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The Jazz are trading D-Will to New Jersey!?

I agree with this trade. Deron was gone, and we get more back for him now than next year. Championship teams are build around star big men, not point guards, and Favors could fill out to be a true defensive center.
We also get a top 5 pick and despite being called a weak draft, there are some quality players in the top 5. Including Kyrie Irving, an 18 year absolute PHENOM of a PG that could make us all be saying "Deron who" in a few years.
The more I hear about this, and think about it, the more pissed off I am. As Siler said, we'll never find another superstar that embraced Utah the way Deron did.


My exact feelings, everything is finally setting in and now I have no feelings or emotions towards the Jazz team.
My feelings on the move:
A small-market team trading an all-star point guard who's a top-10 NBA player and who isn't scheduled to become a free agent for another 18 months - in which time there will be a new CBA in effect - is a pure panic move by ownership and management and shows they have a complete lack of confidence in their own abilities to build a team capable of competing in the top-4 in the Western conference during that time.

The only way this could be deemed a "good trade" is if you're of the belief the Jazz absolutely had to trade Deron, and that was not the case at all. Just another poor reflection on the leadership within the organization, and we all know leadership starts at the top.

This really sums it up.
My feelings on the move:
A small-market team trading an all-star point guard who's a top-10 NBA player and who isn't scheduled to become a free agent for another 18 months - in which time there will be a new CBA in effect - is a pure panic move by ownership and management and shows they have a complete lack of confidence in their own abilities to build a team capable of competing in the top-4 in the Western conference during that time.

The only way this could be deemed a "good trade" is if you're of the belief the Jazz absolutely had to trade Deron, and that was not the case at all. Just another poor reflection on the leadership within the organization, and we all know leadership starts at the top.

Pretty sure Jazz management knew Deron's feelings and probably had a better idea of the FA market than most of us.

But since some of you want to criticize KOC, lets let you play GM.

So what do we need to become a contender under Deron in the next 2 years? Lets forget the probable lockout and the new (stricter) salary cap.

Play GM geniuses, since it's so easy to bash KOC.

Who do we get?

Dwight Howard? Think he'll come to Utah?

K, so we need a SG since Raja sucks and CJ is inconsistent. Who we gonna get? Rip Hamilton? Seriously? Is he what puts us over the top? Dwade? Think Miami will give him away for a future 2nd rounder?

Is Millsap really the PF that will win us a championship?

Is Memo ever coming back?

Oh wait, is Fess going to somehow become Shaq?

K, so who else folks. I'm all ears!

What did you want KOC to do? Because all I've read is.... "we need a SG... We need a longer/taller PF.... We need a backup point.... We need a gooder SF...."

Yet, hardly anyone offers specifics. And the specifics that are offered are either completely ridiculous (like us getting a bunch of allstars for AKs expiring) or not nearly enough (like rip or troy murphy or some of the other trades that have been suggested).

So please, by all means, bash KOC. But until you have offered any realistic alternatives to bringing the Jazz to a contender status with Deron in the next 2 years, then shut up.
Pretty sure Jazz management knew Deron's feelings and probably had a better idea of the FA market than most of us.

But since some of you want to criticize KOC, lets let you play GM.

So what do we need to become a contender under Deron in the next 2 years? Lets forget the probable lockout and the new (stricter) salary cap.

Play GM geniuses, since it's so easy to bash KOC.

Who do we get?

Dwight Howard? Think he'll come to Utah?

K, so we need a SG since Raja sucks and CJ is inconsistent. Who we gonna get? Rip Hamilton? Seriously? Is he what puts us over the top? Dwade? Think Miami will give him away for a future 2nd rounder?

Is Millsap really the PF that will win us a championship?

Is Memo ever coming back?

Oh wait, is Fess going to somehow become Shaq?

K, so who else folks. I'm all ears!

What did you want KOC to do? Because all I've read is.... "we need a SG... We need a longer/taller PF.... We need a backup point.... We need a gooder SF...."

Yet, hardly anyone offers specifics. And the specifics that are offered are either completely ridiculous (like us getting a bunch of allstars for AKs expiring) or not nearly enough (like rip or troy murphy or some of the other trades that have been suggested).

So please, by all means, bash KOC. But until you have offered any realistic alternatives to bringing the Jazz to a contender status with Deron in the next 2 years, then shut up.

This. +1 my lad.
It doesn't take a genius to know that you don't trade your franchise player a year and a half before his time is up. There have been plenty of posts about why, if you are going to do so, this was certainly not the best deal we could have gotten. But you're right, none of us know how things were behind the scenes.

What I would personally like to know is what the other Jazz players REALLY thought about Deron.
It doesn't take a genius to know that you don't trade your franchise player a year and a half before his time is up. There have been plenty of posts about why, if you are going to do so, this was certainly not the best deal we could have gotten. But you're right, none of us know how things were behind the scenes.

What I would personally like to know is what the other Jazz players REALLY thought about Deron.

The Jazz are not contending in the next year and a half, and that was Deron's stipulation for resigning. Holding onto him another year merely prolongs the rebuilding process, and loses us a lottery pick if we sneak in at 8.
For me, this trade is merely the culmination of several years of major screw-ups. This team had great potential four years ago and now look at it.
Deron is nowhere near as good as Kobe or LeBum or Duncan or even Dirk and thats not a bad trade. I'm actually excited about our new lineup. Jazz was closer to championship 3 years ago, so I think it's really time to rebuild.
Sorry for my bad English :)
I disagree. Deron's better than Dirk. We just needed another star talent to be a contender.
For me, this trade is merely the culmination of several years of major screw-ups. This team had great potential four years ago and now look at it.

Agree. I think AK's contract and the refusal to trade him was one of the factors that ultimately snowballed into this situation. Jazz generally do a good job of salvaging in a tough situation and thats what they seem to have done, again. But I think if things had been handled a bit differently it might not have even gotten to this.

KOC was selling the "rebuilding for a championship" BS sometime back and he has to sell that all over again. And then the Jazz will trade Favors or he will leave on his own after 2 years and then they will start all over again.

Thats how it is going to go from here. It is going to be difficult for this franchise to either get/keep marquee players considering the current state of the superstar-driven NBA
I can't really complain about the package they got back in return. A top 3 pick that everyone wanted on draft day, a most likely top 5 pick in the upcoming draft, a servicable PG and even an additional 1st rounder from a known cellar-dwellar in GS. But, with that being said, they should've tried and tried again until they were completely out of options to add more pieces to the team over the rest of the life of Deron's contract. If that fails and he is adament about not re-signing, than fine, trade him. I feel this is way to early and a severe case of jumping the gun on KOC and the Greg Miller's part. Totally dissapointed and deflated.

Here's to the future, I guess.
Sad to see Deron go, but maybe the FO knew(or believed strongly) he was not going to re-up.

Now that Deron is the enemy we can point out a few flaws in his game to make us feel better.

-His defense. I hate it. He seemed like a average to bad defender most of his career here(imo). Never liked his defense.
- After his injury with DRose he really never was the same. After that moment I saw him beast less, and he never quite looked the same even
though he had some occasional great games. Overall something changed at that moment. He's been "banged" up ever since. Never quite at full strength.
- His play this year. Horrible at times. Not the same Deron Williams we seen before, and loved. His jumper wasn't there, and he seemed to really struggle at times
even attacking the rim.
-His turnovers. Sloppy play from the All Star. Hard to watch this year, and it even cost us some games.
-Leadership. Where was it? He doesn't want to get in people's face, and "be that guy"? What the hell Deron?
-PGs dont win titles. Making Deron the cornerstone of the team wasn't going to get us a title. We had to get a better bigs, and a SG.

All in all though he will be missed, but at least the above points do make it a tad easier for me to let him go.
I still think he's got a really good side to him. He signs autographs, takes pictures with fans, good with charities etc.
I do wish him the best in NJ, and his future career.
I can't really complain about the package they got back in return. A top 3 pick that everyone wanted on draft day, a most likely top 5 pick in the upcoming draft, a servicable PG and even an additional 1st rounder from a known cellar-dwellar in GS. But, with that being said, they should've tried and tried again until they were completely out of options to add more pieces to the team over the rest of the life of Deron's contract. If that fails and he is adament about not re-signing, than fine, trade him. I feel this is way to early and a severe case of jumping the gun on KOC and the Greg Miller's part. Totally dissapointed and deflated.

Here's to the future, I guess.

time to change your name buddy ;-)
No, they already spoke with Sloan about it. He declined on coming back. They confirmed that on the News Conference yesterday that they have no intention on bringing Sloan back.
Who knows, this trade could very well be a good thing. Devon Harris's Stats aren't TERRIBLE.. I mean they're not AMAZING.. but they're not terrible. We needed a big guy and hopefully Favors will pick up that void, looking at some of his highlight videos, he looks like he's willing to get a little messy in the paint. Two First Round Draft picks and they could be Lottery picks, that should be good! :) I don't have anything bad to say about D-Will, after Sloan leaving, he got a lot of ridicule and lost a lot of fan support. So cheers to him for trading teams in my opinion.