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The Forgotten Man

Archie Moses

Well-Known Member
All I have to say is wow. I saw this on facebook and I knew I had to post it. I don't even know what to say other than I was left speechless after watching it. What a pong mongler.

As much of a massive blowhard as he is, that's an impressive painting. I wish I had that skill. That being said, how can a man who cares so much about the Constitution paint Reagan in a great light. Reagan and his drug war completely obliterated the 4th Amendment to the Constitution.
Even better: https://www.mcnaughtonart.com/artwork/view_zoom/?artpiece_id=379

You can scroll over any item in the painting and see his explicit interpretation of what the pictures mean to him. Even better are that each piece of paper on the ground is a specific piece of legislation or a carefully chosen dollar bill to make a point.

We may have found the most self-important man in America. Good job Archie.

No mention of his painting "One Nation Under God"?

Lawyer: No, not all lawyers are like this, but there is certainly an element of the system which has made room for corruption. He could also stand for Wall Street or the banking system.He is lovingly counting his hundred dollar bills.

Also note that the lawyer is in the group being watched over by Satan. Just saying.
Thanks for the link, Kicky. I thought I would post this from it.

I would like to take a minute to explain some of the points of confusion for those who wish to interpret my picture.

1. Why did I paint this? Like many Americans I feel shock at the direction our country is heading. There is a great polarizing effect taking place in America today. There are many who swoon over Obama's policies of redistribution of wealth. What will the government give me? If you believe this is the proper role of government you will certainly see great CHANGE in your lifetime. I wanted to paint a picture that portrays the plight of the common man. Perhaps the FM is already experiencing this now or will in the future. My hope is that he will "wake up!" now before it is too late.
2. There is no racial meaning or undertone that the FM is not black. This is not a racial painting; it is about the vanishing of the American dream.
3. It is not a partisan painting. I take no favoritism of Republicans or Democrats. Both parties are guilty.
4. The only solution I offer is to take a 180 degree turn and return to the principles of the Constitution, which define a limited government, protect individual and states' rights and make no allowance for any of the baggage we have accumulated over the years in the form of entitlement programs. The only way to cure the cancer is to root it out and endure the painful healing. Perhaps, with God's help, we will survive.
5. Is it disrespectful to have in my painting the President of the United States standing on the Constitution? Is the President without reproach? I am simply one American speaking to another American. The painting symbolically suggests the actions of Barack Obama as well as other presidents. Yes, their actions speak louder than words—as do the brushstrokes in my painting.
6. I have endeavored to keep this information simple and to the point. The information is historical, if it is not familiar to you—Google it.
7. I picked the trashed papers based on the issues that I believe have been the most damaging to America. These issues have been trampled by politicians of both parties for over a century. When will the American people decide to defend the Forgotten Man? Let us raise our voices together and demand the kind of CHANGE that will truly save our way of life.
8. Why did I not mention critical information about some Presidents which defined their presidencies? My only purpose is to identify each President and with simplicity express what they have done to either help or hinder the Forgotten Man. I invite all to search deeper into the history of the painting's message and discover if what I paint is true. Can you truly say our house is in order when our debt is stealing away the future of every man woman and child in America?


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Theodore Roosevelt

26th President, 1901-1909
National Debt: $2.639 billion

About 1907, Roosevelt turned more to the left in his domestic policy, and in his 1912 campaign he called for movement toward what would later be called a "welfare state." His move to the left annoyed conservatives and fueled a split in the GOP that exploded in 1912, with TR on the losing side. Roosevelt's policies were characterized by his slogan, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."
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Also note that the lawyer is in the group being watched over by Satan. Just saying.

Also watched over by satan:

Supreme Court Judge
"Mr. Hollywood"
Liberal News Reporter
Pregnant Woman

My favorite part in that painting is all the specific supreme court decisions on the steps. Some of which are favorite conservative targets (Roe v. Wade) others of which are completely nutty inclusions (an 1816 case called Martin v. Hunter Lessee).

EDIT: The "college student" in the painting is holding a copy of "The Five Thousand Year Leap." Absolutely incredible.

Also watched over by satan:

Supreme Court Judge - Representing just the liberal judges I'm sure.
"Mr. Hollywood" - Makes sense.
Liberal News Reporter - Ditto
Professor - Ditto
Pregnant Woman - She's obviously gotten pregnant out of wedlock and is contemplating an abortion.
Politician - Duh...

My favorite part in that painting is all the specific supreme court decisions on the steps. Some of which are favorite conservative targets (Roe v. Wade) others of which are completely nutty inclusions (an 1816 case called Martin v. Hunter Lessee).

EDIT: The "college student" in the painting is holding a copy of "The Five Thousand Year Leap." Absolutely incredible.
this is neat:

I noticed in UB's pcture the lawyer is just as happy holding someone's bloody heart as he was counting money in the original.
I like how Satan behind the Hollywood guy looks surprised.
somehow, this reminds me of the brouhaha over a painting done about 25 years ago of Harold Washington, Chicago's first African-American mayor, that depicted him wearing women's underwear.


I'd typically had a pretty positive opinion of the ACLU until they took on this case. And while I may disagree with him, I'd take McNaughton over the artist who did the Washington portrait any day...
OK, I had to stop watching when he said "this man is a representation of every American" and the guy is all depressed.

Seriously? Living in the US must be so bad. You pay taxes lower than most civilized countries. You have clean water, cheap electricity, cheap (and good) food, and all you have to do to make a respectable living is go out and be willing to work 40 hours per week, even at a relatively crappy job with more than one income in the household.

Jeez, what a rough life.

Anybody that complains about America being a bad place to live really needs to get the **** out, not whine about how bad it is to live here, and how bad their government is. It's pretty damn good as it is. Go live in a third world country where clean water, shelter and plentiful amounts of healthy food are scarce.. then start complaining.

This guy is a complete *******.
somehow, this reminds me of the brouhaha over a painting done about 25 years ago of Harold Washington, Chicago's first African-American mayor, that depicted him wearing women's underwear.


I'd typically had a pretty positive opinion of the ACLU until they took on this case. And while I may disagree with him, I'd take McNaughton over the artist who did the Washington portrait any day...

Why would that change your opinion of the ACLU? That seems right in their wheelhouse. Do you think he shouldn't have had the right to paint the picture?

I personally would have taken that case.