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The Kids Are All Right


Well-Known Member
Ok so I just saw this movie last night. I thought it was a pretty enjoyable movie. But I found it interesting that after the movie I was left with the feeling that this movie didnt portray gay couples very well. The only reason I say this is because this movie proves alot of the points that I make on this website.

#1-In the first 10 minutes of the movie you get a very detailed visual description of how different heterosexual and homosexuals engage in sex. The lesbian couple is clearly trying to mimic heterosexual intercourse. It portrayed lesbian sex as extremely awkard and lacking intimacy.

#2- The entire relationship between Bening and Moore's characters were also trying to mimic the heterosexual relationship. Bening with very dominating, masculine, and "butch" characterisitcs, and Moore as the stay at home feminine type.

#3- The whole movie was also about how these two children (who both were born from each women) were raised in a two parent household but yet still craved and desired the attention of a true male father figure. Which Bening was clearly trying to provide for the family and of course she is bothered by this.

This movie was odd because it seemed it was trying to show how a lesbian based family can percieve as normal. But yet it portrayed how disfunctional it can become. As well as how these children have to face problems and issues that other children in a heterosexual household do not have to encounter. It almost seemed like there were some anti-gay tones in this movie.

But the movie ends as the title explains. The kids end up alright and love their family. But I was still left with a feeling that I should feel bad for these kids situation.

So for the people that have seen this movie what your feelings about this movie. Do you believe it portrayed homosexual relations in a positive or negative light?
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This movie sucks because real families aren't dysfunctional.

Totally fiction.

Gay people suck, and should be straightificated.

I heart bush.
It seems a little homophobic, all discussion of it should probably be banned from the board. Why were the lesbs only allowed to have 2 children. thats BS. I see hetero couples with more than that all the time. Discrimination if ya ask me.
I saw it months ago. Your "analysis" just didn't deserve a response.

Im gonna see the movie on Thursday night. That said, I can only imagine that Bean's analysis is so far off base it's ridiculous. It seems to me his only interaction with gays is throught TV or the movies. I feel sorry for him. really I do.
That said, I can only imagine that Bean's analysis is so far off base it's ridiculous.

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Dubya Tee Eff. We've lost him.
Kicky, did you not feel that the two children still wanting the attention of their "male father" was a slap in the face to lesbian parents?

The movie is basically saying that a two parent homosexual relationship still does not meet the needs of their children. Also the teen daughter definitely has ill towards her parents about them trying to create this artificial family.

Also Kicky, you really dont think that the beginning sex scene with the lesbian parents was degrating? Again its a slap in the face to lesbian women to portray their intimate relations as very ackward and lacking any intimacy.
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