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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

On the way to work this morning i was listening to KSL 1160 and they said that the next thing the biden administration plans to roll out is putting a cap on credit card late fee charges and also getting rid of all the extra fees that get tacked on to things like concert tickets/flights/hotels etc.
Saving americans 10 billion per year.
I love it. The free money convenience fee thing needs to go. One theater we went to here charged $3.50 per ticket as a convenience fee for ordering online. ****ing ridiculous.
I love it. The free money convenience fee thing needs to go. One theater we went to here charged $3.50 per ticket as a convenience fee for ordering online. ****ing ridiculous.
Ya concert tickets are the worst though. the fees sometimes are about the same price as the concert ticket.
True. And one of them has taken an inordinate amount of days off for the full time job he’s in.
That would be Trump in his term as POTUS.

Trump seems just as vigourously full of **** as he always has.
You men, since you started paying attention when he as 68.

Joe trots out for a few sentences and then goes blank.
He doesn't ramble and get distracted the way Trump does.

Trump seems to be talking and appearing for hours and hours
Rambling your way over hours isn't the sign of mental health you seem to think it is.
An American Vessel was attacked by Houthis killing 3. Sadly it's just another of thousands of side effects of Joe Bidens inabilty to run this country.

We are in three in different wars and Americans are dying and all the people that call others cultist talk about is Trump.

Edit: Biden attacking places like stub hub and airlines and other companies that charge ridiculous fees is something I fully support Biden with. I 100% back him in this fight.
This is why not a sinlgle US troop was killed the last 18 months.
Another of Trump's lies.

He had us on track to be energy dependent and attacked Russia where the counted the most... Energy.
Obama put us on track, and we have been a net exporter since 2019. 2022 was the year of our largest margin. We are more energy independent than we were under Trump.

On Biden he pointed out how everything he does is for his masters.
Who are these masters?

Flying in 320,000 illegal immigrants in the dead of night and keeping it secret because he is doing it unconstitutionally and illegally.
CBP One has been a publicly known app, and we need the workers.

He is literally human trafficking humans that are being sold into slavery.
He's literally doing no such thing.

WOuldn't authoritarian be taking the vote out of the voters hands
Biden didn't do that. Trump tried to that for two months.

Wouldn't authoritarian be going against the Supreme Court and buying votes by paying college loans?
Biden is using legal means while obeying the rulings of SCOTUS

Wouldn't authoritarian be forcing people to buy electric stoves and electric cars despite not having resources?
Again, not Biden. Thank you for confirming you're fine with thousands of children getting asthma.

Wouldn't authoritarian be forcing a vaccine on people or destroy their entire lives?
People who in hospitals or nursing homes have a duty to their patients. Thanks for confirming you're OK with millions of people dying.

Speaking of Russel remember when someone called Russell a "boy" and you rightfully said that anyone that calls an African American boy that they are racist?
Still less racist than denying people housing based on skin color as Trump did.

320,000 migrants in a single year helps America and the economy?
We need workers.
He doesn't ramble and get distracted the way Trump does.

dude he doesn't ramble because he can't sustain a train of thought before he goes blank. His eyes are dead, his brain is dead. I don't understand why you keep insisting that he's not so bad, other than you desperately want to see what you want to see. He's singlehandedly going to get Trump elected again.
I actually feel sorry for him and i think his family and inner sanctum should be ashamed of themselves trotting him out allowing him to deteriorate before the entire world instead of enjoying his twilight years.

btw your fact check of Biden's work hours is from September 23 I think you'll find it's significantly different in the last 6 months
He doesn't ramble and get distracted the way Trump does.
That isn't a mark in favor of Biden. Trump rambles and gets distracted because he's speaking off the cuff, because he can. Biden is a robot reading words off a teleprompter, and occasionally accepting a prescripted question from a reporter chosen in advance with her picture on a card so he doesn't mess it up and then he reads the response to the question off the teleprompter.

I am interested to see how Biden will do with the State of the Union speech. He could handle an hour back in 2020, but lately he's had a hard limit of around 15 minutes. The State of the Union is supposed to be around 70 minutes. It will all be completely scripted but I'm wondering how Biden will look when he gets over the hour mark.
dude he doesn't ramble because he can't sustain a train of thought before he goes blank.
Rambling is more of a trainwreck than a train

His eyes are dead,
I see the differently.

other than you desperately want to see what you want to see.
Perhaps you are seeing what you expect to see.

He's singlehandedly going to get Trump elected again.
Trump underperforms in every general election.

I think you'll find it's significantly different in the last 6 months
Source? Looks like 3 days in September.

Sounds like I’m fishing for an excuse, any excuse, right?

I'm the one quoting you back at you, dingbat. ;)
But, you are cherry picking, not the first time. Did you think I would not notice? Why did you not include the very next sentence? I know. Because you cherry pick what pleases you. And not the first dishonest response on your part. Why???

Sounds like I’m fishing for an excuse, any excuse, right? I don’t think I am, just wondering if it sometimes crops up for Joe:
Allow me to break down that 100% honest observation on my part. 1). I had of course heard long ago of Biden’s stuttering history. 2). I knew suggestions had been made concerning connections between the stuttering issue, and Biden’s gaffes. 3). Although I had heard those suggestions, I had not really ever dug into them, to any real extent, hence my honest question….i was just genuinely wondering!! But you can’t accept that?!?! The reason I even started with “sounds like fishing” is because I assumed, safely I believe, that, due to my well known anti-Trump stance, SOMEBODY might think I was desperately searching for some way to “salvage” Biden. I was not.

But of course, you may be incapable of even believing someone like myself could provide honest observations. So you cherry pick what pleases you. But that’s all on you.

I want everyone in this group to see just how dishonest you are willing to be. Quoting what you did, without quoting the entirety, is a deliberate act of dishonest cherry picking on your part. I hope everyone sees your dishonest response for what it is. That is why I responded questioning what gave you the right to declare what my motivations are, when I clearly had already told you I was not fishing, as far as I was concerned.

You can think I am all you want, really, who cares, but you are NOT going to TELL me what my motivations are.

I’m not going to allow you to get away with that. Dingbat. You selectively quote me to suit your purposes, and I will be in your face 8 days of the week.

You are dishonest and cherry pick what pleases you. Glad you were willing to show everyone just how underhanded you are willing to be.
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All these earnest responses to obvious trolls are painful to see. Not one of the primary right-apologists on this forum are sincere posters. They are all trolls. You can't expect honest or sincere answers from trolls. I must say they are damn effective trolls. But trolls nonetheless.
But, you are cherry picking, not the first time. Did you think I would not notice? Why did you not include the very next sentence? I know. Because you cherry pick what pleases you. And not the first dishonest response on your part. Why???
Hope your early day is going well, spring has sprung in your part of the world, and your morning coffee is strong.
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Are you frightened by climate change? Do you worry about what sort of world we are bequeathing to our children and grandchildren? In the words of science writer and author of “The Uninhabitable Earth” David Wallace-Wells, “No matter how well informed you are, you are surely not alarmed enough.”

I would put it even more strongly.

If the fracturing of our once stable climate doesn’t terrify you, then you don’t fully understand it. The reality is that, as far as we know, and in the natural course of events, our world has never — in its entire history — heated up as rapidly as it is doing now. Nor have greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere ever seen such a precipitous hike.

Think about that for a moment. We’re experiencing, in our lifetimes, a heating episode that is probably unique in the last 4.6 billion years.

A major psychological study, published by the scientific journal Lancet Planetary Health in 2021, found that most 16–25 year olds in 10 countries across the globe were moderately to extremely worried about climate change, but more than half felt overwhelmed and powerless to act. It would seem reasonable to argue, on this basis, that painting an even worse picture wouldn’t help. But if this is the case, does it mean we shouldn’t provide people with the full facts if they are too scary? Surely not.

In fact, this isn’t a matter of scaring or not scaring people, but of informing them. As a climate scientist, it is my duty to tell you about what is happening to our world, whether it engenders fear or not.

A failure to do this will mean that the public is left ignorant of the true extent of the climate emergency, which in turn can only hinder engagement and action.

The truth is that people can take being scared if they know there is still hope and that they can do something to make things better, or at least stop things getting worse.
Trump is such a weirdo: https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-says-going-play-play-211658020.html

“I am pleased to inform you that tomorrow night we will be doing a LIVE, Play by Play, of Crooked Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address,” Trump said in a Truth Social post on Wednesday, not clarifying as to what platform the “Play by Play” would happen on.

“I will correct, in rapid response, any and all inaccurate Statements, especially pertaining to the Border and his Weaponization of the [Department of Justice], FBI, [attorney generals], and District Attorneys, to go after his Political Opponent, ME (something never done before in this Country!),” Trump continued. “We did this once before to tremendous success – Beating All Records."

Overall, not bad.
The early signalling on the State of the Union is that Biden's speech will be angry, vilifying a large part of the nation. He also plans on deflecting the blame on inflation to corporate greed in the form of shrinkflation and junk fees.

The narrative afterwards is that Joe Biden dispelled any doubts about his age or ability, that it was the strongest speech he's given.
The early signalling on the State of the Union is that Biden's speech will be angry, vilifying a large part of the nation. He also plans on deflecting the blame on inflation to corporate greed in the form of shrinkflation and junk fees.

The narrative afterwards is that Joe Biden dispelled any doubts about his age or ability, that it was the strongest speech he's given.
You do love your narratives and signalling.
And I'm sure after seeing his speech you will no doubt think his speech was angry and vilifying to a large part of the nation and that he blamed inflation on corporations.

Then afterwards your doubts about his age or ability will not be dispelled and you will think it was the weakest speech you ever saw.

As for me. I will decide for myself. Don't know about any signalling or narrative.

Just kidding about that last part. I ain't watching that ****. I got better things to do. I know Biden is too old. I know that my life is great and that the country isn't being destroyed or whatever. Life goes on like it always has.
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I just think it is funny how much of a dog and pony show the whole thing is.
Fair enough. It all means very little.

The country is and has been fine under Biden. Just like it was under trump.

Biden is too old to be president. Trump is too old, corrupt, and morally bankrupt to be president.

Yet they will be the options in November. One of them will win and the country will continue to be just fine.

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