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The Flat Earth Society (yes, it's real)

Marty McFly

Well-Known Member
This is a group of people who truly believe that the earth looks like this:

They also believe the sun is a 32 mile wide disk.


Read the posts in the thread below by "James," their leader, arguing that the moon is a flat disk.

so you have proof the refute his claims?

Regarding the earth...

Yes. Why is it the middle of the day in China when it's the middle of the night in Chicago?

Also, the horizon.


I think light refraction and elliptical orbit are a pretty good argument that moon isn't a disk hanging up in the sky.

Are you skeptical, dutch?
How does a geosynchronous satellite work if the Earth is flat?

Are these guys doing this just to be different?
I dug a little deeper into that site, now I have a brain cramp. Imagine Salty and Conan as physicists.
Warning: Moon especially powerful this week

I pass by a hospital every day and yesterday it did not seem any busier than usual. Could it be that the conspiracy is hiding the moonlight damaged patients? Maybe they are sending them to the basement and killing them, so nobody notices anything?

How do they explain that we've been to space and we've seen the earth from space and it's ****ing round? How do they explain those amateur hobbyists floating cameras into high earth orbit and photographing the earth? I mean... are you kidding me? How do they explain the seasons? The cycle of the moon?

This is even more aggravating than that guy on youtube who thinks nuclear weapons are a hoax, or Creationism being taught in schools.

They say instead of gravity, we have Universal Acceleration. In other words, the big plate we all live on is constantly accelerating up and under us. This is what holds us to the ground.

Also, the sun and moon are both 32 mile wide disks that hover above said plate like a flashlight.

They say instead of gravity, we have Universal Acceleration. In other words, the big plate we all live on is constantly accelerating up and under us. This is what holds us to the ground.

Also, the sun and moon are both 32 mile wide disks that hover above said plate like a flashlight.


Being a flat-earther is a rhetorical exercise. It's a game designed to force you to give extremely convoluted but clever responses to extremely simple common-sense arguments. I used to force novice college debaters to play "Flat Earth," "Cheese Moon," and "The Sky is Pink" early on to demonstrate some subtly deceptive argument forms. You'd be amazed how good people get at this game. Stephen Colbert essentially plays a variation on this game all the time when in character.

There are probably a couple loonies who really believe in a flat earth, but I bet most people on that discussion forum are just playing "Flat Earth" and letting their troll targets come to them.