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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

To sum this whole thread up.

The Democrats want people to be ok with lowering the standard to at which you should impeach a president(by alot), just because its Trump. Just because you don't like him. Some are ok with this. Some are not. The standard has gone so low that it is now ok to openly collude with the FBI and verifiably lie to courts to get spying warrants, also concoct conspiracies. As if that is a totally normal thing to do in politics now.


I dont know how you dont read that article and not see this. And thats is an editorial left leaning news outlet. Meaning, that is as good as they could spin the story.
Listen, NPC, I myself who hates Trump believe the Russian collusion with Trump is bogus. Certainly, they would prefer him over Hillary, however, because they probably felt they could more easily manipulate him. However, this does not exonerate what he did with Ukraine, which is not Russia, by the way. Nor does this excuse his defiance of Congressional subpoenas, which is obstruction of justice. Nor does it excuse him of multiple other impeachable offenses for which he is not being tried. And don't listen to Barr; he's disingenuous and biased. Furthermore, this story is a red herring.
The fact that the Democrats didn't say anything about Russia Gate in the articles of impeachment says everything you need to know about the legitimacy of the Mueller investigation and Russian Collusion.

I am so amazed at the amount of people who will gloss over what a debacle that was. The abuse of power is scary as hell. Top officials from the FBI, Media, and Democrats, all colluding to take on Trump.
The trade war with China has always been a Democrat issue and Trump stole it from them, then in typical Dem fashion they now hate it and criticize it.

Thats probably another reason more people will go to the side of Trump. Suddenly being against what you were for not the long ago, and its about benefitting the middel class and the economy, isnt the best way to win elections.

dude, most democrats remain in favor of strong protectionist policy versus China . They are not in favor of the results trump has delivered, which have hurt Americans and delivered little.

open market republicans who continue to support trump despite his anti globalist and protectionist policies are the hypocrites in this story.

im an open market guy who favors a tough stance with China because they manipulate markets and steal IP. so I have been a trump supporter on this policy. I have not been a fan of his trade policies with our allies.

Regrettably, he has been outmaneuvered and outplayed by the Chinese. He caved on phase one to build a case for re-election.

incompetence is the issue.
The fact that the Democrats didn't say anything about Russia Gate in the articles of impeachment says everything you need to know about the legitimacy of the Mueller investigation and Russian Collusion..

we’re dealing with Ukraine now. Dems passed on mueller months ago. Try to keep up
It doesn't really matter what I want. I wasn't stating what I want in that post. I was stating what is going to happen.

If you look at impeachment inquiry/impeachment + removal polls the American people are telling us all we need to know. Before the news regarding Ukraine released support for inquiry/impeachment was about 40%. Right after the news about Ukraine broke it rose sharply to about 47%. It peaked in mid October at about 49% and has been declining since. It's down to about 47%.

What does this tell us?

It says the American people were intrigued by the Ukraine scandal. They wanted to hear the story and come to a conclusion. Support peaked right around the time the hearings were to begin. The hearings took place and most Americans either 1) Felt it was a political game by democrats, 2) Felt like the testimonies relied too much on feelings/opinions/interpretations of what happened instead of hard evidence, 3) Believed the story but didn't find it damning enough to support impeachment.

Whatever the case democrats have failed to convince the public. The only things they've succeeded in doing is riling up Trump's hardcore base to be more passionate about 2020 than 2016, losing possible 2020 independent voters who are now upset that the only thing that is getting done is an impeachment they don't support, and very likely losing house seats in democrats won in Trump won districts in 2016.

2020 gonna be ugly for Dems trust me. If they thought 2016 was a nightmare... ay yi yi.

I have no dog in the fight by the way. I'm happily independent. Sick of 99% of these people this country puts in office tbh.

latest Fox News poll. Keep in mind, this is Fox News:

This is for impeachment AND removal. It doesn’t appear like support for impeachment is declining, as your claimed previously.
we’re dealing with Ukraine now. Dems passed on mueller months ago. Try to keep up

The Mueller investigation is still very much a story. What? You think that you and all the other Trump haters can push a huge fake conspiracy like that for years, while using it as a basis for hating and wanting to impeach Trump. But when the truth comes out that it was all made up by the Dems, you think you just get to sweep it under the rug? Nice try. What a chicken **** move. You all are frauds and cowards. Its so weak that you can never stand behind your claims after the fact. So easy to run your mouths in the moment before all the evidence is available. If you had any integrity at all, the findings in this case should make you do a 180 on how you feel about Trump. But no, you are a partisan hack who doesn't actually care about the truth. Its either that or you are dumber than a box of rocks.

"A lie can make it half way around the world, while the truth is just putting on it's shoes" Sound familiar?

Ukraine is a ****ing joke too. So who cares what you move on too. We both know that you will just move from this soon enough anyways and avoid discussing it when more facts come out that point to the corruption of the Dems. This is the known cowardly style of the Democrats, and you fit right in with them.

But whatever. Trump is absolutely killing y'all. Pretty sad that with that much corruption power the Dems have with the media and deep state, that they cant beat a guy with practically no political allies and barely one news outlet to help him. All he has is his Twitter. He is killing you with his Twitter. That's the real reason why you hate him so much. He is beating you with such a simple strategy. Its like he is shaq just dunking on you all day and you dont have anyone good enough to stop him.

Teflon Don does it again. Completely destroying all the frauds and losers out there. Trump 2020 by a landslide.
Im not talking about on Jazzfanz. In general the Democrats used to care that China was stealing our jobs. At least it was with the voters. You dont think the working class who is at least half Democrat, didnt have a problem with losing jobs and the economy suffering? Its why Trump with all his faults still got elected. Its why half the Democrats moved to the right, and the other half moved to the left. The people with brains that didnt like where things were headed, and still wanted American opportunity, chose the Trump side. Also, those same people grew up, and usually when you grow up you lean more right. Thats a fact. So again, Trump with all his faults still got elected because it is an important issue.

I will give you a few more examples of how Trump stole issues from the left.

First, I think we can agree that the left has made some big strides the last 20 years in their agenda. Kudos to them. Some are really important issues. But now the script is getting flipped.

1. The left was the ideology that has always pushed for more freedom of expression. Whatever that may be. Now its the right trying to protect that. Trump is the result of the left pushing for being ok with vulgarity, braggadocio, promiscuity, humor, etc.. He is what the left has always wanted out in the open, and not behind the disguise of religious purity. Now the left is championing silencing freedom of expression. The left made their bed, they can sleep in it now.

2. Racism - the left is now out in the open and in the business of being racists. The right now i leading the fight.

3. The left used to be for women's rights. Now they are not and have put them at the bottom of the victim hierarchy. The right more than ever now is for women's rights. They are championing the cause.

The left has been reverse psychologied.

It is now cooler to be a Republican. Used to be the other way around. The left was edgy. The Republicans were the nerds. Thats has completely flipped. You are the ill informed nerd now. Snort snort he he.


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Thinking people (and by that, I mean Democrats and former Republicans who are now homeless waifs searching for a home) are still concerned about China. Just because we oppose an incoherent, losing strategy does not mean a sea change in opinion. Pulling out of the TPP, signaled a move away from the Pacific. Dumb. Picking a one on one fight with China, and losing at every turn, just shows this administration is playing checkers in a game of 3D chess. Dumber. It's okay to speak out against a stupid policy.

1. Huh? You can say whatever you want, but don't try to confuse/combine opinion with facts. The alternate reality that the Fox News/Trumpsters are selling is so demonstrably skewed as to be an affront to anyone with an 8th-grade education or higher. Don't demand that everyone accept the snake oil salesman as King Midas. Not everything he touches turns to gold, and not every falsehood that comes from his mouth is the truth. Calling out a liar does not mean you are against freedom of speech. It means you can see behind the curtain at the quack who is trying to pull the wool over your eyes.

2. Wake up! {insert Quin Snyder gif here}

3. See my response to 1. above. How you can construe anything coming from the right as "pro-women's rights" is beyond the pale.

If you had any integrity at all, the findings in this case should make you do a 180 on how you feel about Trump. But no, you are a partisan hack who doesn't actually care about the truth. Its either that or you are dumber than a box of rocks.

"A lie can make it half way around the world, while the truth is just putting on it's shoes" Sound familiar?

Trump is the emperor of the lie.

See the Washington Post:


I could never change my mind about the disgusting piece of crap that Trump is. Why are you so blind? Guess you have a lot of respect for someone who is married and says this about another woman, and this is on record:

"I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony **** and everything.

Yeah, that’s her . . . . I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything . . . Grab ’em by the *****. You can do anything."
His personality is so vile. How can you have respect for anyone like that? It's a reflection of either ignorance or of your own vile and warped value system.

The Mueller investigation is still very much a story. What? You think that you and all the other Trump haters can push a huge fake conspiracy like that for years, while using it as a basis for hating and wanting to impeach Trump. But when the truth comes out that it was all made up by the Dems, you think you just get to sweep it under the rug? Nice try. What a chicken **** move. You all are frauds and cowards. Its so weak that you can never stand behind your claims after the fact. So easy to run your mouths in the moment before all the evidence is available. If you had any integrity at all, the findings in this case should make you do a 180 on how you feel about Trump. But no, you are a partisan hack who doesn't actually care about the truth. Its either that or you are dumber than a box of rocks.

"A lie can make it half way around the world, while the truth is just putting on it's shoes" Sound familiar?

Ukraine is a ****ing joke too. So who cares what you move on too. We both know that you will just move from this soon enough anyways and avoid discussing it when more facts come out that point to the corruption of the Dems. This is the known cowardly style of the Democrats, and you fit right in with them.

But whatever. Trump is absolutely killing y'all. Pretty sad that with that much corruption power the Dems have with the media and deep state, that they cant beat a guy with practically no political allies and barely one news outlet to help him. All he has is his Twitter. He is killing you with his Twitter. That's the real reason why you hate him so much. He is beating you with such a simple strategy. Its like he is shaq just dunking on you all day and you dont have anyone good enough to stop him.

Teflon Don does it again. Completely destroying all the frauds and losers out there. Trump 2020 by a landslide.

Mueller exposed the trump corruption and put his inner circle cronies behind bars. Trump would be there too except for the shield of the presidency. Trump would be impeached and out of office if not for the Gonad-free republicans.

But go on with your hallucinations and fantasies. I doubt you believe half if it.
Basically the Dems hate Trump because he uses mean words. Meanwhile the Democrats commit one of the scariest abuses of power and conspiracy against the American people.

And we are supposed to care more about mean words.
Basically the Dems hate Trump because he uses mean words. Meanwhile the Democrats commit one of the scariest abuses of power and conspiracy against the American people.

And we are supposed to care more about mean words.
Mean words? What do you call what Trump does? Makes fun of disabled people, calls immigrants scum, berates poor people ... isn't that mean enough for you?
Mueller exposed the trump corruption and put his inner circle cronies behind bars. Trump would be there too except for the shield of the presidency. Trump would be impeached and out of office if not for the Gonad-free republicans.

But go on with your hallucinations and fantasies. I doubt you believe half if it.


All you got is charges that occurred because of perjury traps set by Mueller after the illegal spying on Trump. The only reason why the corrupt people haven't been put in jail yet is because of the House and FBI shield. But its coming.

You have absolutely nothing on Trump besides his potty mouth. All the facts about the fake Russia Collusion has been revealed. You aren't fooling anyone by pretending to be ignorant.
I had a great conversation with a Trump supporter tonight over beers. We talked policy, his communication strat, the whole deal. It was so pleasant and high fives.

**** the trump supporters in this thread. You guys are ****ing dicks.

There are nice, good trump folk out there just trying to do the right thing.

All you ****ing trolls can suck my dick. Get ****ed.

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