both sent emails commending Shokin for his job and how well he's doing. 2 weeks later Joe got him fired for looking into his son's corruption. Explain that please."
It's just frustrating that now you all want evidence when you never asked for evidence before for all your crazy conspiracies. You impeached Trump over a phone call that someone heard someone else hear say. Now you are indicting him after the FEC voted that there was no crime literalyy 6 years after some prostitute said something happened. This after the DA ran on nothing more than feeding Trump addictions. Don't even get me started on the draconian COVID authotarian BS you all pushed without a lick of evidence on your mask wearing hysteria, wanting to put people in jail for not conforming to your fascist vaccine hysteria, that Ivermectin a noble peace prize winning drug was a horse dewormer. No evidence whatsoever yet people in this very thread wanted to put others in jail... I'm not trying to stir the pot but you all were completely ok with no evidence there. This actually happened, this is not trolling.

You all literally sat here for 6 years and pushed that Trump peed on people. That Trump and Putin were in bed together. What evidence did you have? Where is all this evidence that Chuck Schumer promised many times? Crazy thing now is you deny it. You flat out lie that you never said such things. Then what did we argue about for 4 years? That Putin meddled under Obama who literally told his intelligence to stand down and allowed it long before Trump was even a candidate... Where's your evidence that Trump incited a riot? Oh the same people that sat here for a year saying that Democrat riots that injured over 1000 police, killed innocent children, led to 2 teens dying at chop when you all insurrercted entire city blocks, rioted, murdered and looted over a rapist in Jacob Blake that was rightfully shot by police because he raped his girlfriend and was stealing her children and vehicle... Evidence though. Burning down innocent people livelihoods over a rapist that was rightfully shot. Did you all wait for the evidence there? How about with Rittenhouse? Where he rightfully shot a pedophile that raped 5 innocent boys? Where was this evidence when you were all saying he was guilty?

Now Republicans have provided plenty of evidence that Bidens are extremely dirty. The Biden Cartel has mode tens of millions of dollars for literally nothing. If I'm wrong then explain to me why Hunter got a job at Burisma. YOu know, the meth addict, dead beat father, gun toting felon? How does he get such a job? I wont even ask anymore questions because you will not answer a single one of them knowing full well that he got that job because of his father. I've asked 3 people now and not one of you can provide a simple answer. It's obvious why you refuse to answer. Because this evidence is undeniable that Biden used his position to get his son a job that paid the Biden Cartel 3+ million for doing nothing.
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Lol from the guys(you, fish, thriller, log)who pushed the Trump colluded with Russia hoax for 6 straight years. Despite literally NO EVIDENCE whatsoever that it happened. This is from the Durham report not my opinion.
The Durham report did not say that, nor anything close.
The Durham report did not say that, nor anything close.
Yes it did.................................................................. Here is left leaning sources that back my claim up.

The Durham report was sharply critical of how the FBI decided to open the counterintelligence investigation into Trump, known as “Crossfire Hurricane”, accusing top officials at the bureau of relying on raw and uncorroborated information to continue the inquiry.

Special counsel John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia probe​

Special counsel John Durham concluded that the FBI should never have launched a full investigation into connections between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, according to a report compiled over three years by the Trump-administration appointee and released on Monday.

Durham’s 300-plus page report also states that the FBI used “raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence,” to launch the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation into Trump and Russia but used a different standard when weighing concerns about alleged election interference regarding Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Since Thriller and Log cannot answer for obvious reasons maybe you will answer. You won't but here. Prove me wrong. Tell me what the Bidens did to earn this money.
No. You tell me exactly what Joe Biden did that was illegal, and connected to his son Hunter. Specify exactly. Name the law. Describe how it will have to lead to impeachment, and to a conviction. Don’t worry about me. You don’t know me from Adam. Deal with yourself. If you have proof of Joe’s illegalities, share them here. Otherwise, STFU……
No. You tell me exactly what Joe Biden did that was illegal, and connected to his son Hunter. Specify exactly. Name the law. Describe how it will have to lead to impeachment, and to a conviction. Don’t worry about me. You don’t know me from Adam. Deal with yourself. If you have proof of Joe’s illegalities, share them here. Otherwise, STFU……
Ok... Joe Biden used his public influence to get Hunter a job which is illegal. Joe Biden used his influence to make millions from Ukraine, Russia, and China... He during his VP received payments from China business associates. They literally have the money traced to his address. Now the Bidens took in 20 million from Shell accounts with absolutely not reasoning to have that money and there is much more I've explained to you that is pointless because you don't care and just put your fingers in your ears. Now they don't have the evidence to pin point that to Joe yet... But that is what an inquiry is for. Democrats do not understand the word "inquiry". It's a very simple word that means by the dictionary-an act of asking for information. That is what the inquiry is for. Now the republicans get access to bank accounts, emails, and much more. It's insane how you all do not understang this very very basic thing. This is not an impeachment.... This is the act of gaining information that Biden, you know the guy who created 5 alt aliases while VP for some reason. Those emails need to be seen not hidden.

An employee may not use his public office for his own private gain or for that of persons or organizations with which he is associated personally. An employee's position or title should not be used to coerce; to endorse any product, service or enterprise; or to give the appearance of governmental sanction. An employee may use his official title and stationery only in response to a request for a reference or recommendation for someone he has dealt with in Federal employment or someone he is recommending for Federal employment.

5 C.F.R. § 2635.702 (see Subpart G - Misuse of Position; Use of Public Office for Private Gain)

Here is Biden on video admitting to bribery. Shokin was the prosecutor looking into his son. We have emails from the Obama administration and Europe that Shokin was doing a good job but Biden got him fired for looking into Hunter. You all impeached Trump for far less. Remember your entire "it's quid pro Quo" schtick where you impeached a president and the evidence was that someone heard someone else hear someone say something on a phone call? Then Democrats hid the person that even heard this? You remember the arguments you and I had Red? Don't lie.

See, unlike you, I can answer questions. Now you answer mine. What did Hunter Biden do to get such a fantastic job at Burisma despite being kicked out of the military, being a hardcore drug addict, a gun toting felon, a dead beat father, sex addict and career lowlife? This is not a tough question... He got hired because his fathers influence... Which is illegal as I pointed out above.
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lol getting a sweet do-nothing job because Daddy has money and influence is as old as capitalism. How is it illegal? What's the exact law and statute?

To be clear, I think it's a scummy thing to do and they people like little Biden are just pieces of ****. But nothing illegal about getting someone a job.
Yes it did.................................................................. Here is left leaning sources that back my claim up.
The Durham report is online. Go find the word "hoax", or any similar word, in it. Nothing in the Guardian article says the basis for the Russian investigation was a hoax, nor anything like that.

Special counsel John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia probe
It is true Durham criticized the level of the probe the FBI launched.
lol getting a sweet do-nothing job because Daddy has money and influence is as old as capitalism. How is it illegal? What's the exact law and statute?

To be clear, I think it's a scummy thing to do and they people like little Biden are just pieces of ****. But nothing illegal about getting someone a job.
Thank you for admitting it!
It's literally illegal lol jfc

An employee may not use his public office for his own private gain or for that of persons or organizations with which he is associated personally. An employee's position or title should not be used to coerce; to endorse any product, service or enterprise; or to give the appearance of governmental sanction. An employee may use his official title and stationery only in response to a request for a reference or recommendation for someone he has dealt with in Federal employment or someone he is recommending for Federal employment.

5 C.F.R. § 2635.702 (see Subpart G - Misuse of Position; Use of Public Office for Private Gain)

The thing that is bad though is him bribing Ukraine and withholding billions of dollars if they did not fire the Prosecutor looking into Hunters corruption. It's literally on video. It's astonishing how you can sit here and lie like its not right here on video. He admits to bribery

lol getting a sweet do-nothing job because Daddy has money and influence is as old as capitalism. How is it illegal? What's the exact law and statute?

To be clear, I think it's a scummy thing to do and they people like little Biden are just pieces of ****. But nothing illegal about getting someone a job.
I swear we’ve already discussed this at least 5 times with these same 2-3 trolls. First when the Durham report came out. Then many times after. It’s an endless cycle of regurgitating the same stupid arguments over and over and over again. Yes, yes, we get it. Orange man god Hunter Biden bad. And notice, literally no one is defending Hunter. The DOJ is prosecuting him.
Edit: I suggest you guys who don't pay attention read the article below. I'm glad I found it as it should answer some questions that you obviously don't know. It's a great breakdown and it's a left leaning source that breaks down the red flags. It explains why you all were led to believe and actually fell for it that Hunters laptop was fake and that Burisma is much more than "a cushy job".

It's astonishing how little you guys know about this... just like you knew nothing about the Russia/Trum hoax fabricated out of thin air you all pushed(Yes Putin meddled in the election with Obamas blessing), and just like how little of the origin of COVID I educated you guys about. The one thing I have been wrong about is that there would not be 75,000,000 cases but I also didn't know Joe was going to be the failure that had more deaths and cases than Trump. Another thing you all magically stopped caring about once it suited your agenda. Just like Thriller hypocritically not caring about Bidens racism despite saying it's racist just months before.

Unlike reds hilarious propaganda sign article and logs clearly bias ABC article, I use left leaning sources most of the time to show there is no bias in my evidence... read up guys/gals.

From 2013 through 2018 Hunter Biden and his company brought in about $11 million via his roles as an attorney and a board member with a Ukrainian firm accused of bribery and his work with a Chinese businessman now accused of fraud, according to an NBC News analysis of a copy of Biden’s hard drive and iCloud account and documents released by Republicans on two Senate committees.

The documents and the analysis, which don’t show what he did to earn millions from his Chinese partners, raise questions about national security, business ethics and potential legal exposure. In December 2020, Biden acknowledged in a statement that he was the subject of a federal investigation into his taxes. NBC News was first to report that an ex-business partner had warned Biden he should amend his tax returns to disclose $400,000 in income from the Ukrainian firm, Burisma. GOP congressional sources also say that if Republicans take back the House this fall, they’ll demand more documents and probe whether any of Biden’s income went to his father, President Joe Biden.

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Now they don't have the evidence to pin point that to Joe yet...
Thank you for agreeing there is no evidence.

Here is Biden on video admitting to bribery. Shokin was the prosecutor looking into his son.
We know you have your pet conspiracy on Shokin, based on a highly selective choice of documents while ignoring any other evidence. We are not impressed by your selective filter.

See, unlike you, I can answer questions. Now you answer mine. What did Hunter Biden do to get such a fantastic job at Burisma despite being kicked out of the military, being a hardcore drug addict, a gun toting felon, a dead beat father, sex addict and career lowlife?
He was on the board to help them transition form a more corrupt culture to a less corrupt one.
Thank you for agreeing there is no evidence.
See this is very disingenuous of Democrats. There is a tremendous difference between "having no evidence" and not having enough evidence. There is plenty of evidence. The witnesses even say so, there's just not enough evidence yet. That is what an inquiry is for. There is literally a text from Hunter(this ties into Burisma btw) . There is a lot of evidence but nothing that is going to hold a president accountable. Now that there is an inquiry getting bank records and more witnesses and Joe fake aliases emails is a must of something of this magnitude.

Per usual you just nothing at all besides your opinion and short answers that prove nothing. Me? I provide tons of insight, links, pictures and articles. The difference in our knowledge on these issues is obvious.
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Is this corrupt? Is Fox News liberal?

Seems like the inability to do business in New York because your business is so corrupt might have far reaching repercussions. Far worse than Hunter doing drugs, right?

Lol when you can't discuss blame Trump then call others cultist(not calling you a cultist but you talk about Trump more than any Republican I've ever met). Can't Democrats have a conversation without bring their God Trump up? Just once itd be nice to not have to hear about Trump.
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See this is very disingenuous of Democrats. There is a tremendous difference between "having no evidence" and not having enough evidence. There is plenty of evidence.
Ah good. MAGA is finally reading the Mueller report. That’s a step in the right direction.
Ah good. MAGA is finally reading the Mueller report. That’s a step in the right direction.
What the report that cost around 50 million, divided the country, 4 years wasted that led to absolutely nothing outside of some random tax arrest that had nothing to do with Trump/Russian Collusion? I couldn't imagine bringing that up as a point when Durham literally pointed out that the entire thing was a scam. Brilliant flex. I read it. That hoax is probably not a very smart example my friend.

It's just funny how if there was one shred of wrong doing you Trump obsessors would have him indicted. Hell you indict him for allegedly paying a prostitute 7 years ago but not supposed treason?!?! Lol. Make it make sense.
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It's astonishing how little you guys know about this... I educated you guys about.
You don't offer education, you offer misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies. You offer them the same over and over again.

Per usual you just nothing at all besides your opinion and short answers that prove nothing.
I've provided longer answers before, but really, it was more than your misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies deserve.

The difference in our knowledge on these issues is obvious.
Yes, but the comparison does not favor you. Your generated image of another of Hunter's lies only impresses people with a deep, emotional need to believe in Joe Biden's guilt.

You have yet to offer a direct link between Hunter's business affairs and Joe Biden. After all this time and the hundreds of thousands of hours spent by thousands of people looking for said link, you have convinced me that it does not exist. In fact, you have made this argument very persuasively. The more you post rumors and suppositions instead of evidence, the more you will convince people there is no evidence to find. I leave you to it.
Is this corrupt? Is Fox News liberal?

Seems like the inability to do business in New York because your business is so corrupt might have far reaching repercussions. Far worse than Hunter doing drugs, right? Hunter isn’t running for anything, this corrupt guy is.

Why are you trolling this in the Biden thread when it belongs in the Trump thread?
Why are you trolling this in the Biden thread when it belongs in the Trump thread?
Fair enough. I mean it seemed relevant to highlight the hypocrisy of focusing on Hunter serving on some board while completely ignoring the blatant (criminal) corruption of an actual presidential candidate. But unlike the trolls here, I’m mature enough to admit if I’ve made a mistake. I’ll delete my post if it helps keep this thread on track, as I’m sure it will.