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The trade winds are a'blowin'...

It won’t work as only 1 can facilitate and he’s just a 19 yo rookie.
Simone and Lauri both do in international play. We should push the guys to do more. Most teams run one actual facilitator anyways. Let the rookie do more. Lauri draws quite a crowd anyways, that just swinging the ball away from him finds openings.

Besides like I said I don't care about the rest of the players so why do much with them. If this fails, fine we're in the same boat we are in now. We need a trade yesterday but sadly it will have to wait. We really needed to balance the roster a bit in the off season but obviously didn't.
Simone and Lauri both do in international play. We should push the guys to do more. Most teams run one actual facilitator anyways. Let the rookie do more. Lauri draws quite a crowd anyways, that just swinging the ball away from him finds openings.

Besides like I said I don't care about the rest of the players so why do much with them. If this fails, fine we're in the same boat we are in now. We need a trade yesterday but sadly it will have to wait. We really needed to balance the roster a bit in the off season but obviously didn't.
Simone did a bit but not sure about Lauri. He don’t really pass / make plays for others in fact he have plenty of games with 0 assist. He pass in traffic. He is like a receiver who takes it to the end zone. If he can somehow develop this skill set it will help reduce the load from our guards and make him an overall better player.
If no one is untouchable, why are we even doing this? The goal is not to acquire assets, it is to win games. We traded Donny and Rudy when they both had lots of tread left on the tires. Continuing to do that is ridiculous.
Yes on Lauri, Yes on Keyonte.

"Untouchable" may have been a stretch but there's no desire to trade a guy who's 7' and shoots ~50/40/85. Perfect off-ball scoring threat in today's game. Lots of organizational belief in KG's raw ability. They want to let him play through early-career bumps in the road.

View: https://twitter.com/JWeinbachNBA/status/1730350969790370302?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1730350969790370302%7Ctwgr%5Ef35438abcc08908ddb2d4f95216c7f27c1d57f01%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.iltalehti.fi%2Fjaakiekko%2Fa%2Ffa1f4496-ef7e-493b-8947-23400085ecd9
If no one is untouchable, why are we even doing this? The goal is not to acquire assets, it is to win games. We traded Donny and Rudy when they both had lots of tread left on the tires. Continuing to do that is ridiculous.
There's an emphasis so much on the means to the ends that we end up viewing the means as the ultimate ends.
We have two paths forward at this time. We have 12 months to really decide imo. Either make a trade with some of the assets to put a fringe AS type player next to Lauri that makes the fit work as well and hope the kids grow fast. Move Lauri and embark on the longer process with even more assets to hopefully ensure it is successful.

I really see that as the two paths even if we extend Lauri this summer (which we should do either way). We could extend Lauri but if we don't put an AS around him I think we end up moving him a year or two later. Its just hard to embark on a 3-4 year patient process with an all star that is 26. I understand the approach as you are hoping the right thing shakes loose... imagine a Tyrese Haliburton type player becomes available... or you are hoping a rookie becomes a huge fast success.
Let's just say there is one untouchable player on the roster, and 1-2 others they would prefer to keep. Everyone else - and I mean everyone (including those 1-2) - is available for the right price. The goal remains to build our war chest of draft capital/cap space and be extremely aggressive in the trade market throughout 2024-2025.

FO is higher on this draft than most (including us collectively). Maybe that's real, maybe that's just for the perceived value of a top 5 pick from a return standpoint.

Gonna get worse before it gets much, much better.
So sellers and not buyers this and next season is what I hear you saying. Seriously??? Like we don’t have enough in the “untouchable” War Chest already. I’m outing Ainge as the real life Christian Barbow in his quest to collect and horde his precious 30 Coins.
So sellers and not buyers this and next season is what I hear you saying. Seriously??? Like we don’t have enough in the “untouchable” War Chest already. I’m outing Ainge as the real life Christian Barbow in his quest to collect and horde his precious 30 Coins.

When you really look at it closely we don't have that much in the so called war chest right now. The next couple Minny picks have a high likelihood of being late 1st rd pick. The potential of the cavs picks are starting to look a little better but I still think they are likely mid 1st rd picks at best. It is impossible to have a good feel for that laker pick right now but I doubt it is viewed all that highly in a trade right now. Then of course our own pick can't even be traded with the thunder having protection on it. Then you look at our young prospects and there isn't a ton of trade value there either with them all being unproven and Hardy not all that focused on developing them.
Yes on Lauri, Yes on Keyonte.

"Untouchable" may have been a stretch but there's no desire to trade a guy who's 7' and shoots ~50/40/85. Perfect off-ball scoring threat in today's game. Lots of organizational belief in KG's raw ability. They want to let him play through early-career bumps in the road.
Except he hasn’t been 50/40/85 this year and hasn’t been as good this year. This team construction is completely broken. The only players right now I don’t want to see traded is the rookies and sophomores everyone else should go for the right price.
When you really look at it closely we don't have that much in the so called war chest right now. The next couple Minny picks have a high likelihood of being late 1st rd pick. The potential of the cavs picks are starting to look a little better but I still think they are likely mid 1st rd picks at best. It is impossible to have a good feel for that laker pick right now but I doubt it is viewed all that highly in a trade right now. Then of course our own pick can't even be traded with the thunder having protection on it. Then you look at our young prospects and there isn't a ton of trade value there either with them all being unproven and Hardy not all that focused on developing them.
I guess it’s really a matter of perspective. I mean with 13 potential bites at the apple between now and 29 we have one of the fullest War Chests in the League. I mean so what that most of the non Jazz picks will be lower first round. (And this year looks like we’re aiming lottery with our own even though they promised again that we were aiming playoffs). Does anybody remember where MVP Jokic was taken? How about Butler?

So twelve for sure - I mean, you realize that’s an entire squad right. So that means that we have to keep playing this silly tournament fishing game (catch and release) for the next five + years?

Stuck in the Turnstile. Welcome to the new Detroit!
Last years team would beat this team. Even JC, Sexton, and THT were better last year.
This is something that should be very concerning to everyone when it comes to Hardy. Virtually every single player that was on this roster last year has regressed at least a little bit. I suppose you can make a case for Ochai recently but that feels a little more in spite of Hardy rather than because of him since Hardy hasn't exactly shown much trust in his based on his inconsistent minutes this year.
Except he hasn’t been 50/40/85 this year and hasn’t been as good this year. This team construction is completely broken. The only players right now I don’t want to see traded is the rookies and sophomores everyone else should go for the right price.

He's 48.4/38.3/84.0.

Hard to repeat last year's performance given the quality of guards he's playing with.
This is something that should be very concerning to everyone when it comes to Hardy. Virtually every single player that was on this roster last year has regressed at least a little bit. I suppose you can make a case for Ochai recently but that feels a little more in spite of Hardy rather than because of him since Hardy hasn't exactly shown much trust in his based on his inconsistent minutes this year.
I mean, I dont think any player has gotten worse, the situation is just worse for everyone.

Guys like Simone/Ochai are looking decent (or better to compared to last year) because they were rookies who have adjusted and for the most part get to stay in their comfortable lane.

THT is trying to be an engine of an offense who is primarily responsible for getting things going.

Sexton is trying to play off-ball.

Clarkson is trying to be the primary initiator of a starting unit.

The starting unit has much worse spacing.