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The Candidacy of Ron DeSantis

DeSantis: Oh! What is that?

Little girl: It's an icey..

DeSantis: Oh, probably a lot of sugar, huh?

This guy doesn't really want to be the President, obviously.
Anyone who reprimands kids they don't know in public probably thinks they're special enough to be President.
DeSantis: Oh! What is that?

Little girl: It's an icey..

DeSantis: Oh, probably a lot of sugar, huh?

This guy doesn't really want to be the President, obviously.
Other than maybe Mike Lee or Ted Cruz, I’ve never seen anyone lack skills of relating to fellow hoomans like DeSantis. The dude just has no clue how to interact with fellow hoomans. He could’ve said, “wow the looks tasty.” Or, “what flavor is it? Looks good!” Or, “I’m going to get one after I’m finished here.” Or some combo of these. That’s how normal people would’ve interacted. He’s also a dad with young children.

I know someone will probably be offended by this, but he gives off autistic vibes to me. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s high functioning autistic. Which has its own challenges and benefits. My own bro in law is. He’s worked on his social skills and you can hardly tell. However, The biggest difference between my BIL and DeSantis, is that he’s not a douche. He’s got a heart of gold. He actually cares about people. You’d never see him doing a cheap ad like this to score pts:

View: https://youtu.be/z1YP_zZJFXs

Or hiring a Nazi to do this:

View: https://twitter.com/alexthomp/status/1683961998608924672?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

As GWB said after Donald’s inauguration speech, “that’s some weird ****.”

I think DeSantis going down in flames opens the door wide open for that #2 slot. Tim Scott anyone?
Anyone who reprimands kids they don't know in public probably thinks they're special enough to be President.
Hey if I don't parent their kids, who will? Who else is going to make sure they know they are terrible children and which people are ok to associate with, and which aren't, know what I mean?

“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis rejected more than $350 million in funding for energy efficiency initiatives as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, including money reserved for low-income households—a rebuke to President Biden’s economic agenda on which some Democrats have seized, as the state battles a hurricane and many Floridians could be burdened with crippling expenses to rebuild or weatherize their homes.”

“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis rejected more than $350 million in funding for energy efficiency initiatives as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, including money reserved for low-income households—a rebuke to President Biden’s economic agenda on which some Democrats have seized, as the state battles a hurricane and many Floridians could be burdened with crippling expenses to rebuild or weatherize their homes.”
I'm sure the people won't mind not receiving that woke help. Kind of him to decide for them. /sarcasm
This might be enough for me to stop supporting DeSantis:

I hate, HAAAATE Hamas but protecting the Freedom of Speech is more important. As liberals used to say, detest what they say but defend their right to say it. I'm all for making a list of students names for a black list to never hire. I fully supported the doxxing truck driving around the Harvard campus showing the images and names of Harvard students belonging to the groups who had signed the letter of support. That is fair game. Stupid people should be allowed to say abhorrent things and let the consequences be what they may be so long as the consequences are not government action. What DeSantis is demanding and proposing is nothing less than the policing of speech. That is a line in the sand for me.
This might be enough for me to stop supporting DeSantis:

I hate, HAAAATE Hamas but protecting the Freedom of Speech is more important. As liberals used to say, detest what they say but defend their right to say it. ... What DeSantis is demanding and proposing is nothing less than the policing of speech. That is a line in the sand for me.
I strongly agree with the part I quoted.

I fully supported the doxxing truck driving around the Harvard campus showing the images and names of Harvard students belonging to the groups who had signed the letter of support. That is fair game. Stupid people should be allowed to say abhorrent things and let the consequences be what they may be so long as the consequences are not government action.
Do you also support the dismissals from employment of doxxed Oathkeepers, or people protesting outside of abortion clinics? As long as they keep their business and personal lives separate (e.g., don't wear company uniforms or logos to protests), I would this crosses a line, also.
Do you also support the dismissals from employment of doxxed Oathkeepers, or people protesting outside of abortion clinics? As long as they keep their business and personal lives separate (e.g., don't wear company uniforms or logos to protests), I would this crosses a line, also.
The first labor agreement I ever signed contained the following bit: "I acknowledge that I am an at will employee who can have employment ended for any reason or no reason at all." I never had any issue with that sentiment. If a private employer doesn't want to employ Oathkeepers or abortion activists, I would support their ability to hire whomever they want or end the employment of whomever they want to see gone.
They’re all coming home to daddy. The media, big GOP donors, etc will all endorse Trump in the end. I suspect even someone like mitt Romney will too. Tribalism and the desire for tax cuts is a heckuva drug.
Welp... what a little bitch. Endorses Trump like the coward he is.
They are all cowards. Everyone who supports Trump is a coward when you get down to it.

Trump calls Cruz's wife ugly, suggests his father was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
“Donald, you’re a sniveling coward and leave Heidi the hell alone,” Cruz told reporters after a factory tour in Dane, Wisconsin, pointing his finger at the cameras for emphasis.

Now Cruz is his lap dog.

"Over the course of his presidential bid, Sen. Marco Rubio called Donald Trump a “con man” who was “dangerous” and unqualified to control the nation’s nuclear codes. He ridiculed the businessman’s manhood and warned he would “fracture” the Republican Party if he was the nominee.
"You ought to see [Rubio] backstage," Trump said at a rally in Fort Worth, Texas. "He was using a trowel to put on makeup. I will not say that he was trying to cover up his ears, I will not say that."
Trump also characterized Rubio as a "choker" and a "lightweight."
"I thought he was going to die," Trump said. "He was so scared, like a little frightened puppy."
"He's a nasty guy," Trump said later. "I called him a nasty little guy, but I wouldn't say that. He's a nasty guy, and we don't need nasty. ... Honestly, there's no place for it."

Now Rubio is his lap dog.
They’re all coming home to daddy. The media, big GOP donors, etc will all endorse Trump in the end. I suspect even someone like mitt Romney will too. Tribalism and the desire for tax cuts is a heckuva drug.

There's not a chance in hell Mitt endorses Trump.
Not that any of it matters. There are a ton of people who voted for Trump in 2020 who would never vote for him again. I doubt the same is true for Biden.
I think you are underestimating the lefty antisemitic voters who aren't happy with Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict.
What do the lefty antisemitic voters think Biden should have done/do?

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